The Justification of Existence
All organisms in the Universe evolve to their highest potential and use.
So, if all this holds true, how were we created? How can we answer this nagging question of what exactly is existence as we know it? Was there an Adam and Eve? A Garden of Eden?
I make no attempt here to dispel anybody’s beliefs, as yours are just as valid as mine. However, you must agree that it all was a result of evolution, not instant creation, beyond the initial motion that propagated the Life Force. Scientists are holding onto the Big Bang theory and evolution based on what they perceive as scientific proof, while the many religious fundamentalists hold tightly onto their beliefs, based on intuition, anecdotal evidence, perhaps ancient memory, a reliance on ancient scripture, folklore, myth and superstition.
Let us reflect on my previous model for a moment. If we are all part of the God organism, the God Energy, let us make a simple assumption. Whatever that energy was, is and will be, existed before the Earth did, and will continue on whether the Earth exists in its present form or not. This energy was part of the Earth’s formation, fashioned not necessarily by what we perceive or what has been commonly believed biblically, as two hands, but rather by the hands of universal creation.
Let us take another small leap and say that the conditions at the time of Earth’s creation were perfect for the creation of microscopic organisms, which could trap the God Energy and convert protein into tiny building blocks we now call DNA and RNA. Whether it was a result of atmospheric pressures, temperatures, elements, or the sheer force of the creation of the planet; these minute organisms were born from the God Energy. Was it ordained, ordered, or planned? I am willing to accept the fundamental belief that perhaps there is order to the Universe, as it appears to be orderly everywhere from the atomic level to the largest galaxy. If there is an order to it all, then the God Force/Life Energy was at work here, and all living matter now became a reflection of and connected to the energy.
The law of motion is relevant here, which states that matter put into motion, stays in motion until it meets a force of equal or greater value. The creation of life was put into motion, and since the God Energy/Life Force Energy/ Universal Energy likes order, the organisms (as in organized life forms) began to evolve into their highest forms. This, I believe, is an essential truism of the God Force as well as Darwinism. All organisms in the Universe evolve to their highest potential and use, based on need and environment. If this holds true, and I believe that both faith and science agree on this principle, then we are on a continuum towards our highest potential to serve the Whole, which we call the God Force/Universal Energy/Life Force Energy, etc.
Perhaps in our ancient history, there was a mated pair, a man and woman, who lived in a land of innocence, of simplicity, who represented a major evolvement. (What scientists might call a series of mutations, I refer to as spiritual and physical evolvements.) Even if science is correct and they evolved from primordial ooze, and even if an earlier evolvement was more primitive then this mated pair(s), it makes no difference, as it was the prime directive of the Universe, of the God Force, the Universal will. We as mere mortal men recorded it and created folklore to explain it. That certainly gives us hope and faith that we are still physically and spiritually evolving; perhaps towards a new age of understanding and acceptance of our existence.
The story of Adam and Eve, as an allegorical representation, sits on the edge of creation. We recognize men’s and women’s biological directive for selective breeding; always searching for the best possible mate that meets our physical, mental, and spiritual criteria on an energetic level. It is my belief that we exist to evolve, to contribute to the collective God Force, to continue an ever grander spiral towards improving the quality of the Life Force/ bioenergetic pool to which we belong. Ultimately, when we pass on, our energy once again becomes one with the God Force. We will discuss this contribution in a later chapter. Even with the concept of evolution, there was no error made. It was, and is, all part of the order of the God Force/Universal Force/ Life Force for order and motion as opposed to chaos. Species have come and gone in an ever evolving existence.
In embryology, which is the study of the development of the embryo in the uterus or womb, there is a basic law: the ontogeny tends to recapitulate phylogeny. Simply put, as the embryo develops in the womb, it goes through a series of changes which mimic most of the evolutionary changes of the organism. In humans, we begin as one-celled organisms, go through a fish stage, a reptilian stage, etc., before we begin to take on the characteristics of modern man.
I believe that when we are born, our perception is that we are in the Garden of Innocence. We are taken care of, connected to the Universe energetically; and it is only after we have to assert ourselves to survive, do we begin to lose that innocence and connection. We then spend the rest of our lives trying to find it again. Some of us find it in church or synagogue, some in nature, some in romance and love. We spurn judgment by mortals and flee to find the warmth and love of a higher power, the mystical father I spoke of in my introduction. The humor of it all is that we are already part of that higher power and have chosen not to see, feel, sense or accept our own eternity. We can be thankful that the Universe/God Force has recognized this and, throughout history, has sent us mortal men and women with the ability to remind us, to teach us, to refocus us. We will call these mortals, the men and women of God, or God men. A discussion of their presence and mission will be looked at and appreciated separately.