Appendix B: Stones and Their Powers

Agate—A powerful healing stone for the body, mind, and spirit. Comes in a variety of types and color blends. Agate can inspire a competitive edge and can heal fevers and circulatory issues.

Alexandrite–Use for spells involving financial increase, investments, and growth. Calms anxiety.

Amber–A multipurpose gemstone that protects and strengthens. It is considered sacred to many cultures and has been throughout history, often worn in jewelry by priests, priestesses, and royalty. Use in spells to help your career goals manifest, relieve stress, and lift the mood.

Amethyst—This purple stone is popular in jewelry and home décor. It rids negativity and, if put in a pillow sachet, can stop nightmares and help you sleep better. Amethyst strengthens intuitive ability and sharpens the Third Eye vision.

Aquamarine—A pretty stone that increases insight and personal growth, inspires love, brings a feeling of serenity and peace, and stills a chaotic mind.

Aragonite—Grounds and centers, anchors and stabilizes. Great for strengthening the root chakra that governs sexuality and authenticity. Reduces stress and increases clarity and concentration.

Aventurine—A great aid for stopping migraine headaches and relieving tension. In spellcasting, it attracts prosperity and improves clarity of mind.

Azurite—Works great in prayer, chanting, meditation, and other modalities that require concentration. Helps heal the liver.

Beryl—Creates a sense of stability and calm. Effective in love spells and spells to increase inner and outer strength.

Bloodstone—This dark stone has spots or bands of red or orange that make it rather striking. It removes physical and emotional blocks and works in spells to heal others. It increases kindness, courage, and confidence and improves circulation.

Brazillianite—A great crystal for improving social skills and increasing confidence in social situations. Helps calm the nerves and improve skin issues.

Calcite—A stone for comfort, healing, calm, harmony, and inspiration. Heals bladder issues.

Carnelian—Use in spells for romantic love, as it aids the increase of passion, sexual energy, and sensuality. Use in success spells. Helps to heal arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cat’s eye—Improves inner vision. Brings protection and security. Heals headaches.

Celestite—Calming, soothing, and relaxing. Use in meditation to lessen anxiety. A great stone to keep on you when traveling to alleviate motion sickness.

Chalcedony—Increases stamina and energy and stimulates the mind. A great stone for spells to remove negative energy and alleviate depression.

Citrine—A cleansing and calming stone used to uplift the mood and spirit. Use in a dream sachet or under the pillow to increase prophetic dreams and strengthen intuitive powers while keeping nightmares at bay. Heals issues related to circulation and diabetes.

Diamond—The stone of wealth and abundance, strength and courage, and healing and well-being.

Dolomite—Brings hope and strengthens belief, so it’s great for spellcasting and intention work.

Emerald—The stone of prosperity, wealth, truth, intellect, and psychic powers. Can alleviate a headache and is used to fight infections and strengthen the thyroid.

Fluorite—Use to bring about spiritual awakening and for healing inflammation in the body. Great for meditating as it is a grounding stone.

Garnet—Brings love, creativity, charm, and charisma. This is a great stone to carry when traveling to protect you and alleviate insomnia and jet lag.

Geode—Wonderful in fertility spells and great for increasing psychic abilities and encouraging prophetic dreams. Said to bring out the free spirit in you.

Goldstone—An optimistic, uplifting stone that can also aid in stomach ailments and relieve tension.

Granite—A stone for balancing, stabilizing, and increasing endurance and determination. Aids in healing the skin.

Graphite—Use to spellcast for more assertiveness in life. Helps achieve goals.

Hematite—Brings calm, serenity, peace. Good for healing work involving the blood and the eyes.

Iolite—Helps with managing emotions and increasing self-control. Aids ailments involving the chest and fights addictions.

Jade—Use to bring calm to the mind and attract friends and good experiences while traveling. A benevolent stone for bringing good fortune to you.

Jasper—A potent attraction stone in spellcasting but is also great for defensive magic. Helps calm the nerves, heal issues involving blood and circulation, and allows energy to flow through the body. Red jasper is great for defensive magic and protection. Green jasper is good for healing. Brown jasper helps in grounding and stabilizing.

Jet—Banishes negativity and is said to be great for ridding migraines. A potent protection stone that can ward off evil, including psychic attacks. Absorbs negative energy and is said to control all demons and prevent demonic possession. Helps understand inner karmic cycles and negative patterns of behavior.

Labradorite—Increases charm and charisma, improves relationships, and in spellcasting can help you discover hidden things.

Lazulite—Brings calm and serenity. Strengthens the teeth.

Lucite—Promotes lucid, clear thinking and offers protection in spells.

Malachite—Use in spells for business success, prosperity, growing things, and healing asthma. Also, it is a powerful protection stone for warding off evil and negativity and is used widely in grounding rituals.

Marble—A stone for renewal. Builds compassion and can abate a high fever.

Marcasite—Builds rapport between people, increases ambition, and is good for the brain and the blood.

Moldovite—Brings insight and wisdom. Use in fertility spells.

Moonstone—Associated with the Moon and the feminine divine, especially Diana, the Moon Goddess and goddess of the hunt. Attracts lovers, protects during travel, and builds devotion, compassion, and empathy with others. Helps heal women’s health issues and calms emotions.

Moss agate—Great for increasing self-awareness and strengthening the lungs.

Obsidian—Banishes negativity, reveals hidden patterns, and brings about tranquility and harmony. Great for healing digestive issues. Because of its glasslike appearance, it is used in scrying and in all banishing magic.

Onyx—Brings you into spiritual alignment, increases peace of mind, creates balance, and protects against dark energies. Helps heal the heart, the stomach, and issues with hearing.

Opal—A beautiful stone that attracts creativity, love, luck, joy, good fortune, and happiness. Heals issues of the chest and the heart area. Considered the gem of the gods, opal increases psychic visions, strengthens emotions, and increases long-term memory recall.

Pearl—Increases creativity and clarity and helps fight tension and stress headaches.

Peridot—Use to increase intuitive powers, build wealth, and for career success. A protection stone that helps balance the metabolic system.

Pyrite—Brings truth and awareness. Great for renewal and recovery from illness.

Quartz (clear)—Great for healing and cleansing the body, mind, and spirit.

Quartz (rose)—The love stone that attracts love, joy, happiness, marriage, harmony, and balance. Balances the emotions and diffuses negative situations. Helps fight migraines.

Quartz (rutilated)—Brings passion and alleviates anxiety.

Quartz (smoky)—Increases gut instinct, grounding, and stabilizing and protects against bad luck and bad energy. Keep near your bed to ward off nightmares.

Quartz (snowy)—Helps relax, used in meditation, calms the nerves, and lowers stress.

Rhodonite—Builds communication skills, recovers lost memories, helps the body to recuperate from illness.

Ruby—A stone for good luck and good fortune, which also brings love and lust and helps boost the circulation system.

Sapphire—Use in love spells and to find a partner. Use in protection spells; builds inspiration and personal power. Alleviates depression.

Sardonyx—Brings forgiveness; use in spells for letting go of resentments. Helps with neck issues.

Serpentine—Use in meditation and rituals to bring about enlightenment. Aids in stomach and digestive issues.

Selenite—Brings clarity and frees you of negative and toxic energies by absorbing them, then transmuting them back into light.

Shungite—A shielding rock that protects you from electromagnetic field fluctuations, radiation, and electronic energy. It is a mineral known for absorbing and eliminating negative energies and also has healing and regenerative properties.

Silicone—Attracts money, love, and good luck to you and helps sore muscles.

Soapstone—Builds loyalty and strength. Helps with back problems.

Sodalite—Use in spells for confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness, balance, and calm. Helps normalize blood pressure and encourages good sleep habits.

Sugilite—Brings peace of mind and cooperation and increases psychic abilities. Heals pain and inflammation in the body.

Sunstone—Brings insight and renewal and increases healthy sexuality. Wards off depression and helps with vision problems.

Tanzanite—Great for increasing vitality and energy and decreases anxiety.

Tiger’s eye—Brings strength, courage, good fortune, self-confidence, and comfort while traveling.

Topaz—Helps in all legal issues, brings justice, aids digestive system, and fights infections.

Tourmaline—Use to build confidence, success, good fortune, and abundance.

Turquoise—Protection of the home, builds friendships, heals, and brings comfort. Helps recover from throat and respiratory issues. Is called the “speaking stone,” as it aids in better communication.

Unakite—A type of jasper that represents abundance and nature’s energy. It can be used for healing spells involving the heart and mind and in meditations to balance the body and spirit; it resonates with the energies of love, compassion, and kindness.

Verdite—A green-hued stone found mainly in Africa. It represents ancestral memory and is used in past life spells and meditations. It can also help balance negative personality traits, retain and retrieve ancestral memories, and assist in accessing the wisdom of the ancients.

Wavelite—For health spells, it can balance blood count ratios and strengthen the blood. It also works wonders to treat dermatitis and helps relieve cold and flu symptoms. Use it in health spells to take advantage of its healing properties.

Zircon—A multicolored diamond-like stone that can be used on its own or in place of a diamond. Use it in spells for prosperity, honor, and wisdom, or to increase self-confidence and compassion. It also helps alleviate sleep problems.