A dove in the mulberry tree,

its young sevenfold, sevenfold.

People fine and noble-minded—

they’re at one in their ways,

one in their ways, and constant,

and O their hearts intertwined.

A dove in the mulberry tree,

its young off in winter plums.

People fine and noble-minded—

their robes are made of silk,

made of silk, and quite lovely,

and O their hats of dappled fur.

A dove in the mulberry tree,

its young off in thorn-dates.

People fine and noble-minded—

their ways without any flaw,

without any flaw—they perfect

our nation border to border.

A dove in the mulberry tree,

its young off in brierwoods.

People fine and noble-minded—

perfecting our nation’s people,

our nation’s people—O this our

future ten thousand years long.