Eddie Mallon arrived at his mother’s house in Stony Brook on Long Island at dawn; a red sky, a frail arrangement of still clouds tinted by thin sunlight. He parked his Cherokee, then walked up on to the porch. He could hear the 24-hour radio station his mother favoured, big-band stuff of the 1940s, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw. ‘Stars Fell on Alabama.’
He opened the front door and called out, ‘Hello?’ and Flora appeared in the kitchen doorway. She rose every morning of her life at daybreak and set about pruning, clipping, planting. Her garden was no mild hobby. It was serious business, an escape to a fragrant world of petal, stamen, pollination.
She was a small white-haired woman with pale red cheeks and rounded features. She looked, Eddie sometimes thought, like the Universal Grandmother. She stood on tiptoe to kiss her son.
‘Surprise surprise, a dawn visitor,’ she said. ‘Tea?’
Eddie shook his head. ‘I’d prefer coffee.’ Then he remembered she’d quit drinking caffeine. He wondered how to approach the matter of his father. Direct. Say what you have to, then deal with the consequences.
‘I can do you a herbal tea,’ she said.
‘How about plain old water, Ma?’ He followed her inside the kitchen.
‘Just passing, did you say? You’re so transparent, Eddie. I’ve been expecting you.’ She flipped the switch of an electric kettle.
‘You heard …?’ He wondered if Joyce had called after all.
‘Rennie phoned from Glasgow to tell me.’
‘A cousin of mine. She was married to Nick.’
Who the hell were Rennie and Nick? There were so many relatives in the old country, uncles, aunts, cousins, second cousins, people Eddie Mallon knew nothing about, strangers’ faces in hefty photo-albums Flora dragged out whenever she’d had more than two glasses of vodka. This is Sammy, my sister Sally’s husband in Pollokshaws. Here’s Willie and Anne at their silver wedding at the Grosvenor.
‘How are you taking it? How are you feeling?’ he asked.
Flora said, ‘It was like I’d been struck on the head … I’m not sure I believe he’s dead yet.’
Eddie drank his water, then set his empty glass in the sink. The kettle boiled, switched itself off. Flora dumped a tea bag into a mug decorated with a toadstool. The tea smelled of raspberry.
Flora said, ‘I turned the radio on a minute ago and the band was playing “Moonlight in Vermont”, and I thought of your father, and I remembered we danced together at the Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow and that was one of the tunes they played. He loved to dance. He was so nimble.’ She looked at Eddie. ‘Did he ever tell you he wanted to be a soccer player?’
‘No. I knew he enjoyed the game. He took me to a couple of matches, I remember.’
‘When he was eighteen he had a trial for a team called Third Lanark. The coach wasn’t impressed. Jackie was so disappointed. He wanted to be a football hero, get his face on a cigarette card, newspaper clippings. “Mallon scores winning goal in the last minute.” His whole life might have gone in another direction if he’d played well that day.’
Eddie touched the back of his mother’s hand and thought: she seems to be taking it well. But why shouldn’t she? She hadn’t seen Jackie Mallon for thirty years, and so far as Eddie knew hadn’t spoken to him in all that time. She’d loved him enough to marry him, but after so long a separation even the strongest of loves would surely deteriorate into a series of small regrets and smudged memories.
Eddie said, ‘So he never became a football hero.’
‘He didn’t become any kind of hero.’
‘We can’t all be hotshots. Most of us make compromises with our ambitions, Ma. Dad made them. He quit dreaming and went into business.’
Flora looked at her son. ‘Business? Is that what you call it? Fireplaces and doors ripped out of old houses, fancy ironwork, lead guttering. He had that warehouse in Bluevale Street crammed with mountains of absolute junk piled up with no sense or order.’
Eddie Mallon remembered the warehouse, and how it smelled of rust and damp and paraffin. It was a wonderland of the used and discarded, busted statues and skewed sundials and rusted iron radiators, ancient Singer sewing machines and old Underwood typewriters and valve radios from the 1930s and ’40s. Jackie always had a nightwatchman around in case of thieves, and warehousemen in grey coats who had pencils stuck behind their ears and smoked Woodbines all day long. At night guard dogs were left behind to roam the premises, fierce beasts with fangs.
Flora said, ‘I always thought he could have done much better than become a glorified junk man.’
‘Ma –’ But Eddie wasn’t sure how he wanted to continue. He was no junk collector, Ma. Let’s give him some dignity: call him what he called himself, an architectural salvage dealer. When an old house was about to be demolished, he was there, studying, picking, assessing.
Flora smiled a little sadly. She spoke as if to herself. ‘He was a beautiful man to look at. And charm? In abundance. He could talk the moon out of a cloudy sky. Sometimes we’d be walking along Alexandra Parade and all the girls would turn their heads when we strolled past, and I was the one on his arm. I was so proud. Other women wanted him and they’d do anything underhand to get him. And your father was easily led, Eddie. He had the ego of a film star. He couldn’t pass a shop window without glancing at himself.’ Couldnae pass … She’d shed most of her native accent; but when she spoke of the past she sometimes slipped into Glasgow dialect. ‘And then I think of that time in Largs and how sweet life was in the beginning.’
Whenever Flora spoke of Jackie Mallon, the coastal town of Largs invariably arose and her expression became glazed: she had a golden memory of Largs where she’d honeymooned with Jackie. Eddie wondered why she’d never found a new husband, or even a lover. She’d buried herself in teaching grade school and then when she retired she’d hit the horticultural books vigorously. And suddenly this little house in Stony Brook overflowed with plants; a greenhouse out back was crammed with growing things. Flora worked at her gardening with the zeal of a Victorian botanist.
She said, ‘I confronted him a couple of times about his … amorous misadventures. He always looked so ashamed. It would never happen again, he’d say. But it did. Then after you were born my priorities shifted – I just wanted to keep a nice house and raise my family. Jackie could have had a harem for all I cared. I wanted respectability.’
She blew her nose into a tissue she plucked from a box on the table. ‘Salvage,’ she said, as if the failure of the marriage could be crystallized in this one word she obviously found so distasteful that it seemed to stick, like some bitter tablet, at the back of her throat.
Eddie moved close to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. ‘Joyce wants me to attend the funeral.’
‘Jackie was your father, Eddie. If you want to see him buried, that’s perfectly natural.’
Eddie Mallon was a little uncomfortable. He wondered if he was being disloyal to his mother. No, I’m not betraying her, I’m going to help bury my father, it’s what a son does, even if his parents have been estranged for years, even if he’s lived with his mother in the United States and he hasn’t seen his father since 1969 in Glasgow. Taking sides doesn’t come into it.
Death negates the need for diplomacy.
He wondered if Flora knew about the letters and birthday cards that had started to arrive from Jackie seven or eight years ago or the phone calls Jackie made a couple of times a year, or the fact Eddie had phoned his father from Queens. Eddie could still remember how that first letter had begun: Dear Eddie, It would be unnatural if you didn’t think bad of me. Christmas packages had begun to arrive later, gifts of Scottish origin, tartan scarves, fruit-cake, McCowan’s toffee and Edinburgh rock for Mark.
During one of his phone calls Jackie had said, What I did was a big mistake, and there was the dolorous note in his voice of a man who’d drunk just enough to be honest. Hacking the family apart like that was a bloody selfish cruelty, Eddie. Now I wish I’d told your mother to keep you and your sister together. But no, no, I knew better, I chose another way.
If Flora knew about any of this, she never said so.
‘Does anyone have any idea who killed him?’ Flora asked.
‘Joyce didn’t say,’ Eddie remarked.
‘Killers always go to the Bad Fire,’ she said.
He was surprised to hear her utter this phrase from childhood, and even more surprised by the fact she hadn’t used it with any flippancy. She’d said it seriously. It was where sinners were sent in Glasgow. You’ll go to the Bad Fire if you steal, if you lie, if you cheat, if you swear … Parents told kids that. Eddie would lie awake in Granny Mallon’s third-floor flat in Bathgate Street and see flames created by streetlights in the folds of the blinds. He believed the Bad Fire lay in the street below and if he went to the window at night he’d see the pavement explode and people coming home from the pubs get sucked through a slit into the inferno.
‘I stopped believing in the Bad Fire long ago,’ he said.
‘Not me,’ she said. She stepped towards Eddie and held him a moment and he thought he detected a shiver run through her, as if she were suppressing an emotion. ‘He must have had enemies, Eddie.’
Eddie shrugged. ‘You don’t know that. He might have been shot by somebody who didn’t know him. A random slaying. A robbery. We don’t have the facts.’
‘That time he went to jail,’ she said, then she paused.
Jail … Eddie remembered how he’d constructed a fiction in which Jackie hadn’t been incarcerated for eight weeks in Barlinnie, that austere fortress in the far eastern reaches of Glasgow. No, Jackie was secretly working for the government in an unspecified country overseas, fighting in something called the Cold War, which Eddie always imagined took place in the Arctic, tanks camouflaged white, soldiers with frostbitten noses.
He wanted to be proud of his dad. He wanted to adore him.
Flora said, ‘He was never quite the same after jail. He was harder under the surface.’
Eddie had to ransack his memory. What crime had Jackie allegedly committed anyway? It came back to him in a flash, a little nugget of recall. Possession of stolen goods.
Flora continued: ‘He met men in jail who didn’t think twice about violence. Hard men. And Jackie had never been a violent person. He never once raised a hand to me all the time I knew him. But after Barlinnie, nobody could ever convince me he was the same man. I don’t mean he started beating us up or anything like that –’
‘He was angry with the system, Ma. He was embittered. He always said he was innocent. He was adamant about that. I remember he kept saying he’d done nothing wrong.’
Flora wasn’t listening to him. ‘He became withdrawn and furtive and he’d vanish for days at a time. He had a look on his face that said, Don’t ask me where I’ve been, woman. Just don’t ask. So I never did. He came and he went … And then out of the blue we moved up in the world, from Granny Mallon’s flat in Bathgate Street to a house in Onslow Drive, and I didn’t know how Jackie could afford a place like that on the money he made selling junk out of that bloody warehouse.’
She sat down at the table. She was reflected in the polished wood like somebody drowning in brown water. Eddie Mallon remembered moving house. Less than a mile separated Bathgate Street from Onslow Drive, but the houses in Onslow Drive weren’t decrepit tenements, they were smart terraced properties, your own garden front and back. People living there belonged to a class that enjoyed a certain genteel prosperity.
‘Obviously he made some good business deals,’ Eddie said.
‘Is that what you really believe?’
‘Why not? What are you trying to say – he sometimes walked on the wrong side of the street? He ran some scams, broke some laws? How can you be absolutely sure of that?’ He thought of Jackie Mallon saying: I was never a criminal, son. Remember that. If anybody says anything against me at your school, learn to ignore it. I was the victim of spiteful men. That’s the truth.
The victim of spiteful men.
You don’t know anything about him, Eddie, do you? You don’t know how the man lived his life. You remember him the way a small kid might remember the scent and texture of a long-lost security blanket or a favourite teddy bear. You wanted more than that. All through the years of separation you longed for reconciliation.
Flora patted the side of her son’s face. ‘Oh, Eddie. He’s stone-cold dead, but he’s still got you thinking good things about him. What a bloody great talent it is to get the benefit of the doubt – even after you’re gone.’
Eddie Mallon said, ‘I missed him when I was growing up, so okay – maybe I idealized him a little. A kid misses his dad.’
Flora said, ‘If you go to Glasgow you’ll get to meet the mysterious Senga.’
‘Is she so mysterious?’ Eddie asked.
‘I don’t know the first thing about her. Admittedly, I haven’t inquired too closely. She’s been with Jackie for what – twenty years? Just think. If he’d married her she’d be your stepmother. There’s a thought for you, Eddie.’
Flora sagged suddenly; she hunched over the table.
‘You okay, Ma?’
‘Just a little breathless. It’ll pass. My days are usually more humdrum. This is …’
‘Are you sure that’s all?’
‘I’m sure.’
He stood over her. He noticed her hair was thinning, her pink scalp faintly visible on the crown of her head through a white lattice-work of strands. He imagined her growing infirm and still somehow managing to hobble out to the greenhouse, watering can trembling in her hand. He wondered if Senga looked the same age as Flora, and if she had that same grandmotherly vibe about her – then he remembered Joyce had described her as red-haired and tall and flamboyant, a vibrant character. My stepmother, he thought. But Jackie hadn’t taken the conjugal route with Senga, who had the status of a common-law wife.
He said, ‘I have to make some travel arrangements. You sure you’re okay?’
‘I’m fine, fine.’ She walked with him to the door. She held his elbow tightly. Stepping on to the porch, Eddie saw distress on his mother’s face. ‘I missed him too,’ she said.