

image I’ve found that the best things in life, while not always free, are often very simple (and almost free). Without question, discovering a simple pleasure is a wonderful way to add more joy and peace to your life.

My wife, Kris, has a simple pleasure that serves as an excellent example. Each year, she plants several rows of sunflowers, the kind that grow really tall, in our backyard. I have never seen anyone love flowers more than she loves those sunflowers. Several times a day, she takes time out to look at and appreciate them. She takes great pleasure in watering and caring for her prized flowers. And when the time is right, she cuts them, a few at a time, and brings them into the house for everyone to enjoy. She often gives a bouquet to friends or family when they come for a visit, and this too brings her great satisfaction.

As you can see, this simple pleasure does far more than provide beauty to our yard and family room. It brings tremendous joy to Kris’s life, and that joy extends well beyond the moments she is actually with them. In a way, her flowers act as a source of grounding to her entire day. She looks forward to seeing and caring for them. She smiles when she thinks of them, and I think they help her keep her many responsibilities in perspective. And although she doesn’t maintain this simple pleasure for any ulterior motive, it is really nice to see the effect this tradition has on our children. They get to see their mother genuinely enjoy something simple and beautiful. They witness her appreciation firsthand and, I believe, are more inclined to be appreciative themselves as a result.

If you take the time to think about it, you’ll almost certainly be able to think of something that can act as your simple pleasure. For me, it’s taking time to browse in a bookstore or to drink coffee by myself in a coffee shop. I also love to read, wrestle with my kids, and jog in the park near our home. These are a few of the things that bring me the greatest joy. And I believe that the more joy we have in our lives the more able we are to keep our perspective, maintain a relative state of calm, and avoid sweating the small stuff.

I hope you’ll take the time to think of at least one simple pleasure you can enjoy. Whether it’s a few minutes of quiet reading, taking a course for no other reason than a desire to learn something new, or taking a walk or a drive, it will pay tremendous dividends.