When Hadley fled her home, she expected to be alone with her sister and afraid for their lives. Instead she was wrapped in the arms of the man she’d always loved and her sister was with people she trusted. Her father was in the wind but there wasn’t anything she could do about that. So she intended to enjoy the evening with Zach and face one day at a time. It was all she could do. Because her life wasn’t here.
After she’d arrived in the Hamptons, she’d called school and explained she’d had a family emergency and had to rush out of town without notice. Principal Doyle had been understanding. He’d wished her the best and said he’d see her at the end of the summer. Which was the issue.
Would her situation be resolved by then? She needed to go back or risk losing tenure and her student loan coverage. She couldn’t afford to start over as a first-year teacher with a first-year salary, nor could she take the financial hit of losing her student loan forgiveness. Not to mention that her sister needed her life, her friends and stability.
“Where’d you go?” Zach’s deep voice brought her back to the present.
She shook her head in a futile attempt to push the future out of her thoughts. “Sorry. Just thinking.”
He kissed her forehead. “Well don’t. The music is too good not to let it take you away.”
“You’re right.” The strains of the music calmed her and she snuggled closer.
Zach placed a hand high up on her thigh and her skin immediately began to tingle. He didn’t rush, just leisurely brushed his thumb back and forth. Resting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, only to realize he was slowly moving his hand. He inched upward until that same finger traced the line along the crease of her thigh.
Her body responded, her panties growing wet with desire and a throbbing need pulsed in her sex. She arched her pelvis and began to roll her hips in circles, silently begging him to relieve the ache he was causing.
A new band took over and the music turned to country, the beat more in time to the throbbing of her clit. She moaned and he reacted, sliding his fingers beneath her string-bikini underwear, gliding over her slick sex. His fingers skated over her outer lips, squeezing them together, teasing her, touching her everywhere except where she needed him the most.
“Are you ready for more?” he whispered in her ear.
“So ready.” She had no idea what he intended, nor did she care as long as she came.
He slid his arm out from behind her and slid downward. Grasping her panties, he yanked hard, ripping them off her thighs. She lifted her ass and he pulled, tossing the flimsy garment aside. Her pussy was bare to the warm night air and she didn’t care. As much as being out in the open turned her on, she also knew this was private property and no one would see.
She spread her legs wide and he climbed between them, stretching his legs as he lay down. He dipped his head and his mouth covered her sex. She moaned as he began to devour her, his warm breath heating her outside and his tongue and teeth doing obscene things that had her trembling.
He thrust one finger into her, then another, pumping the long digits in and out while his tongue latched onto her clit and played. And God, he was talented. She never knew sex could be like this, so all-consuming and divine. As much as she needed to fly, she never wanted it to end.
He continued his sensual assault and finally, he curled his fingers inside her, his teeth grazed her clit, and she followed the waves of pleasure as they crashed over her.
She screamed not caring if her voice carried. “Zach, yes. I’m coming, don’t stop.”
He didn’t, continuing to pump his fingers and lick her sex until she was sated, her body nothing more than a limp noodle. He sat up, a pleased smile on his lips. Then, his gaze hot on hers, he licked those fingers clean.
As she lay back, her breathing ragged, he reached over, opened a cooler she hadn’t noticed before, and grabbed a bottle of water. He unscrewed the top and handed her the bottle which she gratefully took and guzzled it down.
He drank the other half, replaced the cap and tossed the bottle next to the cooler. He slid back over to her, and she cupped her hand over the bulge in his jeans, the outline of his rigid cock impossible to miss. Incredibly, her pussy pulsed and she realized she could, in a few minutes, want him inside her.
But he grasped her wrist, halting the hand that was kneading him. “Tonight was all for you,” he said in a gravelly voice. “Besides, we need to go check on the girls.”
She raised her eyebrows. “And you’re saying I can’t convince you that a quickie would make it easier for you to get through the concert, the crowds, the teenagers?” As she asked, she flicked her fingers and unbuttoned his jeans.
Turns out, she didn’t have to do any more convincing. And she discovered that sex on the beach was a beautiful thing. As long as she was with Zach.
* * *
Two weeks later, Zach sat in his office, watching the video of the bar and office for the fifth time, hating that he and Remy had been right. The thief was Maddox’s brother, Joe. The kid had laid low for a couple of weeks, no doubt aware he’d fucked up by drinking from Zach’s personal stash.
He hadn’t even been smart enough to pour water in to make it look full. Something he and his brothers had done as kids. Which was why he was more annoyed by the hassle he’d been put through than the action. Maddox would have to deal with his brother. Zach saw Joe last night sneaking past his brother, into the back, and slipping out the back door with a bottle.
For someone in the P.I. business, Zach had fucked up twice, not having installed cameras and not having a lock on the stock room door but it was damned hard to keep things secure during a busy night. Lesson learned. The only reason he hadn’t installed a lock along with the cameras was so he could catch the thief in the act. He’d called Remy in the city, and they’d agreed on how to handle things.
A knock sounded on the door. “Come in.”
Maddox stepped inside and he shut the door behind him. “What is it, boss? It sounded urgent.”
Zach placed his cell on the desk and rose to his feet. “Have a seat.”
“You’re standing. I’ll stand, too. Just lay it on me,” Maddox said, now tense, arms folded defensively across his chest.
“I know who’s stealing the alcohol.”
The manager raised his eyebrows. “If you’re about to accuse me–”
“No.” Zach cut him off. “Not at all. But I do think you should sit down for this.” To make his point, Zach walked around his desk and lowered himself into the seat, hoping to make the other man more comfortable.
Eyes narrowed, Maddox sat down across from him. “Who is it?”
Zach hated this shit. “Your brother. And I don’t expect you to take my word for it, so… here.” He lifted his phone off the desk, opened the saved section of the video and passed it to Maddox.
The man he’d entrusted his bar to tapped the screen and shook his head, his mouth pulled into a tight line. “Dammit.” He slid the phone back to Zach.
Maddox lifted his gaze. “No need to fire me. I’ll grab my shit and get out of here. I know you trusted me and I’m sorry. Send me a bill for the damages.” Bracing his hands on the arms of the chair, he pushed himself to his feet.
“Sit the fuck down,” Zach muttered. “You’re not going anywhere. Just because your brother screwed up and is acting like a teenager, that isn’t on you.”
Maddox shook his head. “I should have known but other than school, he hasn’t been giving me as hard a time as he did my parents. I promised them I’d keep an eye on him.” He rubbed his palms against his eyes. “Can I have the night off? My brother and I need to have a talk.”
Zach nodded. “Of course. Quit blaming yourself. You know teenagers are notorious for getting into trouble. You’ll figure out how to handle him.”
Maddox raised an eyebrow.
He leaned forward. “I just did. What would you say to him bussing tables here for the rest of the summer? For free.” Maddox worked his jaw, his frustration obvious. “Unless… you plan on calling the police.”
Zach paused, thinking about how to explain his and Remy’s decision. “I considered it but… like I said. He’s a kid. I’m not going to ruin the rest of his life because he thought he could pull one over on his older brother.” He rose to his feet. “As for him working here–”
“I’ll keep an eye on him and when I can’t, I’ll fill Cal in. Joe will never have access to the liquor again.”
“Oh, I know. There’s a lock on the storage door now and no bottles in my desk. And not only will the bar be manned twenty-four-seven, but the cameras send a live feed to my phone and to the security company. Let Joe know we’re watching him. And if it happens again, we will call the police.”
Maddox nodded. “I will.”
“And if bussing tables is how you want to handle things, it’s fine. Just scare the shit out of him first.”
Maddox stood and approached him, holding out a hand that Zach shook. “Thank you. I appreciate you not giving the kid a record for the rest of his life. Mind if I ask why?”
Zach shook his head and grinned. “Someone cut me a break one day and I’m just repaying the favor.” Even if the person who helped him was a fed.
“And now I need to get home.”
“She seems like a great woman,” Maddox said. He was obviously referring to Hadley.
“Yeah. She is.”
“Is she sticking around?”
Since Maddox had no idea about Hadley’s situation, and Zach had no intention of betraying her by discussing it with an outsider, he merely shook his head. “Last I heard, that’s not her plan.”
* * *
Hadley had settled into a routine with Zach. She’d moved into his bedroom and they were sharing a bed, something that felt as natural as breathing. She’d wake up to him sliding inside her and immediately forced her mind to enjoy what they shared for as long as possible and block out everything that worried her. And there was a lot.
Not hearing back from her father had her freaked out. Even Dani had begun to ask why she couldn’t talk to her dad, and her sister’s questions along with his silence had Hadley spiraling. Zach had spoken to some of his old FBI contacts but they claimed to know nothing about Gregg Stevens or Hank Roberts, as her dad was originally known.
Most days, Zach went to the bar around midday. Hadley would meet him there around three and help Sheila set up for the evening. She became someone who jumped in wherever she was needed and instead of being paid under the table, which wasn’t comfortable for her, she agreed to let Zach help when she needed it. The compromise worked for her and she felt like she was earning her way.
Today, she’d called and let him know she wasn’t coming in to work because she had a headache. In truth, she wanted to make him a special, surprise dinner to thank him for all he’d done for her and her sister. Before she needed to figure out how to get him home earlier than usual, as they usually stayed at the bar, he insisted he was coming home to check on her after the dinner rush.
Now, she stood in his state-of-the-art kitchen, drinking a glass of pinot noir, while her dinner simmered. Since she’d arrived, she’d been dying to put the kitchen to good use but they’d rarely been home at dinner time. After today, she was in love with the space. Though she doubted Zach cooked much, the appliances were new and a chef’s dream. Not that she was a professional but the tiny kitchen back home with little counter space made cooking anything difficult.
A beep sounded, the warning on the doors thanks to the alarm system, letting her know Zach had walked in from the garage.
She drew a deep breath and waited for him to join her.
“Hey.” Zach strode into the room, looking as good as when he’d left this morning. The black T-shirt molded to his skin. Scruff from his five o’clock shadow covered his cheeks. And she had the light scratches on her thighs to remind her how good his face felt between her legs.
He was so sexy he took her breath away. “Hi, yourself,” she murmured.
“You don’t look like you have a headache,” he said, his gaze devouring her, making her glad she’d chosen the curve-hugging dress.
“That’s because I don’t. I wanted to surprise you with dinner.” Smiling, she picked up an extra glass of wine and walked towards him. “I know you aren’t a wine person but it goes well with the meal I cooked.”
He accepted the glass, his gaze warm on hers. “You didn’t have to cook for me.”
“I know. But I wanted to. Call it a thank you for everything.”
He shook his head and sighed. “It smells delicious. I just don’t want you feeling obligated to me in any way.”
“Good because I don’t. Are your ready to eat now or we can wait?”
“I’ll go wash up and be right back.” He placed the wine on the counter and brushed his lips over hers.
As always, she sank into him, enjoying and absorbing every moment for her memory banks.
He lifted his head and started for the hall.
“Oh!” she exclaimed.
He turned.
“Are you going back to the bar tonight?” She wanted to know if this was a leisurely dinner or if she needed to keep things moving through dessert.
He shook his head. “Rough night. I had to tell Maddox I caught his brother on camera stealing alcohol.”
“Joe? Oh no!” She shook her head. “He’s definitely going through some rough teenage angst,” she said. “I hope Maddox can get through to him. How did he take it?”
Zach shrugged. “Not badly? I think Joe was doing worse when he was living at his parents’. Maybe it wasn’t such a huge shock to Maddox. But he asked if he could put the kid to work bussing tables for free and I agreed.”
She couldn’t help but smile. “That was kind of you.”
“I would have stayed home regardless if you weren’t well but now that I know you’re fine…” His gaze raked over her, approval in his heated stare. “The Back Door II can definitely run without me.”
His words warmed her. She’d been hoping for a long, leisurely night, just the two of them. “Good. But I am curious. How in the world did you come up with that name? Because it can’t be after the Urban Dictionary definition.”
An adorable smirk lifted his lips. “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?”
She blushed and shook her head. “Cut that out.”
He chuckled. “The name has two meanings, at least for me. The main entrance in the city bar is through the back door, and it’s also a nod to my hacking skills.” He winked at her and strode out the door, leaving her smiling.
* * *
Zach sat beside Hadley at the kitchen table he rarely used. When he was here alone, he stood as he ate or sat at the bar stools by the counter. He enjoyed coming home to Hadley. Even more, he liked the routine they’d fallen into. It was the way things were always meant to be. Or more like a tease, showing him what he could have had, but was going to lose when her SOB father finally surfaced, and they figured out how to make sure the girls were safe. Then Hadley would be leaving again.
He shook his head, refusing to think about that now. “Incredible dinner.” She’d served them bacon-wrapped, honey-glazed pork, garlic-steamed broccoli, and now they were finishing slices of a chocolate cake she’d picked up in town.
She beamed at the compliment. “Thank you. I don’t get to do much gourmet cooking at home. Tiny kitchen, no counter space.”
He watched as she licked the fork, her tongue cleaning each of the tines and he wanted those strokes on his cock next. It was hard and aching inside his jeans.
Letting out a low groan of need, he braced his hands on the table to push out his chair when the doorbell rang.
“Who could that be?” Hadley asked.
“I’ll go check and get rid of them,” he said, annoyed the effort she had gone to was being interrupted.
He strode out of the kitchen and walked to the front door, swinging it open. “What the hell do you want–Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?” He stepped aside so they could enter, shutting the door behind them.
Serenity’s eyes were red-rimmed and Zach’s senses went on alert.
“Is there any chance Dani and Layla are here?” his dad asked.
“No… why?”
His mom wrung her hands “The girls snuck out and neither are answering their phones.”
“What?” He turned to see Hadley grasping onto the nearest doorframe for support.
His father held up a hand. “It could be teenage stupidity but—”
“It could be related to my father. Oh my God.” Hadley put her hand over her mouth, her face losing color.
“I’m so sorry.” Serenity shook her head.
“I don’t blame you for anything.” Hadley walked up to her. “You’ve done more than I could have hoped for when I showed up at the bar. I’m scared but I’m not at all upset with you.”
His mom blew out a long breath of air. “Thank you for that.”
“What happened, exactly?” Zach asked.
“The girls asked if they could have a late dinner in town with friends, and Layla said Jenny’s mom would drive them home. Once the girls were thirty minutes late, I called to check on them. Layla texted back and said, home soon. When they didn’t show up and stopped answering their phones, I called Jenny’s mother but she said Jenny had been home all night.”
“So Layla lied.” Michael put his hand around Serenity’s waist and eased her into him.
“And maybe they’re just pulling teenage shit,” Zach said, hoping to calm Hadley down.
“I want to call my sister.” She turned and ran for the kitchen, Zach rushing after her, his parents following behind.
Hadley’s hands trembled as she picked up her phone from the counter and touched the screen. “Come on, come on, pick up.”
Too much time passed and finally she disconnected the call and shook her head. “No answer.” She paced the length of the kitchen. “I knew it’s been too quiet,” she mumbled to herself. “I should never have put your family in the middle.” She twisted her hands as she looked past him. “I’m sorry.”
“There’s no reason for you to be sorry, either,” Serenity said. “We just need to find them.”
Ignoring the fact that his parents were in the room, Zach caught Hadley’s hand and pulled her to him. “Hey. Look at me.”
She met his gaze, her eyes wide and filled with fear.
“I understand why you’re panicking but we don’t know anything yet. The fact that they obviously lied to stay out later than curfew is a good sign as far as it not being related to your dad.”
Hadley nodded but her shoulders were hunched down and she’d withdrawn into herself. Not that he blamed her. With all the shit her father was into, there was always a reason to worry.
“The good news is, when I bought Dani’s phone, I brought it home and set it up so I could track her.” He pulled his cell from his pocket and pulled up the information. “Dani’s phone shows her moving down your street as we speak.” He glanced at his parents, then lifted Hadley’s chin. “Hear that? The girls are on their way home.”
Her body shuddered, the action working to shake off her panicked mood. “When I get my hands on my sister, I am going to kill her.”
Zach met his parents’ gaze. “Looks like we’re heading back to your house.”
Serenity nodded in agreement. She glanced around the kitchen, her eyes widening as she took in the kitchen for the first time. “We interrupted your dinner.”
Hadley let out a laugh that sounded sweet to Zach’s ears. “Another reason to throttle them.”
“Come on. We have teenagers to lecture,” Zach said. As his parents turned and walked out of the room, he pulled Hadley close. “When we get home, we will pick this up. In bed.”
She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. “Thank you,” she whispered.
He inhaled her sexy, arousing scent, his cock growing hard. “You’re welcome,” he told her. And then he reminded his dick that satisfaction would have to wait.