
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Addison-Wesley Company, 318

Adrian, Edgar, 72

Advanced Calculus (Woods), 86

Arabian Nights, 172, 173

Aristophanes, 307

Baade, Walter, 234

Bacher, Robert, 105, 132, 220, 233, 254

Bader (physics teacher), 86

Bausch and Lomb Company, 53

Be Here Now (Ram Das), 332

Bell, Alexander Graham, 18

Bell Labs, 53, 99–100

Bernays, Peter, 39–40, 130

Bethe, Hans, 112, 113, 132, 156, 162, 166, 174, 193–94

Block, Martin, 247–48

Boehm, Felix, 250, 252

Bohr, Aage (Jim Baker), 132–33

Bohr, Niels (Nicholas Baker), 132–33

Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 203

Bronk, Detlev, 72

Bullock’s, 268

Byers, Nina, 313–14, 315, 316

Cabibbo, Nicola, 253

Calculus for the Practical Man, 86

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 72, 95, 105, 211, 233–36, 250, 262, 275, 316, 323

California State Board of Education, 290–302

Calvin, Professor, 232

Case, Ken, 249

Center for Physical Research, Rio de Janeiro, 200–202, 211–19, 312

CERN, 311

Christy, Robert, 112, 121, 128–29, 143, 252, 253

Compton, Arthur Holly, 108–9

Cornell University, 62–63, 136, 166–74, 175, 199, 232–33, 234, 235, 313n, 344

Crick, Francis H. C., 72

Curie, Marie, 276

de Hoffman, Frederic, 57–58, 147–52

Delbrück, Max, 72

Del Sasso, Professor, 65

Demitriades, Steve, 266

Dirac, Paul, 251

Dresden Codex, 314, 316, 317

Dreyfuss, Henry, 276

Edgar, Robert, 73. 75

Einstein, Albert, 37, 79, 80, 100, 172, 279, 280

Eisenhart, Dean, 60, 66–67

Eisenhart, Mrs., 60–61

Electrical Testing Labs, 53

Erhard, Werner, 328

Esalen, 338–39

Faust (Goethe), 46

Feller, Professor, 232

Fermi, Enrico, 132, 236

Feynman, Arlene, 104–5, 110, 113, 115–18, 129–31

Feynman, Gweneth, 270, 272, 312

Feynman, Lucille, 162

Feynman, Mary Lou, 205, 236, 244, 314

Feynman, Mel, 88–90, 162, 314

Feynman Lectures, 318

Frankel, Stanley, 125–27

Frankfort Arsenal, Philadelphia. Pa., 100–103

Frogs, The (Aristophanes), 307

Fuchs, Klaus, 129

Geller, Uri, 339

Gell-Mann, Murray, 225, 248, 250, 253–54, 317

General Atomics, 57

General Electric Company,’ 156

Gianonni (restaurant owner), 271, 272, 273–75

Gibbs, Professor, 168, 169

Griffin, Dr., 232

Guys and Dolls, 323–25

Harvard University, 75, 76, 332

Harvey, E. Newton, 71

Harvey, Thomas, 290

Heisenberg, Werner, 279

Hughes Aircraft Company, 330

Huxley, Thomas, 45

Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University, 165, 172–73

Institute of Parapsychology, 346

International Correspondence Schools, 262

Irwin, Robert, 277

Jefferson, Thomas, 279

Jensen, Hans, 250, 252

Jewish Theological Seminary, 284

Kac, Professor, 232

Kellogg Laboratory, 211

Kemeny, John, 119

Kerst, Donald, 151–52

Kislinger, Mark, 255

Lamfrom, Hildegarde, 74–75

Lattes, Cesar, 201–2

Laurence, William, 135

Lavatelli, Leo, 137

Lee (physicist), 248, 249

Leighton, Ralph, 322–23, 324, 325–29

Leighton, Robert, 322

Life of Leonardo, The, 27

Lilly, John, 330–32, 335, 337

Lodge, Sir Oliver, 160

Lollobrigida, Gina, 312

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 276

Madrix codex, 317

Manhattan Project, 57, 107–36, 138–39, 142–55, 166

Marcuso (taxi driver), 175–76

Marshall, Leona, 236

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 21, 30, 45, 53, 59, 61–62, 63

Meselson, Matthew, 74, 234

Messenger Lectures, 313n

Metaplast Corporation, 58

Meyer, Maurice, 32, 99

Mill, John Stuart, 45

Millikan, Robert, 342

Modern Plastics, 56, 58

Munger, Professor, 328

My Later Years (Einstein), 280

National Accelerator Laboratory, 344

Neugebauer, Otto, 313–14

Neumann, John von, 78–79, 132

New York Times, 316–17

Nick the Greek, 231

Nishina (physicist), 237

Nobel Prize, 174, 303–12

Norris (lawyer), 290, 291, 300–301

Oak Ridge, Tenn., Laboratory, 120–25, 144–46

Ofey (Richard Feynman), 268

Olum, Paul, 86, 110, 111, 195

“On a Piece of Chalk” (Huxley), 45

On Freedom (Jefferson), 279

Onsager, Lars, 242–43

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 108, 110, 121, 122, 128, 248, 313n

Pais, Abraham, 242, 243

Pamilio, Pete, 301

Pasadena Art Museum, 262–63

Pauli, Wolfgang, 79, 80

Pauling, Linus, 225

Phi Beta Delta, 30–33

Physical Review, 111, 254

Polytechnic School, 322

Princeton University, 37, 59–62, 63, 66, 69, 77, 81, 84, 89, 93, 99, 100, 108, 165, 172–73, 192

Process and Reality (Whitehead), 69–70

Rabi, I. I., 108

Ram Das, 332

Ramsey, Norman, 248

Ravndal, Finn, 255

Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943–1945 (Badash, et al.), 107n

Rhine, Joseph, 346

Robertson, Mrs. H. P., 316

Robinson, Professor, 46–49

Rochester Conference, 249

Rogers, Carl, 262

Rowan, Robert, 316

Russell, Henry Norris, 78

Rutishauser, Tom, 322–23

Sanos, Matt, 305

Schrödinger, Erwin, 251, 279, 280

Segrè, Emil, 120–21

Serber, Robert, 112

Shockley, Bill, 53, 99

Sholokhov, Mikhail, 309

Sigma Alpha Mu, 30

Slater, Professor, 59, 63, 163

Smith (patent officer), 181–83

Smith, J. D., 74

Smyth, H. D., 108, 135

Spellbound, 156–57

Sputnik, 292

Staley (Los Alamos scientist), 141–42

State University of North Carolina, 258

Talmud, 284–85

Telegdi, Valentine, 253–54

Teller, Edward, 119–20, 160

Thompson, Eric, 315, 316n

Three Quarks, The, 323

Time magazine, 225, 243, 305–6

Tiomno, Jaime, 199–200

Tolman, Richard, 108–9

Tomonaga, Sinitiro, 237

Trichel, General, 100

Trowbridge (schoolmaster), 322

Tuchman, Maurice, 277–78

Ukonu, 321, 322

University of Alaska, 304

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 313

University of Chicago, 236

University of Rio, 204

Urey, Harold, 108

Villacorta, 314, 316

Wapstra, Aaldert, 250, 252

Watson, James Dewey, 72, 75–76

Webb, Julian, 122

Weisskopl, Victor, 311

What Is Life (Schrödinger), 280

Wheeler, John. 64, 77–80, 237, 238

Whitehouse, Mrs., 291–92

Wigner. Eugene, 78–79

Wildt, Professor, 60

Williams. John, 111

Wilson, Robert, 107, 109, 110, 135–36, 173, 313n

Woodward, Bill. 89

Wright, Dudley, 268, 273

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 237

Wu, Chien-Shiung, 248, 230

Yang (physicist), 249

Young (psychologist), 345–46

Yukawa, Hideki, 237

Yukawa Institute, 245

Zorthian, Dabney, 269

Zorthian, Jirayr, 260–63, 265, 266, 268–69, 275, 306

Zumwalt, Lieutenant, 123, 124, 125