1. Download the StoryCorps App. Visit this webpage to get tips, ideas, and best practices:
Take some time to listen to some of the most popular interviews on StoryCorps.
Now go and do your own!
2. Here is a sample script to start your recording: My name is _____. I am __ years old, and I am here with _______. My hope is to better understand ethnic identity, justice, and reconciliation. Specifically, I want to learn __________ because I don’t know ______ and haven’t experienced _____________. I appreciate _____ taking the time to share his/her story with me.
Could you tell me a little about your mom and dad, and where they were from?
What were a few of the common sounds and smells in the house where you grew up?
What phrases, sayings, or languages stick with you from your childhood?
What would a typical meal during the week look like for you? (Example: What was in your school lunch or for dinner on a Tuesday night?)
What did you see and hear when you stepped out of your front door?
Who were some of your favorite people in your neighborhood? Why?
What are/were some of the experiences that made you feel at home there or unwelcome?
What are your fears or hesitations about talking about race and racism with white people?
With people of your ethnic identity?
With people of other ethnic backgrounds?
What advice, warnings, or orders did your parents or grandparents give you about friendships and dating?
What were the education and career expectations for you?
How does your family treat its elders?
What is one thing you wish your white friends understood about you and your background?
What questions do you wish those from other ethnic backgrounds would ask or not ask?
What experiences would you invite your friends of different ethnicities to in order to get to know you better?
What is the most important thing you would like for me and listeners to remember from our time together?
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I really appreciate ______.
The hashtag for this exercise is #12Lies. Please share your interviews with us and others online!