Copyright © Natural Heritage/Natural History Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Natural Heritage, P.O. Box 69, Station H, Toronto, Ontario M4C 5H7
Previously published, 1986, by Irwin Publishing Inc.
Canadian Cataloguing In Publication Data
Barkhouse, Joyce, 1913-
A name for himself
Rev. ed.
ISBN 0-920474-58-6
1. Raddall, Thomas H., 1903- - Biography.
2. Novelists, Canadian (English) - 20th century - Biography.* I. Title.
PS8535.A33Z58 1990 C813'.54 C90-093639-8 PR9199.3.R33Z58 1990
Every effort has been made to locate and acknowledge the correct copyright owners. Quotations from In My Time, His Majesty’s Yankees, and Hangman’s Beach by Thomas Head Raddall have been used with the permission of the author and The Canadian Publishers, McClelland and Stewart, Toronto.
The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council.
Cover Design: Steve Eby
Cover photo: Thomas Raddall, in his study at the height of his career. Courtesy, Dalhousie University Archives.
Printed and bound in Canada by Imprimerie Gagné Ltée