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AC Actual cost of work completed
ACWP Actual cost of work performed
AOA Activity-on-arrow
AON Activity-on-node
BAC Budget at completion
BATNA Best alternative to a negotiated agreement
BCWP Budgeted cost of work performed
BCWS Budgeted cost of work scheduled
BOOT Build-own-operate-transfer
CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management
CCPM Critical-chain approach to project planning and management
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CPI Cost performance index
CPM Critical path method
CV Cost variance
DUR Duration
EAC Estimate at completion (with revised cost estimates)
EF Early finish
EQ Emotional intelligence
ES Early start
ETC Estimate to complete
EV Earned value
FAC Forecast at completion
FF Free float
IFB Invitation for bid
KISS Keep it simple, stupid
LF Late finish
LS Late start
MRI Management reserve index
MBWA Management by wandering around
NIH Not invented here
NPV Net present value
OBS Organization breakdown structure
PCI Percent complete index
PCIB Percent complete index—budget costs
PCIC Percent complete index—actual costs
PDM Precedence diagramming method
PERT Project evaluation review technique
PMP Project Management Professional
PMO Project management office
PV Planned value of work scheduled
RBS Risk breakdown structure
RM Responsibility matrix
SL Slack
SPI Schedule performance index
SV Schedule variance
TCPI To complete performance index
VAC Variance at completion
WBS Work breakdown structure
XP Extreme programming