Chapter III


Energy and Space


We are not separate from him, her or it. We are an integral part of ….God…It is in that connection that we ultimately experience inner peace.


It’s important to begin this discussion with the dismantling of the common concept of space. What I’m suggesting is that what we view as open space between objects and people is simply a perception. In reality, the space we create perceptually is filled with atoms, molecules and energy; there is no void or vacuum, but rather a definition of density as opposed to emptiness. Our egos need to create this artificial separation between objects so that we can define them as they exist in our reality. It doesn’t take much to understand that if, in fact, there is no space and that all objects inert and organic are connected to each other by this atomic and energetic field, then we are all part of the same organism separated only by distance and time, not space.

Everything and everyone in the universe is connected on some level. This is indisputable except in those rare conditions, perhaps in outer space where a pure vacuum exists. Where the difficulty enters into the discussion is exactly what kind of energy is this that binds the Universe together? We know it’s there; scientifically, we know the molecules and atoms of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, etc. are in the air, but what energy source not only binds those molecules to the air but also binds us to them? How is that connection made? Surely, we can concede that we too are made of atoms and molecules and energy of similar nature just re-arranged; and that our skin, which is highly permeable, acts only as a visual barrier, not an actual barrier to that same atomic energy.

So, are you mentally ready to take the next, really big step? If, in the biblical sense, we are connected with all matter, living, dead, past, present and future, ad infinitum, then doesn’t it seem clear that whatever you choose to perceive as God--and I make no attempt to break down or change your individual concept--that we are all part and parcel of that God. We are not separate from him, her or it; we are an integral part of the God organism, connected in the same way we are connected to the entire universe.

Consider for a moment the law of conservation of energy which states that energy, like matter, cannot be created nor destroyed, but only changes form. Scientifically, we have identified many types of energy. Some of the most common being electrical, chemical, mechanical, potential or kinetic, fission, fusion, atomic, hydroelectric, solar, etc. The common thread amongst the identified energies is that we have at one time or another harnessed these energies, controlled them, and used them. Man has manipulated, produced (from one source to another) and otherwise defined these energies by their means of production, use, conductivity, and outcome.

In quantum physics, however, we can begin to question the relationship between energy and matter. The theory of relativity states that mass and energy are equivalent and that one can be converted to the other. In quantum theory we recognize that energy can demonstrate itself as particle (or mass) and as wave, and can and does flow directionally.

All of this confirms Plato’s concept that the world, soul and body cannot be separated, as does the Hindu image of the Brahman or “world soul.” The German philosophers from the Kant school, Fiche and Von Schelling, joined Plato in concept by defining the “Anima Mendi” which is the organizing spirit or soul, that acts as a unifying principle of the universe.

Given that we are all connected, all part of God/Life Energy, we therefore all possess the ability to affect the atomic energetic field of which we are a part. All that we do, or don’t do, think or don’t think, has an everlasting effect on eternity. Karmically, we genuinely reap in the future what we sow in the present, but in a singular, world soul version, not individually. What we do can and does affect us karmically in this life.

It should be comforting to you that, indeed, we are all part of the God organism and we therefore have a responsibility to the whole; each of us making minute by minute contributions to that energy field. It might also be disconcerting to know the negative impact others make on our universe. Surely, we are insulated from their acts by distance and time; but let there be no mistake, the energy created by actions ultimately affects the entire Universe/ God organism.

Now the question which must be burning brightly in your mind is what exactly is this energy? We know that an energy exists. Some call it the life force; some call it bioenergy; Reich called it Orgone energy. I believe that we could refer to it as God Energy or Universal Life Force Energy. I believe that that which we call “Soul” is made up of this energy, somehow captured on a cellular/nucleic/ biochemical/atomic level. One thing is for certain, most men have not been able to clearly define it in terms of its properties. Mankind in general has not been able to harness or utilize it in defined ways. We have not been able to produce it from other sources of energy or matter. It has been left to the clergy or the spiritualists to define it in terms of belief as opposed to scientific clarity.

There are some things we can say about it. It appears to be part and parcel of all organic matter. When living organisms cease to function, it appears to leave. There is a prevailing belief that it has memory, which I agree with but in a different paradigm as we will see. There seems to be an endless supply as new organisms are created and recreated from base inorganic material. In its kinetic form, when ultimately captured nucleically, it converts from kinetic energy to bioenergy, setting the organism into motion (the two definitions of life being motility and reproductivity). Living organisms recognize the departure of this energy from a loved one or mate and feel the void that’s left. Some would argue that this is strictly an emotional reaction, but then what is an emotion but expressed or unexpressed energy? Beyond this, we know very little about it and appear to have no control over it.

It is this very lack of control from which man has created superstition, beliefs, and religion and appointed others to define the unknown and to reconnect us with the mystical energy of the universe. It is the devastation it wreaks when we sense its loss or disconnect and the unwillingness to accept our own roles and evolvement in the natural progress of that energy that causes us to worship icons and idols, planets and other phenomena as simple explanations. I want to make it clear that I am not against these institutions as they provide true comfort and a real buffer between the mystical and reality. I also am in no way tearing down those icons because, as we will discuss in the chapter on the God Men, there may indeed be some truth in the stories, myths, and legends of history.

I do take exception to these institutions creating negative energies that result in damage and injury to the bioenergetic source, the Anima Mendi or world soul that we are all a part of, and using these icons and legends for political or economic power and gain. They begin to outlive their usefulness for maintaining our Universe and the God Force when we are manipulated by our fears and beliefs and stampeded into destruction and pain. We therefore must accept some individual responsibility for the actions of the whole and not capitulate to the manipulation of our fears and lost connection.

“When man disassociates from this energy in the name of ‘survival’ that we become so vulnerable.” We spend a large portion of our adult lives trying to find it again. In search of that mystical connection, we look in churches and synagogues, seek wise teachers, messiahs and gurus, make pilgrimages to far off lands, to visits to the oceans or forests, spend hours in meditations, engage in fasting, etc. What must be clearly understood is that there is no right or wrong way to Nirvana, to enlightenment, or salvation. There is no one single belief or philosophy, set of dogma, or rituals that has the patent. We must accept that each of our own methods to reconnect to the bioenergetic source, the Anima Mendi, the God Force, is just as good, just as important, just as effective as any other. It is not the path which one takes, but the destination that is paramount. We must reconnect and stay connected as much as possible, for it is in that connection, that we ultimately experience inner peace and a return to the Garden.