Men and women move out of Dash’s way as he walked down the hallway. He licked his fingers at the tips then entered in another room with a white throne. He sat on it slowly then his eyes glowed with white fire. Men and women kneeled before him.
He turned his head to them. “Anyone who gets in the way of the Light Group will be subject to death. There is no universal way around it. I am the next in command and will take control of what I desire. We will move our efforts into other mediums.”
A man with spiky auburn hair, wearing a white suit, a poka dot shirt underneath his jacket stepped forward, “where shall we place our mediums at?”
Dash glanced at the man and sniggered. “Kilian, let the others fight over the child of prophesy. We have other big things. I know we will get everything big going. I know Karly sent out Showman and Nostromo. I allowed that because sometimes it is better to watch the simple prey move versus the whole.”
“In time, the little rogue group will allow us to see where the child of prophesy is. We are better to sit back and see where everything unfolds. We can await in the shadows to watch Hans, Alanis, Cersin and Coen do. We are the light after all. We have better rulership.” Dash grinned.
Kilian heaved a sigh then shook his head, “Dash, what are we going to do when the child of prophesy runs away. How will be able to track it?”
Dash stood up and walked to Kilian. “I just want you to watch what happens, Kilian. We will have an important role, but once we have the identity, everything else is irrelevant. I am the one who will be over them, for I have the just cause to outwit and beat them all”
Dash sauntered past the people and saw their leader leave. He was a mystery to them. Dash wasn’t even human. They would follow the man, but would never know his true intentions until too late.
Nostromo and Showman stood outside some of the schools with scanners in their hands. In the bushes, they look at the energy readings of each child. Nostromo and Showman sigh for it was becoming difficult to test and find out which child it was. Nostromo and Showman sighed again as they continued on with their search.
Some children ran and played outside. The men continued to read the readings to get something, but nothing was coming up.
Coen laid in the sun on a fold out chair. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air sensing another person coming toward him. He turned over and sighed as the scents were coming closer to him. He glowered as moved over then leaned upward. Coen opened his eyes revealing slits in his eyes. He turned to look the human and scowled.
“What news do you have for me?” Coen barked.
The human turned in fear then stepped back as another man moved in front of her. He placed his hand in front of her. His dark slit eyes bared no fear, he had long hair that bathed in the sun, a tall figure and tanned. His brown eyes hid his other intents lurking behind them. He hissed at Coen then looked up at the sun.
“Stop your shivering and get up to remember that Pisces left us with something. The signs show its arrival is near,” the man hissed at Coen.
Coen gradually got out of his seat and stared at the man, “Ine, what do you want?”
Coen moved over to the small table to put a towel over his shoulders, “I want you to see that we have to follow Pisces to bring in the champion.”
Coen frowned at Ine, “what champion?”
“Before Pisces receded in power, he had mentioned a champion to become the messiah to his cause. Once the champion is awakened, he will lead us in a great war to set Pisces free from the chains.” Ine motioned, “the Champion of Pisces must be found, Coen. Other figure heads have their own analogies of power, but to gain the champion is ultimate power.”
Coen stood up and stared at his shadow. Things were becoming clearer since the division. They had a direct mission. Others were focused on finding the child of prophesy, but not the champion.
He turned to Ine and sighed, “set everything in motion to find the champion.”
“We have to wait for the awakening otherwise we will never find the champion. The child of prophesy and champion are linked together. Once the identity of child is found, so too will the champion.” Ine said slowly.
Coen glanced at Ine with suspicion, “are you sure?”
Ine glared at Coen. “I am your second in command, would I stir you wrong? In a time of war, loyalty should be rewarded, not distrusted. Remember Coen, our believers placed you at the helm, it’s not a divine right.”
Ine sauntered away from Coen smiling for one day, he would get one over the man. Ine had to play everything on a gamble. He had to wait for the champion to appear in order to take from Coen. Ine wanted the power for himself and felt better suited to serve the master of many names.
Aquarian looked up at the constellations and sighed. Some meters flew overhead. The darkness of the void shifted like a clock. He leaned back in his seat and studied the stars. He opened his hand and felt the energy of Aquarius power into him. He gradually got up and stopped at feeling the presence of Fate and Destiny. They began to weave a new thread.
“What brings you here, Fate and Destiny?” Aquarian asked the maidens.
“The arrival is soon to come. The arrival will blanket this world in a division,” Fate specified.
“The shades of Pisces will become overused. The five great leads will conquer if they unite. Each goes for something else. You are warned,” Destiny shrugged.
“The champion will become hard to seek and destroy by the bout of child of prophesy. The child will be parted with power and it will be split into others. The prophesy is of the child, but not to one.” Fate said in a mystical voice.
“The power resides in select but the majority is in the child. He is the champion of Aquarius,” Destiny said softly.
“I need good news, Fate and Destiny,” Aquarian nodded.
“The child of prophesy will one day fight the great war heads. Remember the time for battles is at hand, for you will unite then divide to protect everything. You must remember that life is important and the darkness mustn’t win or the galaxy is doomed,” Fate and Destiny uttered.
Fate and Destiny began to fade and Aquarian sighed, for he had to make sure that child of prophesy was all right. Skipper had survived and sacrifice so much to protect them all. Skipper was the champion of the Aquarian Age. Aquarian rubbed his face for things went in different directions.
Skipper marched to his class then glanced at Jenny down the hallway. They smiled to one another then moved over to her. She giggled at him then blushed.
“Hey,” Jenny smiled.
“Hi,” Skipper slyly said.
“I haven’t seen much of you in the last several days,” she said lightly.
“I’ve been focusing on a lot of new things that are happening at home,” Skipper looked around trying to keep the conversation in a hush.
“So, I will see you later tonight when you pick me up?” Jenny fluttered her eyelids.
“Yeah. I look forward to the dance,” Skipper smirked.
“Bye, Skipper,” she said watching him a little bit longer.
“Bye, Jenny,” he said to her politely.
Skipper waved by to her then walked down the aisle then glanced at Tommen who glowered then ran off. Skipper doubted what was wrong with Tommen. He had called him friend and the young boy was being weird around him. Skipper shook his head then turned to see Zeke staring at him. Zeke marched over to him and pushed him into the lockers. Some students nearby called out a fight.
Skipper glared at Zeke, “what is your problem?”
“You chose, Raven, over me. How could you? We’re supposed to be friends. I’ve had your back since elementary school. I defended you against all these people who tried to do harm to you, Skipper. What gives!” Zeke thundered.
Skipper narrowed his eyes at Zeke then pushed him off. “I different now. I never chose a side. You wanted me to choose a side. You’re the one who put a label on it. I told you she is a friend too. What is your problem with me being friends with her?”
“Zeke, you are the one who is afraid of change. I told you that we are friends, but how can I keep being your friend and alienate her. She is my friend. I want to protect the people I love and care about. She is a person who is important to me just as you were.” Skipper continued.
“You’ve changed. What does she have that I don’t know?” Zeke shook his head then glared at the people around them.
“Raven is special and is an honest person. She may not show it all the time, but she is a caring person who understands that at the bigger level.” Skipper lightly itemized.
Zeke narrowed his eyes and pushed passed Skipper then turned around. “We’re aren’t friends anymore, Skipper. Consider our friendship toasted. You’re dead to me.”
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Zeke. It’s really silly if you think it’s her stealing me away from you. We can still be friends,” Skipper crossed his arms glaring at his friend.
“We can’t. You just told me in your wording that were friends. You made the choice. I’m going to make you see that you make a big mistake in making me an enemy.” Zeke sinisterly said to him.
Zeke frowned then ran off. Other students dissipated as they weren’t going to get a fight from either of them. Skipper looked at Zeke’s retreating form. He didn’t understand fully what was going on with Zeke. He thought they were friends, but things were changing rapidly. He had such a bad reaction to him becoming something more. Skipper was changing for the better. He turned to see Raven blushing at him.
She ambled over to him and smiled, “thank you for standing up for me, Skipper. That means a lot to me.”
“Friends do that for one another and your no exception to that rule,” Skipper smiled looking at her.
“Skipper after the dance, you will need to say your goodbyes,” Raven remarked.
“Will you be coming with me?” Skipper asked with hesitation.
“Do you want me there beside you?” Raven asked him for she feared what he would might say.
“Raven, of course, I want you there. I don’t know this world of yours. I need a friend to keep me in check and help me out. I know you have been more of mentor to me, but I see you as a friend. I need you as a friend, despite what happened. I am trying to accept all of this but I see your reasonings. It’s time to move into my destiny as the champion for Aquarian Age.” Skipper beamed once more.
She pouted with her upper lip and some tears threatened to fall. She had never heard someone tell her that they needed her. She filled with joy because she thought of herself as a nuisance to him. Raven would never tell him but she was proud that he stood up for her and understood her reasons. She was a friend to him and was loyal. She put a piece of her hair behind her ear and smiled warmly to Skipper.
“I will be there always beside you, Skipper,” Raven nodded her head then walked away from him with a big smile.
The night’s stars sparkled in the sky as the light from the school was seen faraway. The air chilled at which Skipper sauntered up slowly to a gray looking house in the distance. He held onto a flower for Jenny. Skipper gulped as he approached her house. He moved closer to the door then opened it. He paused for a moment then knocked. A few minutes later, the door opened to show a middle-aged man with a mustache. He crossed his arms together looking at Skipper.
“Hello sir, I’m here to pick up Jenny to go to the dance?” Skipper nervously said.
A voice called the man to step aside and showed Jenny looking at Skipper. She wore a bright pink sleeveless dress, shaped to her body, and wearing pink slippers. She strode in front of her father and grinned at Skipper then extending her hand after she saw the flower he carried. He placed it on her wrist as he looked at her. Her father backed away and they strolled out. She waved to her father goodnight. Skipper nervously said bye as the man closed the door.
“Don’t worry so much. I gave him the speech earlier that you will have me home by 10 pm. I know you will be good and on your best behavior,” Jenny laughed.
Skipper scratched his head and sighed, “he’s still a dad and worried about his little girl. Jenny, I can be somewhat scared.”
They strode down the street with the lights on and she stopped to kiss him on the cheek, “don’t worry about it, Skipper.”
She held onto him and smiled. Skipper blushed a little then continued to walk.
Paul and Gladys looked out their window as they saw the clouds shift in color. The looked down at the letter in their hands.
I will be coming soon…
Paul and Gladys glowered for tonight their son would leave and they couldn’t nearly do anything about it.
A figure stood on a hill overlooking the town. The cloaked figure looked in the distance to see a growing green and blue energy building up. A clash of red energy began to cloud around it.
“So, it begins tonight.” The figure motioned.
Neon lights and smoke flew across the floor as the DJ spun the beats inside the auditorium. Dozens of kids danced with one another. Many teachers stood to the side looking students move back and forth. The DJ announced the change in the music and the students jumped up and down. Many danced to the wild music as it changed. Other students stood by the refreshments tables eating some food and getting drinks. Some chaperoned parents stood off to the sides looking at their own children. Others danced to the modern music as some elderly teachers tapped their feet to the music. The doors soon opened up with Skipper and Jenny moving to the beat. Jenny saw her friends dancing on the floor and waved to them.
They began to start dancing to the beat once they heard it. Skipper smiled and spun her around as the music changed once more. Jenny and Skipper continued to look at one another as they danced. The music continued on as it shifted back and forth. Tommen drank some of his punch on the sidelines and glanced at everyone.
Zeke walked over to him and narrowed his eyes at him. “Why are you here, Tommen?”
Tommen looked at Zeke oddly. “What’s wrong with you? It’s a dance. I came because
wanted to be here.”
Zeke turned his head toward Skipper dancing with Jenny. He frowned then hit the wall. “It’s a dance and I don’t need no one.”
Tommen groaned as he looked at them, “Zeke, I just think your jealous that Skipper is growing. He is learning more about himself and changing. Don’t you like change?”
Zeke shook his head, “I’m not jealous, Tommen. I can handle change. Don’t make me the enemy.”
Tommen moved away from Zeke and finished his drink, “there was something that was growing in me a few days ago but it’s gone. I felt like I was changing and it was taking root deep inside.”
“What do you mean?” Zeke threateningly said.
“I was changing and I didn’t want Skipper to change and there was this darkness. I guess whatever it was is gone now,” Tommen nodded then turned away.
Zeke’s eyes flashed red and the glared at Tommen. He held a hand over his heart to feel a red and dark aura deep inside of him, as he looked at Skipper and Jenny dancing while having fun. The couple moved in and danced with one another. The darkness continued to build deep inside of him. Zeke liked his friend to need him and now Skipper didn’t. He didn’t need Zeke for anything. The dark burning feelings continued to fester deep inside of him over the days and he wanted to get rid of everyone and go back to normal. His eyes continued to flash red as he pressed a hand to his forehead feeling a dark wind flow around him. The symbol of Pisces appeared on his forehead. At the same time, the symbol of Aquarius appeared on Skipper’s forehead. He turned to feel a dark portentous presence. The symbol soon faded and he turned to see Zeke staring at him with glossy eyes.
Dozens of other students continued to dance. Raven appeared on the side and gasped as she saw the birth of champion of Pisces. She felt his energy. Raven wasn’t sure beforehand as the energy was ever moving and reaching. Skipper turned his head to Raven to see what she saw. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zeke who in turned disappeared to the back.
Jenny and Skipper continued to dance for a few more songs. She left him to visit her friends off to the side. Raven walked over to Skipper who stood off to the side. He frowned as he saw Raven approach him.
“What was that coming from Zeke?” he asked her.
She glanced at him and sighed. “A dark energy from one of the celestial zodiacs. He is your opposite to the Aquarian Age. I didn’t know about it until now. This means that the other side has a champion and he has awakened as well. Things will change now.”
Skipper glared then balled his fist, “so he’s my enemy? I didn’t sign up for this Raven. I didn’t want to fight against him. I chose this to protect my loved ones. I never wanted this be any different.”
She sighed and looked around the dance looking at the happy faces. “Neither did I…”