
  1. Absolute skew
  2. Alpha:
    1. creating
    2. in put option performance
  3. American-style options
  4. Anticipatory hedging
  5. Asian debt crisis
  6. Assigning options
  7. Autocorrelation


  1. Back testing indicators
  2. Bankers Trust
  3. Barrier option
  4. Bear Stearns High Grade Credit Fund
  5. Berkshire Hathaway
  6. Bermudean-style options
  7. Beta
  8. Bid/offer spread
  9. Binomial events
  10. Binomial trees
  11. Bitcoin
  12. Black, Fisher
  13. Black—Scholes—Merton option-pricing model
    1. assumptions of
    2. for a company of index paying a continuous dividend
    3. and discrete dividends
    4. European-style options assumption
    5. example
    6. intuition behind
    7. and put options
  14. BNP Paribas ABS Eonia
  15. Bonaparte, Napoleon
  16. Bonds. See also IBOXX high-yield index
    1. convertible
    2. PIK (pay in kind)
  17. Borrowing and lending line
  18. Borrowing costs. See also Phi
    1. company takeovers
    2. forward borrowing rates
    3. implied, on underlying instruments
    4. term borrowing/lending
  19. Brent North Sea oil
  20. Brownian motion
  21. Buffett, Warren
  22. Buy to open
  23. Buy-write tactic. See Covered calls


  1. Calendar spreads
  2. Caliber Global Investment
  3. Call options:
    1. call butterfly spread
    2. call spread risk reversals
    3. covered calls
    4. defined
    5. embedded
    6. historical returns analysis on
    7. long calendar spread
    8. long calls
    9. synthetically replicating
  4. Call spread risk reversals
  5. Cantarell, Rudesindo
  6. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
  7. Capital commitment, reducing
  8. Capital market investors
  9. Capital market line
  10. Capital structure
  11. Carlesimo, P.J.
  12. Carry trades. See also Convergence trades
  13. Cash, synthetically replicating
  14. Cash-covered puts
  15. CDS (credit default swaps)
  16. Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
  17. Commissions. See Transaction costs
  18. Common currencies
  19. Continuous dividend payments
  20. Contract multiplier
  21. Contract terms and conditions
  22. Convergence trades
  23. Convertible bonds
  24. Corporate debt, creating synthetically
  25. Corzine, Jon
  26. Cost of carry
  27. Covered calls
  28. Credit default swaps (CDSs)
  29. Credit risk:
    1. credit risk-free rate
    2. credit-risk free assets
    3. debt and
    4. in mortgages
    5. in residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs)
  30. Cryptocurrencies. See Bitcoin
  31. Currency options
  32. Cypress banking system crisis


  1. Debt securities. See Corporate debt, creating synthetically
  2. Deliverables
  3. Delta
    1. in 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
    2. in diagonal put spreads
    3. intuition behind
    4. in iron condor trades
    5. vs. price of underlying security
    6. relationship to theta
    7. in straddles
  4. Derivatives, overview of
  5. Diagonal put spreads
    1. aging of, in high-volatility environment
    2. alternatives to reduce capital commitment
    3. ratio diagonal put spreads
  6. Dillon Read Capital Management
  7. Discrete dividends
  8. Distribution analysis
  9. Diversification
  10. Dividend capture
  11. Dividend escrow method
  12. Dividend yield
  13. Dividends
  14. Dooley, Evan Brent
  15. Dotcom bubble
  16. Drivers of options prices. See also Greeks
  17. Dykstra, Lenny
  18. Dynamic replication


  1. Early excercise
  2. Earnings reports
  3. Efficient frontier
  4. Efficient market hypothesis
  5. Embedded call options
  6. European debt crisis
  7. European Union
  8. European-style options
  9. Exchange-traded options
  10. Exercising an option
  11. Expected volatility
  12. Expiration dates. See also Time decay
    1. and call options
    2. and put options
    3. time decay vs. time to expiration


  13. Fear
  14. FIFO (first-in, first-out)
  15. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
  16. Financial crisis of 2008
  17. Forward price
  18. Francis Baring and Company
  19. Frictionless markets
  20. Fundamental investing
  21. Fundamental strategies
    1. income-generating (see Income-generating strategies)
    2. ratio spreads
    3. risk reversals
    4. single-leg puts and calls
    5. vertical spreads
  22. Futures contracts


  1. Galena Street Fund
  2. Gamma
    1. in diagonal put spreads
    2. equation for
    3. intuition behind
    4. relationship to theta
  3. Gamma scalping
  4. Geometric Brownian motion
  5. Global Proprietary Credit Group (GPCG)
  6. Gold:
    1. call spread risk reversals on
    2. put/call ratio example
  7. Golden State Warriors
  8. Greek banking system crisis
  9. Greeks
    1. benefits of using
    2. delta (see Delta)
    3. gamma (see also Gamma scalping)
    4. phi
    5. return attribution and
    6. rho
    7. theta (see Theta)
    8. vega
    9. zeta


  10. Hedging. See also Gamma scalping; Portfolio hedging
  11. High-yield bonds, historical performance. See also IBOXX high-yield index
  12. High-yield debt, hedging with equity
  13. Historical volatility
  14. Hope and Company
  15. Horizontal spreads. See Calendar spreads
  16. Howie Hubler trade
  17. Hubbard, M. Kin
  18. Hubler, Howie


  1. IBOXX high-yield index
  2. Implied volatility
    1. in diagonal put spreads
    2. relationship to realized volatility
    3. relationship to strike price
    4. skew chart
    5. volatility smile
  3. Income-generating strategies
    1. cash-covered puts
    2. covered calls
    3. iron condor
  4. Information extraction
    1. implied borrowing costs on underlying instruments
    2. option-implied distribution of future prices
    3. put/call ratio
  5. Institutional investors
  6. Insurance companies, as investors
  7. Interest rates, effect on options
  8. Interest-rate risk
  9. Internet bubble
  10. Intrinsic value
  11. Intuition in options pricing
  12. Investing disasters
    1. carry trades
    2. convergence trades
    3. dotcom bubble
    4. Howie Hubler trade
    5. Latrell Sprewell trade
    6. portfolio insurance
    7. subprime mortgage-backed securities
  13. Investment choices
  14. Investor fear
  15. Investor optimism/pessimism
  16. Iron condor
  17. IWM


  1. Jefferson, Thomas
  2. Jump risk


  1. LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities)
  2. Leland, Hayne
  3. Leverage
  4. Liquidity
  5. Long calls
  6. Long volatility
  7. Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)
  8. Lottery tickets
  9. Louisiana Purchase


  1. Market corrections/crashes
  2. Market panic behavior
  3. Market portfolio
  4. Mean reversion
  5. Mean variance analysis
  6. Mechanics of options. See Option mechanics
  7. Merton, Thomas
  8. MF Global
  9. Minnesota Timberwolves
  10. Modern portfolio theory (MPT)
  11. Momentum investing
  12. Moneyness
    1. and put options
    2. and skew charts
    3. vs. time decay
    4. in volume terms
  13. Monte Carlo simulation
  14. Morgan Guarantee
  15. Morgan Stanley
  16. Mortgage hedge funds


  1. Nakamoto, Satoshi
  2. Naked options
  3. NBA (National Basketball Association)
  4. Net credit
  5. Net debt
  6. New York Knicks
  7. News announcements
  8. News information flow
  9. No-borrowing cost assumption


  1. O’Brian, Leland
  2. Oil investments
    1. crude oil consumption, historical
    2. crude oil prices, historical
    3. crude oil volatility term structure
    4. exploration and production (E&P) companies
    5. free straddle on
    6. oil fields as options
    7. oil-field production cycle
    8. peak oil theory
    9. volatility skew
  3. One-time dividends
  4. Open interest
  5. Open-source software
  6. Optimal hedge ratio
  7. Optimism/pessimism
  8. Option mechanics:
    1. assignment
    2. basic concepts
    3. contract terms and conditions
    4. creating, extinguishing, settling
    5. deliverables
    6. exercising
    7. leverage and risk
    8. moneyness
    9. option premium
    10. price behavior
    11. underlying assets and volatility
    12. valuation (see also Pricing models)
  9. Option performance curve
  10. Option premium
  11. Option price, vs. underlying security price
  12. Option prices, information from. See also Information extraction
  13. Option pricing theory
  14. Option-implied distribution of future prices
  15. Options:
    1. fundamental strategies (see Fundamental strategies)
    2. overpriced behavior of
    3. overview of
    4. as part of all investment choices
    5. pricing and performance
      1. capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
      2. conclusions about
      3. historical returns analysis on calls
      4. historical returns analysis on puts
      5. modern portfolio theory (MPT)
    6. real options
    7. real-world examples
  16. Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
  17. Over-the-counter (OTC) options
  18. Overwrite tactic. See Covered calls


  1. Parvest Dynamic ABS
  2. Path dependence
  3. Pay in kind (PIK) bonds
  4. Peak oil theory
  5. PEMEX (oil company)
  6. Performance drag
  7. Permanent hedging
  8. Phi
    1. equation for
    2. intuition behind
  9. PIK (pay in kind) bonds
  10. Portfolio hedging
    1. 1 x 1.1 ratio diagonal put spreads
    2. 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
    3. alternatives to reduce capital commitment
    4. anticipatory hedging
    5. building a proper hedge
    6. diagonal put spreads
    7. equity for hedging high-yield debt
    8. finding optimal hedge ratio
    9. optimal strategies for
    10. performance simulation
    11. permanent hedging
    12. put options as insurance
  11. Portfolio insurance
  12. Price decay, measuring. See Phi; Theta
  13. Pricing, and probability
  14. Pricing models. See also Black—Scholes—Merton option-pricing model
  15. “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,”
  16. Probability and pricing
  17. Property and casualty (P&C) insurance
  18. Put options
    1. 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
    2. 30-delta puts
    3. calendar put spreads
    4. cash-covered puts
    5. defined
    6. diagonal put spreads
    7. historical returns analysis on
    8. as insurance
    9. put/call ratio
    10. ratio calendar put spreads
    11. ratio diagonal put spreads
    12. short, ratio put spread
    13. short puts
    14. synthetically replicating
  19. Put writing
  20. Put-call parity


  1. Quasi-equity securities


  1. Ratio put spreads
    1. calendar
    2. capital outlay
    3. characteristics of
    4. diagonal
    5. Howie Hubler trade
    6. profit and loss pattern
  2. Ratio spreads
  3. Real estate. See Subprime mortgage-backed securities
  4. Real options
  5. Realized volatility
  6. Real-world option examples
  7. Relative skew
  8. Repo financing
  9. Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS)
  10. Return attribution
  11. Rho
    1. equation for
    2. intuition behind
  12. Risk management
  13. Risk reversals
  14. Risk-free-rate lending/borrowing
  15. Rubinstein, Mark
  16. Russell 2000 index
  17. Russian debt crisis


  1. S&P 500 index
  2. Scholes, Myron
  3. Security market line
  4. Sell to close
  5. Sell to open
  6. Short interest
  7. Short interest ratio
  8. Short put risk reversal
  9. Short puts
  10. Short ratio call spreads
  11. Short ratio put spreads
  12. Short selling
  13. Short squeezes
  14. Short volatility
  15. Simple moneyness
  16. Single-leg puts and calls
  17. Skew
    1. absolute
    2. measuring
    3. predictive benefits of
    4. price of gold vs.
    5. reasons for
    6. relative
    7. in short squeezes
  18. Skew charts
  19. SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
  20. Special dividends
  21. Special situations. See Strategies for special situations
  22. Spot price
  23. Spreads:
    1. 1 x 2 ratio put spreads
    2. calendar spreads (see Calendar spreads)
    3. call butterfly
    4. diagonal put spreads
    5. ratio spreads (see Ratio put spreads; Ratio spreads)
    6. vertical spreads
  24. Sprewell, Latrell
  25. Static replication
  26. Statistical volatility. See Realized volatility
  27. Stick diagrams
  28. Stock market crash of 1987
  29. Straddles
  30. Strangles
  31. Strategies for special situations
    1. dividend capture
    2. opportunities in skew
    3. stocks under heavy short interest
  32. Strike price
  33. Subprime borrowers
  34. Subprime mortgage crisis
  35. Subprime mortgage-backed securities
  36. Success stories:
    1. Berkshire Hathaway
    2. Bitcoin
    3. Louisiana Purchase
    4. oil trade
  37. Synthetic options
  38. Synthetics
    1. corporate bonds
    2. corporate debt
    3. put-call parity
    4. synthetically replicating a call
    5. synthetically replicating a put
    6. synthetically replicating cash
    7. synthetically replicating stock


  39. Tail risk
  40. Tech bubble
  41. Technical investing
  42. Term borrowing/lending
  43. Term structure of volatility
  44. “Theory of Rational Option Pricing,”
  45. Theta
    1. and cost vs. price
    2. in diagonal put spreads
    3. equation for
    4. intuition behind
    5. relationship to delta
    6. relationship to gamma
  46. “thread the needle” trades
  47. Time decay. See also Expiration dates
    1. management
    2. vs. moneyness
    3. in risk reversals
    4. in straddles
    5. in strangles
    6. vs. time to expiration
    7. vs. time to expiration
    8. and vertical spreads
  48. Time premium
  49. Time to expiration:
    1. theta and
    2. vega and
  50. Time value
  51. Total differential
  52. Tranches
  53. Transaction costs
  54. Trend, and measure of risk
  55. Trend-following investing


  1. Underlying instruments
    1. delta and
    2. fractional amounts of
    3. implied borrowing costs on
    4. price of, vs. delta
    5. price of, vs. option price
    6. price of, vs. phi
    7. price of, vs. rho
    8. and put-call parity
    9. volatility of (see also Vega)
  2. United Capital Markets Holdings Inc.: Horizon Funds


  1. Value investing
  2. Vega
    1. equation for
    2. intuition behind
    3. vs. price of underlying security
    4. vs. time to expiration
  3. Vertical spreads
  4. Volatility:
    1. defined
    2. effect on option performance curve
    3. expected
    4. implied
    5. long and short
    6. managing
    7. realized
    8. relationship between implied and realized
    9. statistical (see Realized volatility)
    10. term structures of
    11. trading
      1. calendar spreads
      2. gamma scalping
      3. straddles
      4. strangles
  5. Volatility arbitrage
  6. Volatility expectations
    1. and underlying assets
  7. Volatility instruments
  8. Volatility premium
  9. Volatility skew
  10. Volatility surface


  1. Wells Fargo


  1. Zeta
    1. calculating
    2. equation for