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Select Records Reviewed at the National Archives and Records Administration (Washington, DC)
Adjutant General’s Office: “Generals’ Papers and Books: Stephen Augustus Hurlbut: 1861-1865”
Book Records of the 11th USCT Infantry
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Carded United States Army Medical Records
Chalmers Papers
Collections of the Adjutant General’s Office: 1780s-1917; Bounty and Claims Division: 1862-1878 and Records of Slave Claims Commissions: 1864-1868 for Tennessee
Department of the Cumberland and Division and Department of the Tennessee, 1862-1870: Organization of U.S. Colored Troops: Records of Capt. R. D. Mussey, 1863-1864
Eddy, Colonel A. R. History of Forts Pickering and Pillow, Tennessee. Adjutant General’s Office. NARA
Final Report of the American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission: June 22, 1864
Fitch, [Charles]. “Monthly Report”: April 30, 1864, in Regimental Papers of the 11th USCI: Letters Received, RG94, Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780’s-1917. NARA
General and Special Orders: Organization of Colored Troops
Generals’ Papers (USA and CSA)
Letters Received, Ser. 360, Colored Troops Division, Adjutant General’s Office. NARA
Inspection Report of Colored Troops, Department of the Cumberland
Letter Book of Brigadier General Lorenzo Thomas
Letter Books of Officers of the United States Navy at Sea, March 1778-July 1908
Office of Inspector General, Department of Tennessee: Letters Sent and Received
List of Prisoners Cap’d by Major General Forrest at Fort Pillow, & in Tennessee—Deserters, Men of Bad Characters, Flags &c. &c.
List of Wounded Received from the Rebels at Fort Pillow
Fawn Log
Medical Records of the 13th Tennessee Cavalry (USA)
Memphis Subdistrict of the Bureau of Refugees Military Departments, Letters Sent, Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers’s Brigade—February 1862-March 1863
Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library: Records of Citizens of the United States: March 1778-July 1908
Office of the Adjutant General Volunteer Service Branch
Office of the Provost Marshal, District West Tennessee
Papers of General E. A. Paine, Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780-1912
Pension Files for the 1st Alabama Siege Artillery, the 2nd USCLA, the 6th USCHA, the 11th USCI, the 6th and 13th Tennessee Cavalry (USA)
Prisoners in Military Prison in Fort Pickering Probably Detained without Sufficient Cause
Quartermaster General Claims
Ration Commutation Claims for the 2nd USCLA, 6th USCHA, 11th USCI and 13th Tennessee Cavalry
Records of Captain Robert D. Mussey, 1863-1864, Department of the Cumberland and Department of the Tennessee: 1862-1870, Organization of Colored Troops Records of the 16th Army Corps
Records of the 1st Alabama Siege Artillery (Colored), the 2nd USCLA, the 6th USCHA, the 11th USCI, and the 13th (14th) Tennessee Cavalry
Records of the Adjutant General’s Office
Records of the Department of the Tennessee
Records of the District of Columbus
Records of the District of Nashville
Records of the Office of Quartermaster General
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War
Regimental Papers of the 2nd USCLA, 6th USCHA, 11th USCI and 11th USCI (New), and the 13th (14th) Tennessee Cavalry
Register of Letters Received by the Commissioner for the Organization of Colored Troops
Report of an Inspection of the Fortifications on the Ohio & Mississippi River, April 20, 1864
Report of Court of Inquiry [into Cotton Speculation at Helena, Arkansas,] by Major General Irwin McDowell
Reports of Investigations of Conditions at the Irving Block Military Prison in Memphis, Tennessee April-May 1864
Reports on Loyal Citizens [Paducah, Kentucky]
Semi-Weekly Return of Effective Force at the Post of Cairo: April 25, 1864
Union Provost Marshal’s File of Papers Relating to Individual Civilians