- Absolute skew
- Alpha:
- creating
- in put option performance
- American-style options
- Anticipatory hedging
- Asian debt crisis
- Assigning options
- Autocorrelation
- Back testing indicators
- Bankers Trust
- Barrier option
- Bear Stearns High Grade Credit Fund
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Bermudean-style options
- Beta
- Bid/offer spread
- Binomial events
- Binomial trees
- Bitcoin
- Black, Fisher
- Black—Scholes—Merton option-pricing model
- assumptions of
- for a company of index paying a continuous dividend
- and discrete dividends
- European-style options assumption
- example
- intuition behind
- and put options
- BNP Paribas ABS Eonia
- Bonaparte, Napoleon
- Bonds. See also IBOXX high-yield index
- convertible
- PIK (pay in kind)
- Borrowing and lending line
- Borrowing costs. See also Phi
- company takeovers
- forward borrowing rates
- implied, on underlying instruments
- term borrowing/lending
- Brent North Sea oil
- Brownian motion
- Buffett, Warren
- Buy to open
- Buy-write tactic. See Covered calls
- Calendar spreads
- Caliber Global Investment
- Call options:
- call butterfly spread
- call spread risk reversals
- covered calls
- defined
- embedded
- historical returns analysis on
- long calendar spread
- long calls
- synthetically replicating
- Call spread risk reversals
- Cantarell, Rudesindo
- Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
- Capital commitment, reducing
- Capital market investors
- Capital market line
- Capital structure
- Carlesimo, P.J.
- Carry trades. See also Convergence trades
- Cash, synthetically replicating
- Cash-covered puts
- CDS (credit default swaps)
- Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
- Commissions. See Transaction costs
- Common currencies
- Continuous dividend payments
- Contract multiplier
- Contract terms and conditions
- Convergence trades
- Convertible bonds
- Corporate debt, creating synthetically
- Corzine, Jon
- Cost of carry
- Covered calls
- Credit default swaps (CDSs)
- Credit risk:
- credit risk-free rate
- credit-risk free assets
- debt and
- in mortgages
- in residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs)
- Cryptocurrencies. See Bitcoin
- Currency options
- Cypress banking system crisis
- Debt securities. See Corporate debt, creating synthetically
- Deliverables
- Delta
- in 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
- in diagonal put spreads
- intuition behind
- in iron condor trades
- vs. price of underlying security
- relationship to theta
- in straddles
- Derivatives, overview of
- Diagonal put spreads
- aging of, in high-volatility environment
- alternatives to reduce capital commitment
- ratio diagonal put spreads
- Dillon Read Capital Management
- Discrete dividends
- Distribution analysis
- Diversification
- Dividend capture
- Dividend escrow method
- Dividend yield
- Dividends
- Dooley, Evan Brent
- Dotcom bubble
- Drivers of options prices. See also Greeks
- Dykstra, Lenny
- Dynamic replication
- Early excercise
- Earnings reports
- Efficient frontier
- Efficient market hypothesis
- Embedded call options
- European debt crisis
- European Union
- European-style options
- Exchange-traded options
- Exercising an option
- Expected volatility
- Expiration dates. See also Time decay
- and call options
- and put options
- time decay vs. time to expiration
- Fear
- FIFO (first-in, first-out)
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
- Financial crisis of 2008
- Forward price
- Francis Baring and Company
- Frictionless markets
- Fundamental investing
- Fundamental strategies
- income-generating (see Income-generating strategies)
- ratio spreads
- risk reversals
- single-leg puts and calls
- vertical spreads
- Futures contracts
- Galena Street Fund
- Gamma
- in diagonal put spreads
- equation for
- intuition behind
- relationship to theta
- Gamma scalping
- Geometric Brownian motion
- Global Proprietary Credit Group (GPCG)
- Gold:
- call spread risk reversals on
- put/call ratio example
- Golden State Warriors
- Greek banking system crisis
- Greeks
- benefits of using
- delta (see Delta)
- gamma (see also Gamma scalping)
- phi
- return attribution and
- rho
- theta (see Theta)
- vega
- zeta
- Hedging. See also Gamma scalping; Portfolio hedging
- High-yield bonds, historical performance. See also IBOXX high-yield index
- High-yield debt, hedging with equity
- Historical volatility
- Hope and Company
- Horizontal spreads. See Calendar spreads
- Howie Hubler trade
- Hubbard, M. Kin
- Hubler, Howie
- IBOXX high-yield index
- Implied volatility
- in diagonal put spreads
- relationship to realized volatility
- relationship to strike price
- skew chart
- volatility smile
- Income-generating strategies
- cash-covered puts
- covered calls
- iron condor
- Information extraction
- implied borrowing costs on underlying instruments
- option-implied distribution of future prices
- put/call ratio
- Institutional investors
- Insurance companies, as investors
- Interest rates, effect on options
- Interest-rate risk
- Internet bubble
- Intrinsic value
- Intuition in options pricing
- Investing disasters
- carry trades
- convergence trades
- dotcom bubble
- Howie Hubler trade
- Latrell Sprewell trade
- portfolio insurance
- subprime mortgage-backed securities
- Investment choices
- Investor fear
- Investor optimism/pessimism
- Iron condor
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jump risk
- LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities)
- Leland, Hayne
- Leverage
- Liquidity
- Long calls
- Long volatility
- Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)
- Lottery tickets
- Louisiana Purchase
- Market corrections/crashes
- Market panic behavior
- Market portfolio
- Mean reversion
- Mean variance analysis
- Mechanics of options. See Option mechanics
- Merton, Thomas
- MF Global
- Minnesota Timberwolves
- Modern portfolio theory (MPT)
- Momentum investing
- Moneyness
- and put options
- and skew charts
- vs. time decay
- in volume terms
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Morgan Guarantee
- Morgan Stanley
- Mortgage hedge funds
- Nakamoto, Satoshi
- Naked options
- NBA (National Basketball Association)
- Net credit
- Net debt
- New York Knicks
- News announcements
- News information flow
- No-borrowing cost assumption
- O’Brian, Leland
- Oil investments
- crude oil consumption, historical
- crude oil prices, historical
- crude oil volatility term structure
- exploration and production (E&P) companies
- free straddle on
- oil fields as options
- oil-field production cycle
- peak oil theory
- volatility skew
- One-time dividends
- Open interest
- Open-source software
- Optimal hedge ratio
- Optimism/pessimism
- Option mechanics:
- assignment
- basic concepts
- contract terms and conditions
- creating, extinguishing, settling
- deliverables
- exercising
- leverage and risk
- moneyness
- option premium
- price behavior
- underlying assets and volatility
- valuation (see also Pricing models)
- Option performance curve
- Option premium
- Option price, vs. underlying security price
- Option prices, information from. See also Information extraction
- Option pricing theory
- Option-implied distribution of future prices
- Options:
- fundamental strategies (see Fundamental strategies)
- overpriced behavior of
- overview of
- as part of all investment choices
- pricing and performance
- capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
- conclusions about
- historical returns analysis on calls
- historical returns analysis on puts
- modern portfolio theory (MPT)
- real options
- real-world examples
- Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
- Over-the-counter (OTC) options
- Overwrite tactic. See Covered calls
- Parvest Dynamic ABS
- Path dependence
- Pay in kind (PIK) bonds
- Peak oil theory
- PEMEX (oil company)
- Performance drag
- Permanent hedging
- Phi
- equation for
- intuition behind
- PIK (pay in kind) bonds
- Portfolio hedging
- 1 x 1.1 ratio diagonal put spreads
- 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
- alternatives to reduce capital commitment
- anticipatory hedging
- building a proper hedge
- diagonal put spreads
- equity for hedging high-yield debt
- finding optimal hedge ratio
- optimal strategies for
- performance simulation
- permanent hedging
- put options as insurance
- Portfolio insurance
- Price decay, measuring. See Phi; Theta
- Pricing, and probability
- Pricing models. See also Black—Scholes—Merton option-pricing model
- “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,”
- Probability and pricing
- Property and casualty (P&C) insurance
- Put options
- 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
- 30-delta puts
- calendar put spreads
- cash-covered puts
- defined
- diagonal put spreads
- historical returns analysis on
- as insurance
- put/call ratio
- ratio calendar put spreads
- ratio diagonal put spreads
- short, ratio put spread
- short puts
- synthetically replicating
- Put writing
- Put-call parity
- Quasi-equity securities
- Ratio put spreads
- calendar
- capital outlay
- characteristics of
- diagonal
- Howie Hubler trade
- profit and loss pattern
- Ratio spreads
- Real estate. See Subprime mortgage-backed securities
- Real options
- Realized volatility
- Real-world option examples
- Relative skew
- Repo financing
- Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS)
- Return attribution
- Rho
- equation for
- intuition behind
- Risk management
- Risk reversals
- Risk-free-rate lending/borrowing
- Rubinstein, Mark
- Russell 2000 index
- Russian debt crisis
- S&P 500 index
- Scholes, Myron
- Security market line
- Sell to close
- Sell to open
- Short interest
- Short interest ratio
- Short put risk reversal
- Short puts
- Short ratio call spreads
- Short ratio put spreads
- Short selling
- Short squeezes
- Short volatility
- Simple moneyness
- Single-leg puts and calls
- Skew
- absolute
- measuring
- predictive benefits of
- price of gold vs.
- reasons for
- relative
- in short squeezes
- Skew charts
- SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
- Special dividends
- Special situations. See Strategies for special situations
- Spot price
- Spreads:
- 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
- calendar spreads (see Calendar spreads)
- call butterfly
- diagonal put spreads
- ratio spreads (see Ratio put spreads; Ratio spreads)
- vertical spreads
- Sprewell, Latrell
- Static replication
- Statistical volatility. See Realized volatility
- Stick diagrams
- Stock market crash of 1987
- Straddles
- Strangles
- Strategies for special situations
- dividend capture
- opportunities in skew
- stocks under heavy short interest
- Strike price
- Subprime borrowers
- Subprime mortgage crisis
- Subprime mortgage-backed securities
- Success stories:
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Bitcoin
- Louisiana Purchase
- oil trade
- Synthetic options
- Synthetics
- corporate bonds
- corporate debt
- put-call parity
- synthetically replicating a call
- synthetically replicating a put
- synthetically replicating cash
- synthetically replicating stock
- Tail risk
- Tech bubble
- Technical investing
- Term borrowing/lending
- Term structure of volatility
- “Theory of Rational Option Pricing,”
- Theta
- and cost vs. price
- in diagonal put spreads
- equation for
- intuition behind
- relationship to delta
- relationship to gamma
- “thread the needle” trades
- Time decay. See also Expiration dates
- management
- vs. moneyness
- in risk reversals
- in straddles
- in strangles
- vs. time to expiration
- vs. time to expiration
- and vertical spreads
- Time premium
- Time to expiration:
- theta and
- vega and
- Time value
- Total differential
- Tranches
- Transaction costs
- Trend, and measure of risk
- Trend-following investing
- Underlying instruments
- delta and
- fractional amounts of
- implied borrowing costs on
- price of, vs. delta
- price of, vs. option price
- price of, vs. phi
- price of, vs. rho
- and put-call parity
- volatility of (see also Vega)
- United Capital Markets Holdings Inc.: Horizon Funds
- Value investing
- Vega
- equation for
- intuition behind
- vs. price of underlying security
- vs. time to expiration
- Vertical spreads
- Volatility:
- defined
- effect on option performance curve
- expected
- implied
- long and short
- managing
- realized
- relationship between implied and realized
- statistical (see Realized volatility)
- term structures of
- trading
- calendar spreads
- gamma scalping
- straddles
- strangles
- Volatility arbitrage
- Volatility expectations
- and underlying assets
- Volatility instruments
- Volatility premium
- Volatility skew
- Volatility surface
- Wells Fargo
- Zeta
- calculating
- equation for