‘I am ready to bring them back.’

I arrived at JKA to be immediately whisked to my father’s bedside. No customs; my mother’s driver literally met me by the plane. I asked him how my father was, but he did not reply. I asked him where my mother was, and he said he did not know. I understood enough to let it pass — the people who worked for my mother had no respect for me. In me, they saw an ingrate, and they knew they were more likely to rely on my brother for future employment when my parents passed. I called her, and she said she had just left the hospital, but I should go see him.

My father, it was now confirmed, had suffered a heart attack — no surprise there, really, given his daily Tusker and nyama-choma habit. He had just undergone open-heart surgery and was slipping in and out of consciousness. I placed my hand on his and looked around the hospital room. To make my father feel more at home, my mother had brought in some photographs; none of them were of her family. They were photos of them with the who’s who of Kenya. She had accessorised the room in other ways: expensive curtains and a massive flat TV screen.

I was holding his hand, feeling sorry for him. Did he take secret pleasure in knowing that his wife had been fucking the most powerful man in the country? I did not want to imagine it, but I was angry enough to walk myself through porn videos I had watched — where the husband sits on the bed and watches as another man fucks his wife, holding the man’s dick for his wife to suck and sometimes joining her in getting a facial. At some level, I could not help thinking, it could have been them playing out their sexual fantasies — power and sex rolled up in one. It could have just been that: three consenting adults in cuckold sexual fantasies, something they would have done anyway as professors or accountants.

I had once asked my brother whether he knew.

‘Yes. But why the fuck do you care about our parents’ sex life? That, to me, is what is so sick,’ he had answered angrily. ‘They have been good parents, no?’ he had then asked more gently.

‘Fuck no,’ I said, and we both shared a rare laugh.

‘I think what bothers me the most is that it is with someone who has ruined the country, killed people,’ I had defended myself.

‘We have never lacked for anything. Everything else is either none of your business or politics,’ he tried to conclude for both of us.

All roads lead us to our deathbed, I thought as I leaned over to say goodbye, for the moment, to my father. He tried to will himself into full consciousness, but the drugs won, to my relief.

I left the hospital and went to The National Inquisitor bureau to report to Alison. She immediately wanted to know where I was with the story and for me to file my travel receipts. I explained that all I needed was to finish my write-up on Miriam and cover the final competition, which was in four days. But before then, Miriam was going to a wedding, and I was going to be her date.


It was a big wedding, one bringing two wealthy families, one Ethiopian and the other Kenyan, together. I had never met the bride or bridegroom, which was surprising to me — I prided myself on knowing the Nairobi wealthy and celebs. Wealth was on display — from the expensive cars to the decorations, to the outfits worn by everyone else besides Miriam and me, the odd couple for numerous obvious reasons. Miriam was dressed in a long, blue dress and red high heels that were a size or two bigger — she had shrunk, she swore. I was dressed in a white Ethiopian shirt with lions embroidered along the buttons, which I had bought at the airport. The symbolic nature of the union, two peoples, two cultures and two nations, was drummed into everything — from napkins with Ethiopian and Kenyan flags to our singing the two national anthems to kick off the ceremony.

Miriam knew the grandmother of the bride; they had formed a friendship on first arriving in Kenya and navigating the immigration mazes together. This she explained as we were being seated close to the high table. The wedding dragged on and on, as Kenyan weddings do. Politicians gave speeches, clergymen preached, uncles and aunts spoke, presents were given, or more aptly, donated — from a king-size bed to pots and pans to a brand-new Peugeot from the parents. People starved, children cried, one or two old people fainted — but finally we ate, the taps to alcohol were opened, a wedding band started playing the usual standards — “Malaika,” Houston’s “I Will Always Love You,” and, of course, “Islands in the Stream” by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.

By early evening, the wedding was now a raging party, and Miriam was having fun dancing and drinking with her old friend, while I sampled the various whiskies. At some point, her friend went to the microphone and said she had a special gift to the married couple — a Tizita by one of the best but unknown singers of her generation.

‘The bitch ambushed me,’ Miriam happily whispered to me.

‘You can use the practice; the competition is in two days,’ I said in solidarity.

As she got on stage and started singing, trying to get the band into the right key and rhythm, I knew it was going to be a failed performance, and I started to dread the carnage. For one, the saxophonist was playing off key. The guitarist, we couldn’t even hear. There were too many false starts, notes helter-skelter. They would seem to get on the same groove, then something would happen, and they would come undone. But the wedding crowd loved it. It was a gift in the deepest sense of the word — an artist put on the spot, on stage, warts and all; to see the music being made.

A blind man playfully yelled that he was going to rescue his lovely Miriam and tapped his way onto the stage with one hand, the other carrying an expensive-looking krar.

‘Ladies and gentlemen…Gabriel Afsaw!’ Miriam announced him.

The Ethiopians recognised him because they yelled out his name and crowded the stage to hear him. He set up shop as the rest of the band quieted down and, as if on a volume dial, his krar and Miriam’s voice came up to the forefront. The more I listened to his krar and her voice, the more I could not help feeling that he was seeing, blind as he was, something in its barest essence — sound, perhaps? Sensing sound? An image for an artist, would it not be a sensation? A feeling?

The band came back in. The saxophonist had given up his sax for a harmonica, and he was breathing in and out a jagged wailing sound, then showing off in a loving way that he could dig even deeper by drawing a sound so long and varied he ran out of air and took long, painful breaths — as if to say, Only by dying a little can you play the perfect note.

If I did not know any better, I would have sworn that Miriam and the blind man were lovers. The sound of the blind man’s krar against the harmonica — he was snapping the strings so fast that it felt like sound had become a physical entity, pushing out wave after wave. Miriam’s singing and his krar were in a heated debate, like one between cheating lovers, the sex that comes from a pathological relationship. So they argued, threatened fire and brimstone, dug into each other’s old wounds; they laughed and loved together. Sometimes the drummer wanted to hug them and calm them down, and other times he would threaten and shout at them. And the harmonica kept digging them out of their quarrelsome world to remind them of the love they had lost, or risked losing, or were making.

Miriam’s voice. At the end of each phrase, I could hear it. There was a rasp, sometimes empty air, like she had spit close to the mic, rapidly flicked her tongue so that her voice also became breath that became sound. A contained roar, a roar of rage, love — any two extreme emotions — what would that sound like? The answer was the voice we were listening to, somewhere between the wail of ‘someone has died,’ and the wail of ‘someone has been born.’ What could be better than for that wail to be expressed by multiple voices and instruments? An orchestra on stage? Or just a single, solitary krar? The answer was in her voice, which, to my ear, contained many voices, like someone possessed by a choir. Like Kidane’s voice, only hers was older.

And then her voice rose, high and fast, and for a moment, she lost the blind man. She waited, tapping her foot, swaying, until he caught up with her. Her old voice rose yet again — soft and hard, resolute but searching — above the testosterone-driven krar, sax and drums. This voice in sound and not words was asking all of us to have a little more fun, just kick back.

At times, she would fall behind and playfully skip along until she caught up to the band, and then she would soar again. She was flailing her arms, but there was a pattern — her hands were playing, or dancing, or even imagining something I could not quite understand until I thought of her dead sister. And then it made sense; her hands were singing her dead sister’s parts, filling in and giving life to her dead, absent voice.

The blind man, it seemed to me, had uncovered the secret to the krar. The krar, this four-stringed instrument with no frets to change keys and tone, was not for dazzling slides up and down a scale or for Jimi Hendrix play-with-your-teeth-then-burn-the-guitar kind of antics. The krar with its four strings — what you see is what you get. But that does not make it a simple instrument. Hold a krar in your arms, these four strings, and they will remain mute, even in their simplicity, unless you know. The secret had something to do with speed, timing and suggestion — all of them one and the same thing.

She — they — had conquered the audience. Everyone was dancing slow, holding tight to someone. I was missing something in me — love, perhaps, or my other lives — very badly. The song came to an end, and a triumphant Miriam came back to our table.

‘I am ready,’ she said as I hugged her.

‘Your sister and your family…?’ I asked her, wanting her story then, with the Tizita still floating around us.

‘Tell me more, but do not depress me in a fucking wedding,’ she answered.

I felt my heart flutter as I doubted my ability to tell her story — was I a voyeur, slumming her story for my tabloid?

‘Tell me about singing with your sister. I listened to your recordings, your tapes,’ I said, knowing what I wanted — and selfishly — was to feel her story, what Jack and I never had.

We were now sitting next to each other, alone in a wedding.

‘You found her — you needed to find her,’ she said. ‘I hoped you would — the gift of memory. I can remember because you asked.’

‘Singing with her?’

Miriam looked up. ‘It was heaven. I hope you find that, to be in heaven with someone while on earth.’ She took a sip from her drink.

I did not say anything.

‘It’s not memory. This is what the Tizita is telling you: “I am ready to bring them back.” Tizita is a memory that is as alive as you and I now. I will bring them back,’ she said and waltzed off with her friend, back to the dance floor.