Vance Aandahl, “Deathmarch in Disneyland,” F & SF, July.
Poul Anderson, “Letter from Tomorrow,” Analog, August.
Isaac Asimov, “Galatea,” IASFM, mid-December.
Iain Banks, “Descendant,” Tales from the Forbidden Planet.
John Barnes, “Digressions from the Second Person Future,” IASFM, January.
Neal Barrett, Jr., “Class of ’61,” IASFM, October.
———, “Highbrow,” IASFM, July.
Greg Bear, “The Visitation,” Omni, June.
Gregory Benford, “As Big as the Ritz,” Interzone 18.
———, “The Mandikini,” The Universe.
Michael Bishop, “God’s Hour,” Omni, June.
James P. Blaylock, “Myron Chester and the Toads,” IASFM, February.
Bruce Boston, “One-Trick Dog,” IASFM, May.
Ben Bova, “Silent Night,” IASFM, December.
J. P. Boyd, “The Anger of Time,” F & SF, February.
Eric Brown, “Krash-Bangg Joe and the Pineal-Zen Equation,” Interzone 21.
Edward Bryant, “The Baku,” Night Visions 4.
———, “Doing Colfax,” Night Visions 4.
William S. Burroughs, “Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar,” Omni, April.
Pat Cadigan, “The Boys in the Rain,” Twilight Zone, June.
———, “Lunatic Bridge,” The Book of Omni Science Fiction #5.
Orson Scott Card, “Carthage City,” IASFM, September.
———, “Eye for Eye,” IASFM, March.
———, “Runaway,” IASFM, June.
Lillian Stewart Carl, “Out of Darkness,” IASFM, April.
Jonathan Carroll, “Friend’s Best Man,” IASFM, January.
Susan Casper, “Covenant with a Dragon,” In the Field of Fire.
———, “Under Her Skin,” Amazing, March.
Kathryn Cramer, “Forbidden Knowledge,” Mathenauts.
Jack Dann, “Visitors,” IASFM, October.
——— and Jeanne Van Buren Dann, “The Apotheosis of Isaac Rosen,” Omni, June.
Avram Davidson, “The Engine of Samoset Erastus Hale and One Other, Unknown,” Amazing, July.
———, “Mountaineers Are Always Free,” F & SF, October.
Charles de Lint, “Uncle Dobbin’s Parrot Fair,” IASFM, November.
Paul DiFilippo, “Conspiracy of Noise,” F & SF, November.
David Drake, “The Fool,” Whispers VI.
George Alec Effinger, “Another Dead Grandfather,” F & SF, December.
———, “King of the Cyber Rifles,” IASFM, mid-December.
M. J. Engh, “Aurin Tree,” IASFM, February.
George M. Ewing, “A Little Further up the Fox,” IASFM, April.
Sharon N. Farber, “Ice Dreams,” IASFM, March.
Brad Ferguson, “The World Next Door,” IASFM, September.
Michael Flynn, “In the Country of the Blind,” Analog, Oct.-Nov.
John M. Ford, “Fugue State,” Under the Wheel.
Karen Joy Fowler, “Letters from Home,” In the Field of Fire.
Robert Frazier, “Across those Endless Skies,” In the Field of Fire.
Stephen Gallagher, “Like Shadows in the Dark,” Shadows 10.
William Gibson, “The Silver Walks,” High Times, November.
Lisa Goldstein, “Cassandra’s Photographs,” IASFM, August.
Charles L. Grant, “Everything to Live For,” Whispers VI.
Peni Griffin, “Nereid,” Twilight Zone, April.
Russell Griffin, “Saving Time,” F & SF, February.
Philip C. Jennings, “The Castaway,” Amazing, March.
———, “Moondo Bizarro,” New Destinies II, Fall.
Gwyneth Jones, “The Snow Apples,” Tales from the Forbidden Planet.
Richard Kadrey, “Goodbye Houston Street, Goodbye,” Interzone 19.
James Patrick Kelly, “Heroics,” IASFM, November.
John Kessel, “Credibility,” In the Field of Fire.
Garry Kilworth, “Hogfoot Right and Bird-Hands,” Other Edens.
———, “Paper Moon,” Omni, January.
Dean R. Koontz, “Hardshell,” Night Visions 4.
Nancy Kress, “Cannibals,” IASFM, May.
———, “Glass,” IASFM, September.
Marc Laidlaw, “Nutrimancer,” IASFM, August.
———, “Shalamari,” IASFM, December.
Tanith Lee, “Crying in the Rain,” Other Edens.
Justin Leiber, “Tit for Tat,” Amazing, July.
Bruce McAllister, “Kingdom Come,” Omni, February.
Jack McDevitt, “Dutchman,” IASFM, February.
———, “In the Tower,” Universe 17.
———, “To Hell with the Stars,” IASFM, December.
Cooper McLaughlin, “The Order of the Peacock Angel,” F & SF, January.
Tom Maddox, “Spirit of the Night,” IASFM, September.
Barry N. Maltzberg, “The Queen of Lower Saigon,” In the Field of Fire.
George R. R. Martin, “The Pear-Shaped Man,” Omni, October.
Lisa Mason, “Arachne,” Omni, November.
Pat Murphy, “Clay Devils,” Twilight Zone, April.
Susan Palwick, “The Visitation,” Amazing, September.
Frederik Pohl, “My Life as a Born-Again Pig,” Synergy 1.
———, “The View from Mars Hill,” IASFM, May.
Steven Popkes, “The Rose Garden,” IASFM, August.
———, “Stovelighter,” IASFM, mid-December.
Keith Roberts, “Equivalent for Giles,” Tales from the Forbidden Planet.
———, “Piper’s Wait,” Other Edens.
———, “The Tiger Sweater,” F & SF, October.
R. Garcia y Robertson, “The Flying Mountain,” Amazing, May.
Kim Stanley Robinson, “The Blind Geometer,” IASFM, August.
———, “The Return from Rainbow Bridge,” F & SF, August.
Rudy Rucker, “Bringing in the Sheaves,” IASFM, January.
———, “The Man Who Was a Cosmic String,” The Universe.
Richard Paul Russo, “Prayers of a Rain God,” F & SF, May.
Geoff Ryman, “Love Sickness,” Interzone 20–21.
Al Sarrantonio, “Pigs,” Shadows 10.
Charles Sheffield, “Guilt Trip,” Analog, August.
———, “Trapalanda” IASFM, June.
Lucius Shepard, “The Black Clay Boy,” Whispers VI.
———, “The Glassblower’s Dragon,” F & SF, April.
———, “On the Border,” IASFM, August.
———, “The Sun Spider,” IASFM, April.
Lewis Shiner, “Dancers,” Night Cry, Summer.
———, “Rebels,” Omni, November.
——— and Edith Shiner, “Six Flags over Jesus,” IASFM, November.
John Shirley, “Ticket to Heaven,” F & SF, December.
Robert Silverberg, “The Fascination of the Abomination,” IASFM, July.
———, “The Secret Sharer,” IASFM, September.
Dave Smeds, “Goats,” In the Field of Fire.
———, “Termites,” IASFM, May.
Dean Wesley Smith, “The Jukebox Man,” Night Cry, Fall.
Brian Stableford, “Layers of Meaning,” Interzone 21.
———, “Sexual Chemistry,” Interzone 20.
Bruce Sterling, “The Little Magic Shop,” IASFM, October.
Tim Sullivan, “Dinosaur on a Bicycle,” IASFM, March.
Michael Swanwick, “Foresight,” Interzone 20.
Steve Rasnic Tem, “Dinosaur,” IASFM, May.
James Tiptree, Jr. “Yanqui Doodle,” IASFM, July.
Larry Tritten, “In Video Veritas,” F & SF, December.
Harry Turtledove, “Images,” IASFM, March.
———, “Last Favor,” Analog, mid-December.
———, “Superwine,” IASFM, April.
Eric Vinicoff, “Independents,” Analog, April.
Howard Waldrop, “He-We-Await,” All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past.
———, “Thirty Minutes over Broadway!,” Wild Cards 1.
Ian Watson, “Jewels in an Angel’s Wings,” Synergy 1.
———, “The Moon and Michelangelo,” IASFM, October.
———, “When Jesus Comes down the Chimney,” Interzone 18.
Lawrence Watt-Evans, “Why I Left Harry’s All-Night Hamburgers,” IASFM, July.
Andrew Weiner, “The Alien in the Lake,” IASFM, September.
———, “Rider,” IASFM, July.
———, “Waves,” IASFM, March.
Dean Whitlock, “Roadkill,” IASFM, November.
Cherie Wilkerson, “The Moment of the Rose,” IASFM, February.
Walter Jon Williams, “Wolf Time,” IASFM, January.
Connie Willis, “Lord of Hosts,” Omni, June.
———, “Winter’s Tale,” IASFM, December.
Robert Charles Wilson, “Ballads in ¾ Time,” F & SF, April.
———, “Extras,” F & SF, December.
Robley Wilson, Jr., “Flaggers,” IASFM, June.
Ken Wisman, “The Finder-Keeper,” Shadows 10.
———, “The Philosophical Stone,” Interzone 21.
Gene Wolfe, “In the House of Gingerbread,” Architecture of Fear.
———, “The Peace Spy,” IASFM, January.
Jane Yolen, “The White Babe,” IASFM, June.
———, “Wolf/Child,” Twilight Zone, June.
Robert F. Young, “What Bleak Land,” F & SF, January.