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The coins I got were laughable. When I got back to the mine, I couldn’t find my hole again. I felt like a dummy. I took a step back to figure out how to solve this problem. Now I knew what my friend meant. I went back to the shop to see how much a good tool cost. I decided to opt out for a laser gun but didn’t have the money. The tool that I could afford wasn’t going to cut it. It was time for a breather. I noticed I’m not last in the ladder. There were some girls around. Who would’ve thought that girls would like this game?! I stepped up to a girl named Citarella.
“Hello Citarella, how’s your day?” – I was used to people talking down to me so I didn’t expect much.
“I’m doing fine, how about you? I really love this game but the guys here seem obsessed with digging. I don’t get to talk to anyone.” – She replied and jumped from excitement. My heart was racing a bit.
“Well, honestly I’m trying to do my best. I get a bit anxious at times when I struggle.” – I answered and looked up her rating. She was an experienced miner, unlike me.
“Don’t worry Noob, you’ll get there. It’s important to keep working and use your mind a bit. You seem like a confident guy... Maybe the other guys are just a bit narrowminded. I’m sure you’ll make it. Do you want to be my friend? I’d love to trade with you later on.” – She replied.
“Sure, I was really hoping you’d say that. What do you trade exactly?” – I replied, acting as if it was unsure of something I had no clue about. I didn’t want to come off too much of a Noob.
“Check out the bonuses at the mines and explore them. I don’t want to give you any spoilers.” – She said and a slight smile came to her face. This girl was really interesting.
“I won’t miss that for the world!” – I replied with butterflies in my stomach.
“All right Noob! I’ll be on my way now.” – She said and was off to the mines.
“Hope to see you again!” – I tried to make sure she heard me.
Maybe it was the girl, maybe it was what she told me but it gave me the will to go and become a really good miner. I started mining smarter and saving my money. Sometimes I used other miner’s holes, sometimes I used mine. By the end of the day, I saved up for a really powerful digging tool. Now I was filling my backpack in minutes. I still couldn’t afford the storage I wanted so I decided to call it quits for the day. It was time to write another journal entry.
“Dear diary,
My second day wasn’t exactly a blast but I sure did a lot of blasting. So far, my biggest catch was Dravidium. The treasure chests weren’t bad either. I met another friend. This time was a girl with a great attitude. She gave me a morale boost. Note to self – I have to buy a bigger backpack tomorrow.
Signing off for today