- Abacus, 18
- Accelerating returns, 24
- Action potential, 174
- Adders
- four-bit, 43
- single-bit, 43
- Addition, 40
- Agrawal, Manindra, 82
- Agricultural revolution, 12, 24
- AIDS, 112
- AirBnb, 50
- Alcmaeon of Croton, 167
- Algorithms, 6, 7, 61, 73–77, 82, 83
- addition, 41
- complexity, 78, 79
- genome assembly, 147–151
- graph, 74–77, 209
- learning, 7, 100, 102, 110, 281
- natural language processing, 228
- nearest neighbor, 98
- neuroimaging, 194–197
- origin of word, 17
- page-rank, 226
- Prim’s, 75
- RSA, 82
- shortest-path, 75
- Al-Khowarizmi, 17
- Alleles, 120, 121
- Allen Human Brain Atlas, 193
- AlphaGo, 225, 226, 230
- Amazon, 50
- America, 16
- Ampère, André-Marie, 27
- Analytical Engine, 19, 55–58, 87
- Andreessen, Marc, 47
- Antikythera mechanism, 18
- Arabidopsis thaliana, 146
- Arabs, 17
- Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), 62, 158
- Artificial intelligence, 8, 87–97, 226, 273, 280, 281
- good old-fashioned (GOFAI), 96
- human-level, 89, 280
- strong, 89, 224, 281
- Asimov, Isaac, 280
- Astrolabe, 18
- Avery, Oswald, 127
- Axes, 12
- Axons, 139, 170
- Aztecs, 13
- Babbage, Charles, 15, 19, 55–58, 87
- BAC library, 147
- BAC-to-BAC sequencing method, 147, 149
- Back-propagation, 109, 110, 188
- Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 147
- Baghdad, 17
- Bandettini, Peter, 202
- Bardeen, John, 36
- Battery, 27
- Bayes classifier, naive, 114, 115
- Bayes’ Theorem, 111–116
- Bayes, Thomas, 110, 111
- Beckmann, Johann, 2
- Belliveau, Jack, 201, 202
- Bennett, George, 168
- Berger, Hans, 205
- Bicameralism, 248
- Binary digits, 38, 42
- BioBrick plasmids, 164
- Bioinformatics, 7, 148, 151
- Biological networks, 151
- Biology, 2
- Biotechnology, 27
- BLAST program, 148
- Blue Brain Project, 192, 215
- BOLD effect, 196–199, 202
- Boltzmann, Ludwig, 28
- Books, 4, 5, 21, 22
- Bootstrapping, 273, 274
- Borges, Jorge Luís, 21
- Bosons, 34
- Bostrom, Nick, 235, 282
- Bows and arrows, 12
- Brain
- behavior, 167–176
- C. elegans, 161, 162
- development, 182–185, 234
- emulation, 235
- evolution, 7, 117, 124
- genetic encoding, 138
- learning in, 96, 97
- networks, 209, 210
- origin of, 139–141
- plasticity, 185–189
- primitive, 140
- research, 191–218
- simulation, 214
- size, 12, 140
- structure, 177–180
- waves, 181, 182
- Brain Activity Map Project, 192
- Brain-inspired systems, 232–234
- Brain-machine interfaces, 267
- BRAIN/MINDS Project, 192
- Brattain, Walter, 36
- Brenner, Sydney, 160
- Brodmann area 17, 179
- Brodmann, Korbinian, 178
- Brodmann map, 178
- Brownell, Gordon, 197
- Brownian motion, 33
- Burnham, Charles, 197
- Caenorhabditis elegans, 146, 160–162, 236, 237
- Cambrian explosion, 137
- Capacitors, 27, 31, 32
- Carr, Herman, 199
- Carroll, Lewis, 5
- Caton, Richard, 205
- CDs, 3
- Celera Genomics, 144, 147
- Cells, 124–137
- blood, 167, 195, 241
- brain, 92
- complex, 181
- cryopreservation, 278
- differentiation, 138, 153
- eukaryotic, 123, 124, 131, 132, 137
- exponential growth, 277
- glial, 184, 203
- neuron, 160
- number, 167
- prokaryotic, 131
- simple, 181
- Cell systems, 159
- Central processing unit (CPU), 44, 62, 63, 126, 216
- Cerebrum, 177
- CERN, 34
- Chaos theory, 249, 250
- Chapman, Luke, 197
- Chess, 20, 88–90, 220–226
- China, 16, 17
- Chinese Room experiment, 92, 229
- Choanoflagellates, 139, 170
- Chromosomes, 22, 23, 120, 132, 147–149
- Church, Alonzo, 66, 83
- Church-Turing thesis, 83, 84
- Civil rights, 253
- Clarke, Arthur Charles, 6, 94
- Codons, 129, 133
- Cognitive revolution, 12
- Cohen, David, 205
- Complexity, 78, 79, 231
- Computability, 63, 66, 84
- Computation, theory of, 18, 53, 66
- Computational biology. See Bioinformatics
- Computed axial tomography (CAT), 194
- Computers, 1, 6, 27, 55
- analog, 18
- digital, 18, 38, 44, 47, 51, 62, 86, 156, 223, 286
- Deep Blue, 224, 226, 230
- ENIAC, 44
- Harvard architecture, 62, 63
- Mark I, 18, 63
- MONIAC, 18
- von Neumann architecture, 62, 63
- Watson, 228–231, 252
- Computer science, 6
- Computing technology, 6
- Computronium, 276
- Connectionism, 108
- Consciousness, 220–222, 229, 230, 243–251
- Cooking, 12
- Cook, Stephen, 81
- Counting, 13
- Craik, Kenneth, 116
- Creationists, 122
- Crick, Francis, 121, 127, 143, 208
- Cryonics, 279
- Cryopreservation, 278
- Cuneiform script, 16
- Damadian, Raymond, 199
- Darwin, Charles, 20, 21, 116–119, 122, 126–128, 140
- Davidson, Donald, 245
- Davis, Martin, 72
- Dawkins, Richard, 123, 125
- de Broglie, Louis, 33
- Decimal numbering system, 41
- Decision trees, 102, 103, 110
- Dendrites, 170
- Denk, Winfried, 213
- Dennett, Daniel, 23, 122, 231, 247, 250
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 121–134
- bases, 22, 23, 125, 129
- double helix, 128
- fragments, 146
- molecule, 124, 128
- reads, 147
- sequences, 145–151, 164
- sequencing, 4, 46, 144, 150, 193
- strings, 148
- structure, 128, 143
- synthetic, 164
- Depression, long-term (LTD), 188
- de Robertis, Eduardo, 168
- Descartes, René, 244
- Determinism, 248–250
- Diamond, Jared, 277
- Difference Engine, 55, 56
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), 203, 204
- Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI), 203
- Digital circuit, 44
- Digital computers, 18, 38, 44, 47, 51, 62, 86, 156, 223, 286
- Digital persons, 254–262
- Digital revolution, 26
- Digital technologies, 3, 24, 46, 51, 52, 258
- Dijkstra, Edsger, 75
- Dilbert, David, 71
- Diophantine equation, 71
- Division, 40
- Domestication, 12
- Domingos, Pedro, 100
- Draft animals, 13
- Drake Equation, 282–284
- Drake, Frank, 282
- Drexler, Eric, 240
- Drosophila melanogaster, 146
- Dualism, 244–246
- Dummer, Geoffrey, 37
- DVDs, 3
- Economic output, 14, 51–53
- Edwards, Roy, 197
- Egan, Greg, 242, 268
- Egypt, 16, 17
- Einstein, Albert, 33
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, 35
- Electrical circuits, 27
- Electricity, 15, 26, 27
- Electroencephalography, 194, 204
- Electrons, 34, 35, 157, 158, 197, 211, 212
- Electronics, 6, 27
- Elephants, 21
- Eliza program, 93
- Escherichia coli, 146
- Eulerian cycle, 77
- Eulerian path, 149, 150
- Euler, Leonhard, 77
- Event-Related Optical Signal (EROS), 207
- Evolution, 7, 89, 116–127, 131, 247, 250, 285
- Exponential complexity, 78, 79
- Exponential function, 19, 21
- Exponential growth, 19, 24
- Exponential rate, 27, 45, 46, 118, 124
- Exponential trends, 19, 20
- Faraday, Michael, 27, 28
- Fermi, Enrico, 284
- Fermi’s paradox, 284–286
- Feynman, Richard, 33, 240
- Fields, 30, 31
- curl, 30
- divergence, 30
- electric and magnetic, 28, 29, 199, 205
- electric, 30–32, 158, 205
- gravitational, 29
- magnetic, 30, 31, 199–201, 205–207
- scalar, 29
- vector, 29
- Fire, controlled use of, 12
- Fisher, Ronald, 121
- Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), 198, 199
- Flying shuttle, 15
- Franklin, Benjamin, 27
- Franklin, Rosalind, 127
- Free will, 220, 221, 245–250
- Functional MRI (fMRI), 201–203, 209, 210
- Gates
- and, 39
- exclusive-or, 39, 40
- logic, 38
- nand, 38–41
- nor, 39, 41
- or, 39
- Gates, Bill, 47
- Gene regulatory networks, 152, 153, 159
- Genes, 119–126, 130, 133, 138, 144, 146, 153, 154, 183, 208
- Genetics, 120, 126, 127, 143
- Globalization, 15
- Global Positioning System (GPS), 37, 262
- Go (game), 224–226
- Gödel, Kurt, 66, 83
- Gödel’s theorem, 84
- Golden ratio, 21
- Golgi, Camillo, 160, 168
- Golgi stain, 168
- Good, Irving John, 274, 280
- Google, 226, 227, 230, 231, 252
- Gradient descent, 109
- Greece, 17
- Gross domestic product (GDP), 51, 52, 243
- Hamiltonian cycle, 76
- Hamiltonian path, 150, 151
- Hamilton, William Rowan, 76
- Hammurabi, Code of, 17
- Heaviside, Oliver, 28
- Hebb, Donald, 186, 187
- Hebb’s Rule, 186
- Heisenberg, Werner, 33
- Hemophilus influenza, 146
- Hertz, Heinrich, 31
- Higgs boson, 34
- Hilbert, David, 71
- Hippocrates, 167
- Hobbes, Thomas, 19, 43, 244
- Hodgkin, Alan, 172, 173
- Hodgkin-Huxley model, 173, 174
- Hofstadter, Douglas, 231
- Homo floresiensis, 141
- Homo habilis, 141
- Homo heidelbergensis, 141
- Homo neanderthalensis, 141
- Homo sapiens, 12, 123, 141, 282
- Horstmann, Heinz, 213
- Hounsfield, Godfrey, 194
- Hubel, David, 179, 180, 187
- Human Brain Project, 192, 207
- Human Connectome Project, 191
- Human genome, 22, 23, 143–151
- Human Genome Project, 143–147
- Hume, David, 99, 100
- Hunt, Bruce, 28
- Huxley, Andrew, 172, 173
- Imitation game, 90
- Incas, 13
- Inductors, 27
- Industrial revolutions, 14, 15, 24
- Information age, 15
- Information delivery devices, 25
- Information processing, 16
- Integrated circuits, 37, 38, 46, 117
- Intel, 45
- Intelligence explosion, 274
- Intelligent life, 283–285
- Intelligent machines, 86, 87, 106, 274, 277
- Internet, 27, 47–49
- Inverter, 41
- Ion channels, 171
- Ion pumps, 171
- Jacquard loom, 15, 56
- Jaynes, Julian, 248
- Jeopardy (television game show), 228–230
- Karp, Richard, 81
- Kasparov, Garry, 224
- Kayal, Neeraj, 82
- Kelly, Kevin, 231
- Kilby, Jack, 37
- Knight, Tom, 164
- Kryder’s Law, 46
- Kuhl, David, 197
- Kurzweil, Ray, 24, 235, 275
- Kwong, Kenneth, 202
- Labeled instances, 97
- Language, 64
- Languages
- programming, 6
- recognizable, 64, 65
- written, 16
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 111
- Large Hadron Collider, 34
- Last universal common ancestor (LUCA), 130
- Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 179, 181
- Lauterbur, Paul, 199
- Learning
- deep, 110, 224
- inductive, 97, 101, 102, 112
- machine, 7, 8, 95–102, 110, 115, 116, 228
- reinforcement, 116
- similarity-based, 98
- temporal difference, 116
- Le Bihan, Denis, 203
- Leder, Philip, 129
- Libet, Benjamin, 247
- Library of Babel, 21–24
- Library of Congress, 227, 228
- Library of Mendel, 124, 163, 164
- Life expectancy, 8
- Loebner Prize, 93, 94
- Logic function, 39–42
- Logic Theorist program, 88
- Lovelace, Ada, 19, 58, 87, 92
- Lucas, John, 84, 85
- Luddites, 15
- Macleod, Colin, 127
- Magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI), 199–201, 236, 242
- Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 194, 204–207
- Manhattan Project, 36
- Mathematics, 7, 17, 18, 71, 81, 274
- Matiyasevich, Yuri, 72
- Maxwell’s equations, 27–32, 172
- Maxwell, James Clerk, 27–31
- Mayans, 13
- McCarthy, John, 87
- McCarty, Maclyn, 127
- McClelland, James, 108
- McCulloch, Warren, 104
- Mechanical looms, 14
- Membrane, 171–175
- Membrane potential, 171, 174
- Memories, 44
- Menabrea, Luigi, 58
- Mendel, Gregor, 24, 119–121, 127, 130
- Mendel’s laws of inheritance, 120
- Mesopotamia, 13, 16, 17
- Messenger RNA (mRNA), 132, 133, 154
- Metabolic networks, 152
- Microscopy
- confocal, 212
- electron, 211, 236
- fluorescent, 211
- multi-photon fluorescent, 212
- reflection, 211
- two-photon, 212
- Microtome, 212
- Miedaner, Terrel, 231
- Milky Way, 282
- Mind
- backup, 261–265
- biological, 222
- digital, 8, 218, 222, 223, 243, 253–256, 259, 273
- duplication, 259–261
- field-specific, 221
- natural, 222, 232
- non-biological, 8
- synthetic, 222, 223, 232, 234, 269
- uploading, 232, 235, 239, 240, 254, 259–261, 279
- Minimum spanning tree, 75
- Minsky, Marvin, 87
- Model organisms, 146, 183, 192
- Monism, 244, 246
- Moore’s Law, 24, 45, 46, 144, 145, 218, 277
- Moore, Gordon, 45
- Multiplication, 40
- Multiplier, 43
- Mycoplasma genitalium, 164
- Mycoplasma laboratorium, 164
- Mycoplasma mycoides, 164
- Nagel, Thomas, 251
- Nanotechnology, 27, 238, 240, 257, 275
- Natural selection, 117–119, 122–126, 137
- Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), 196, 197
- Needles, 12
- Neocortex, 140
- Neural back-propagation, 188
- Neural networks, 110, 152, 224
- artificial, 103, 107, 154, 155
- Neural plate, 184
- Neuroimaging, 193
- Neuromorphic intelligent systems, 232
- Neuronal networks, 152, 154, 160
- Neurons, 6, 139, 167
- Neurotransmitters, 175
- Neutrons, 34
- Newell, Allen, 87
- Newspapers, 4, 5, 25
- Nirenberg, Marshall, 129
- No Free Lunch Theorem, 100
- Noyce, Robert, 37
- Numbers
- binary, 38–43
- natural, 66–68
- rational, 67, 68
- real, 68, 70, 84
- Occam’s razor, 103
- Occam, William of, 103
- Ogawa, Seiji, 202
- Ohm, Georg, 32
- Ohm’s Law, 32
- Olson, Ken, 47
- Open Connectome Project, 192, 213
- OpenWorm project, 161, 162
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 36
- Optogenetics, 208, 237
- Organisms, 124, 127
- diploid, 23, 120
- multi-cellular, 126, 137, 138, 151, 160
- polyploid, 120
- prokaryotic, 131
- single-cell, 130, 139
- Orientation columns, 181
- Ørsted, Hans Christian, 27
- Oughtred, William, 18
- Palade, George, 168
- Paleolithic period, 12
- Papert, Seymour, 95
- Parfit, Derek, 250
- Parry program, 93
- Pea plants, 120
- Penrose, Roger, 85, 249
- Perceptrons, 103–110
- multi-layer, 108, 109, 188
- soft-threshold, 108
- Personhood, 253–255, 261
- Phillips, William, 18
- Photoelectric effect, 33
- Photons, 34
- Physics, 2
- Pitts, Walter, 104
- Positron-emission tomography (PET), 194–198
- Positrons, 34, 35, 194, 197–199
- Potentiation, long-term (LTP), 188
- Prehistoric humans, 12
- Prehistoric technologies, 11
- Prehistoric times, 11
- Price, Richard, 111
- Problems
- decidable, 64, 65
- credit assignment, 107
- Eulerian path, 77, 79
- factorization, 82
- halting, 70–73
- Hilbert’s tenth, 71, 72
- induction, 100, 101
- Millennium Prize, 81
- NP-complete, 81, 83, 151
- NP-hard, 80, 81, 88, 107
- Post Correspondence, 72, 73
- Seven Bridges of Königsberg, 77
- shortest-path, 74, 79
- traveling salesman, 76–83
- undecidable, 65, 66, 70–73
- Protein-protein interaction networks, 152, 153
- Proteins, 129–133
- Protein structure, 134
- ab initio determination, 136
- primary, 134
- quaternary, 134
- secondary, 134
- tertiary, 134, 136
- Protons, 34
- Putnam, Hilary, 72
- Quantum computing, 82, 239
- Quantum mechanics, 33
- Quantum physics, 35, 248, 250
- Radio, 25
- Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 168, 169
- Rare Earth Hypothesis, 284, 285
- Records, vinyl, 3
- Red Queen effect, 5
- Relativity, 33, 262
- Religions, 244
- Resistors, 27, 31, 32
- Ribosomes, 132–137
- Rice, 20
- RNA World Hypothesis, 126
- Robinson, Julia, 72
- Robotics, Asimov’s laws of, 280
- Robots, 266–268, 281
- Rosenblatt, Frank, 104
- Rumelhart, David, 108
- Rutherford, Ernest, 2
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 146
- Sagan, Carl, 282
- Samuel, Arthur, 88
- Sanger sequencing, 146, 148
- Saxena, Nitinby, 82
- Scharf, Caleb, 283
- Schleiden, Matthias, 127
- Schrödinger, Erwin, 33, 35
- Schwann, Theodor, 127
- Schwinger, Julian, 33
- Searle, John, 92, 93, 229
- Second Life, 50
- Sequencing, 144, 147, 149
- Serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM), 213, 214
- Serial electron microscopy (SEM)
- Seung, Sebastian, 168
- Shockley, William, 36
- Simon, Herbert, 87
- Simulations, 155–158
- of biological systems, 157
- of brain, 32, 216
- multi-level, 157
- of electrical circuits, 32, 155
- of spiking neurons, 217
- Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 22, 23
- Singularity, 273–280
- Slide rule, 18
- Smullyan, Raymond, 245
- Soma, 170
- Spears, 12
- Speed of light, 29
- Spike, 175
- Spinning, 14
- Spinning jenny, 14
- Spinning mule, 14
- Sporns, Olaf, 210
- Standard model, 34
- Stephenson, Neal, 241
- String theories, 34
- Stross, Charles, 250, 264
- Subtraction, 40
- Super-intelligences, 280–282
- Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), 207
- Synapses, 139
- chemical, 175, 176
- electrical, 176
- Synthetic biology, 163
- Szybalski, Wacław, 163
- TCP/IP, 47, 227
- Technological gap, 5
- Technologies, development of, 2–7
- Telephone, 25
- Television, 4, 5, 25, 37
- Teller, Edward, 62
- Thomson, William, 28
- Thread, 12
- Time travel, 261–263
- Tomography, 194
- Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro, 33
- Tractography, 203
- Transcription, 133, 154
- Transcription factors, 154, 159
- Transistors, 26, 36–38, 43, 44
- bipolar junction, 37
- metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect (MOSFET), 37, 39
- Translation, 129, 132
- Transportation technology, 15
- Turing, Alan, 44, 59, 61–63, 66, 83, 90–93, 96, 280
- Turing machines, 59–65, 70–74, 81–85, 249
- non-deterministic, 80
- universal, 61, 70, 84, 155
- Turing Test, 90–96, 162, 219–221, 234, 252, 255, 256
- Uber, 50
- Ulam, Stanislaw, 62, 275
- Universal machines, 18
- VCRs, 3
- Venter Institute, 164
- Venter, J. Craig, 144
- Vinge, Vernor, 275
- Virtual reality, 265–267, 286
- Visual cortex, 179–181
- Volta, Alessandro, 27
- von Neumann, John, 44, 62, 63, 275
- Voxels, 193, 194
- Wallace, Alfred, 117
- Watson, James D., 121, 127, 143
- Watson, Thomas J., 47
- Weaving, 14
- Wheel, 13
- Whole-brain emulation (WBE), 223, 235, 243, 249
- Wiesel, Torsten, 179, 180, 187
- Wikipedia, 49, 51
- Wilkins, Maurice, 127
- Wolff, Christian, 246
- World Wide Web, 4, 46–51, 226
- Writing, 13, 16, 17
- Zombies, 245, 246
- Zuboff, Arnold, 241