Chapter VII


The Second Directive Revealed


We have a choice to make between evolvement of the Life Force Energy or the status quo, to live only by the prime directive or accept the challenge of changing the course and quality of the Universal Life Force Energy/God Energy.


So here we are, in the middle of this Universal energetic force, made up of all the memories, wisdom, knowledge, and experiences of all who have gone before us. I talked previously about the ability to communicate with that energy and the ability of the energy to communicate back. However, that energy cannot create in and of itself, or manifest action in our world directly. It can affect us by guidance and advice. It can affect us as we form new life in combination with the genetics of the parents and thus have a major effect on future actions and generations.

I have talked about the importance of enlightened theocracy to provide counsel and guidance, a social network, laws and rules for a civilization to live with one another. I talked about the initial reasons for faith and science as a means by which the common man can make sense out of the chaos of the unknown and unanswered. This allows us to return to the innocent state of connection to the Universal Life Force/God Force with which we are originally born and then lose as we struggle to survive in a harsh world. We have assigned shamans/ministers/religious leaders to assist us periodically as we need to connect. Many of these leaders have heretofore frequently used the fear of the unknown to manipulate and control us in conjunction with the political leaders with which they have formed theocracies. We are left with an interesting irony. We have choices to make as to how we relate to the Universe and to the God/Life Force.

For thousands of years we have carried out the Prime Directive. It is the same for all species on earth: survive and procreate. We all must continue the species at whatever the cost. This includes the cost of destroying other species to extinction in the name of survival. Only man has developed the ability to reason and to make conscious decisions about his actions; all other species act primarily on instinct and reflex. (We don’t know about the dolphins and whales.) We are the only species that can put instinct aside and analyze it. We are the only species that works consciously on a spiritual level with our own “soul or spirit,” and creates deities to worship with hopes that they can affect or change the real world. 

We can analyze our experiences in a spiritual world as opposed to just reacting to them reflexively. (Some of the other primates can analyze and make decisions, but not on a spiritual plane.) Along with this ability to reason, to analyze, and to recognize the need to make a spiritual connection, comes the ability to make conscious decisions about what we choose to learn, retain and put into our memory banks. We are capable of controlling our experiences to a great extent, as in what wisdom or path we choose to follow and, thus, absorb into our being. This is the concept of The Second Directive.

What will be our ultimate legacy to the world? What will we leave behind and contribute to the Universal Life Force/God Force? We can make conscious decisions to leave a more highly evolved energy for all time, or not. We can live each day, making major decisions based on the concept of evolution of the spirit, or we can just live our lives in an ethical and honorable way, by loving, caring, raising our families, doing the least harm to others, accepting people and situations, reducing our judgment of others, which would automatically evolve the energy. We can choose to remain in survival mode and be defensive, reactive, greed filled, intimidating, manipulative, power hungry, dismissive, controlling, and ultimately Ego driven.

I would like to end the discussion of the Second Directive by addressing the concept of absolution. Absolution is an act of forgiveness which is given by a priest at confession, by a Rabbi at Yom Kippur, by a minister from his pulpit, etc. It is only through absolution that one religion can justify killing a member of another, because they have been told they will be forgiven or even rewarded. The act of Absolution has caused some Christians to kill Jews, some Jews to kill Moslems, some Moslems to kill Infidels, etc.  Because we foster the belief that we can be forgiven by our clergy or deity in the name of our religion, that we can act in violence without carrying the guilt we deserve. Whenever a violent act is perpetrated upon another living thing, be it mayhem, violence or murder, the negative energy that occurs around the incident cannot be pulled back, erased or eradicated from history or from one’s own energetic memory banks. We ultimately must be responsible for what we do to others. You may be given forgiveness and absolution in this life, but you will always carry that act for all eternity within your atomic, energetic memory and will be part of your eternal legacy.

What does an evolved energy look like? What does it act like? How can we describe it? This is not an easy question because many philosophies, existing beliefs and faiths, feel they have a corner on the definition, “Their way or no way.” You must follow their rules and paths to enlightenment or acceptance or salvation. If you really take a good look at most faiths and beliefs in the world, there are some common qualities that can define “decent living.” Those qualities include love, kindness, caring, living in the present; raising a family with love, without paranoia, suspicion and distrust; being conscious of the earth and its fragility; not committing murder, mayhem, theft, or destruction of other’s property; having consideration for your fellow man; not judging others for their behavior, appearance or beliefs; and lastly, not judging yourself or others too harshly for not always doing the right thing. We are imperfect; and as such, we will input data into our memory banks that is not always good and great and wonderful. We will err, hurt and damage someone or something. Learning to forgive yourself and others, in and of itself, is part of the evolution of your spirit.

We and the Universe are works in progress. Live with that sense of eternal evolution of the Life Force, the God Force, what our legacy to it will be, and it all begins makes sense.