The Gift
At conception of the fetus, a bionic joining together of the parental genetics are accompanied by a random bioenergetic fusion from the Life Force/God Force, and is the Universal gift to the child, which brings life, talents and nongenetically related behavior into it.
This “gift” is very random and can be good, bad or indifferent. It provides an explanation as to why children are born with many different talents and abilities. Talents like art, math, music, good behavior and negative behavior. When there is no genetic evidence that a given talent exists within the gene pool of the parents, I suspect it is a gift from the Universal Life Force Energy which has provided it. This is the other way that that Universal Life Force Energy, the total of all of history’s knowledge, wisdom, experience, and behavior can affect us in contemporary terms.
We can enter a lengthy discussion of Nurture vs. Nature, and I as a psychologist would be the last to discount the effect of “nurture” as a way of explaining behavior. I believe that talent and behavior can, and frequently does, come from this third source; you may chose to call it part of nature, but it appears to be random and inconsistent with nature. I have given it a third identification as being gifted by the Universe.
I have never met a single person who couldn’t tell you stories about two children from the same family, even twins, with the same nature and nurture background, who are so completely opposite. Perhaps psychologists can launch themselves into a long pseudo-scientific justification for these phenomena, but I feel strongly that the “gift” has much more to do with it. Remember that the bioenergy of the Universe, based on my theory, has memory, so when it enters into the bioenergetic bond at conception, it brings with it that memory, no matter how small the atomic particle. One can easily extrapolate the long-term and larger picture here. Outside of genetics, an unpredictable behavior or talent can and does appear.
From this recognition, I want to begin the discussion of the “Men of God”: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc. I focus on the Men of God, but we could certainly include Joan of Arc, Sister Teresa, and perhaps many other highly evolved persons, both men and woman as well. Were they messianic? Perhaps in their way! But one thing is for sure, they were all teachers. I am of the belief that they too were born with a gift: the ability to tune into, hear, understand, interpret and teach the wisdom, knowledge and experience of the Universe from an energetic level that most men and women cannot begin to understand. Imagine a thousand voices, a million voices, speaking all at once; they were able to filter out the messages of tens of thousands of years and to make sense of it. They were able to blend all of it into a similar message was delivered to all mankind at different times in different ways. We have built icons to represent them, cathedrals to worship them, laws and rules to follow them. All they wanted was for us to hear the messages and wisdom they offered us from the Universe. Their messages of love, hope, kindness, living ethically, raising families, being the best that you can be, etc., were never meant as a reason to deify them or worship them blindly.
It was to honor the Universal Life Force Energy that contains all the memories, wisdom, knowledge, and experience of all who have gone before. They wanted us to understand that we are part and parcel of that energy, that when you leave your present form on Earth, your energy will join with all that has preceded you, and that your memories, wisdom, knowledge, and experiences will become a part of the story and history of the Universe forever. It was never to create complicated and twisted histories of their coming and going, nor to use their presence as a means to add to the manipulation and control via a theocracy. They would be appalled by it. It’s counterintuitive. I am saying it would be beneficial to return to the simplicity of their teachings, nothing more, nothing less. Connect to the Universe in whatever way works best for you, be it in a church or by the sea. You don’t have to build golden edifices in their honor; just following their teachings is enough.