“Never hope to find wisdom at the high colleges alone: consult old women, gypsies, magicians, wanderers, and all manner of peasant folk, and learn from them, for these have more knowledge about such things than all the high colleges.”
—Paracelsus (1493–1541)
“There is a responsibility that comes with being a witch, and it is to have an open heart, and to spread magic, not fear.”
—Corinne De Winter
“You are the most powerful and magical being. You have no need for trinkets and tools to empower your casting or ritual. You’re an energy that when you BELIEVE taps directly to source. Tools can help...but we rely too heavily on the props of the craft. The truth is it all comes from within. You could stand in your bare-naked butt if you chose to and be the most powerful conduit of magical power.…”
—Phiona Hutton, Sisters of the Mist
“A Witch is born out of the true hunger of her times.”
—Ray Bradbury, “Long After Midnight”