“Hello, dude! Are you doing well on your mission to become the *MightyMiner*?” – I asked with a little friendly poke at him.
“Well, it’s going rather slow. How about you, you seem super excited?” – His morale seemed a bit down.
“Listen, I just bought dynamite. It does wonders if you manage to get really low into the blocks!” – I hoped he’d appreciate me sharing my thoughts.
“Really? But How can you get so far down... We don’t have the backpacks nor the digging tools...” – He replied.
“I use the holes that the better miners have already dug up!” – I answered, still feeling giddy.
“Well, good luck with that. Those blocks down there are hard to dig.” – His answer came in a tone like he knew something I didn’t.
“Dude, this really works... You’ll be a *MightyMiner* in no time!” – I replied before he could take another breath.
“I wish the best to you... I might try your tactics but for now, I’m going step by step.” – I was happy he wasn’t jealous of me.
We parted ways again and I went back to the mine. I followed this guy who was digging like he had the best gear. The trouble was, I couldn’t grab ahold of some land as all he was doing was going down. My shovel couldn’t dig me a tunnel by the time he’d dug up the next block. Now I understood what my friend had told me. This didn’t change my mind I just decided to switch tactics a bit. I decided to dig up a tunnel deep enough on my own that I could use. It took me a while and I managed to get to about fifty blocks in one run. I definitely needed a bigger backpack... Or so I thought.
When I went back to the mine, there were so many holes. Where was mine?! I jumped into one and it took me so far down. There was nothing there to dig. The same thing happened with the next one. Third times the charm, I thought to myself. I did manage to find my hole and started digging. I got even lower this time but not low enough. Most of I got was stones but I had to empty my backpack.