THANK YOU TO EVERYONE up and down Allen Road in Brodnax, Virginia, who loved me and formed me when I was young. And thanks to the many women and men from Virginia to New York who claimed me as their son. I appreciate you!

My deep thanks also to all of my friends and colleagues in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, especially Ashley Byrd for calling me to Jesus, Brunel Bienvenu for always requesting me as his roommate, and Emily Craig for doing a lot more than being an administrative assistant. The presence of IVCF NY/NJ in my life reminds me of the power of a praying mother.

A specials thanks to my wife, Priscilla, along with Pete and Geri Scazzero, Dr. Charles Bershatsky, Alan and Elissa Lin-Rathe, Carolyn Carney and David Larabee, Orlando and Maritza Crespo, Marten and Valeria Hoekstra, and Jason and Sophia Gaboury for creating sacred space for me to feel seen, heard, and safe. Without you, none of this would be possible.

And to Al Hsu and InterVarsity Press, thank you for the opportunity to write this book and your partnership in pressing into the presence of God for knowledge, wisdom, and a deeper sense of his leading. Thank you!

Last and most important, all praise and thanks to God our Father, because apart from him I am nothing, but with Christ, I am made whole.