I’m not exactly sure what it means that I feel like my cup is overflowing when Lilly smiles at me, but it takes the high I’m floating on after winning a hard-fought game and launches me into the stratosphere.
I didn’t look at her often during the game but I did sneak a few peeks when I could, and I fucking dug how much she seemed to be enjoying herself. She screamed and cheered, watched the big center-ice screen at the replays and booed along with the crowd when they got cranky after a perceived bad call.
I came off the ice and onto the bench one time after we scored—Coen caught a rebound and did a backhanded scoop of the puck right over the goalie’s shoulder—and Lilly was jumping up and down and high-fiving the people to her left and right. As I swung my legs over the wall, our eyes connected and she put her fist right up to the glass. I gave it a quick bump with my gloved hand before sitting down right in front of her. It’s not the first time I’ve had friends or family members sit behind our team’s bench but it’s the first time I’ve ever actually acknowledged someone so blatantly. It was a quick move, nothing more than a two-second tap of our hands with plexiglass between and yet it seemed like such a monumental action.
I keep my smile friendly and warm as I walk toward Lilly but I let myself appreciate seeing her for the very first time without her work uniform. Yeah… she’s pretty, but tonight she’s more so with her hair and makeup done. Her hair is a lustrous, shiny chocolate brown, curled into soft waves that hang down her back. Her eyebrows are finely arched and those crystal blue eyes, framed by a cloud of dark hair, are almost shocking in their beauty. Those were downplayed by the shadow her ball cap threw over them or the mask she wore at the hospital, but the one thing I missed in it all was the smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks. They’re nowhere else on her face, the rest of her skin creamy with the freshness of youth.
Lilly isn’t just pretty, she’s a fucking knockout. She’s dressed casually in a sweater and jeans, not too tight but not overly baggy. Nothing to call attention to herself and yet who needs fancy clothes with a face like hers?
Before I look like a perv, I force my eyes away, happy to see Harlow and Tillie keeping her company. When I reach them, I offer both ladies an appreciative smile before turning to Lilly. “Well… what did you think of your first game?”
“It was amazing,” she gushes. “I can follow it so much easier than on TV too.”
“You’re not the first person to make that decree,” Tillie says.
Harlow stands, giving me an affectionate punch to my biceps. “You played great tonight.”
Tillie follows suit but her attention is on someone behind me. Coen, I assume. She also congratulates me on a great game and takes off, calling over her shoulder to Lilly, “It was nice to meet you.”
Turning to Lilly, Harlow pulls a card out of her purse and offers it. Standing to accept it, Lilly’s gaze goes down and back up.
Harlow’s hand touches her shoulder. “That’s my cell number on there. You call me anytime you need to talk about your dad or if you have questions about the rehab process. My parents will be happy to talk to you too, from the perspective of a family member of an alcoholic. They had their hands full with me at one point. They joined Al-Anon for some really good support and you should too.”
“I’ll look into it. Thank you.”
Harlow pulls Lilly into a warm embrace and it fortifies me to know that the Hoffman family has someone other than me on their side.
When they pull apart, I ask Harlow, “Are you and Stone going to Mario’s?”
“Stone might. I’ve got an early workday tomorrow.”
I nod and Harlow goes to her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. She flashes Lilly another smile and then she’s gone.
“Ready to get a beer and meet some of the team?” I ask Lilly, holding my arm out to her.
“Let’s do it,” she replies, slipping her hand into the crook of my elbow.
I shoot a wave to Hendrix and Bain who will be heading over to the bar. They’re not surprised to see me with Lilly as I told them, as well as a few others, about her coming to the game tonight. They’re familiar with Aiden since they’ve joined me on prior hospital visits. Not all of them have met the kid since he was in isolation but they know I’ve got a soft spot for him, and now, consequently, his sister.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone when we get over there,” I tell Lilly as we exit the family lounge.
“Okay.” She sounds nervous and excited all at once.
When we talked last night and I told her I wanted her to come out with me after the game, she was admittedly anxious. “I don’t go out at all,” she’d lamented, a tinge of embarrassment in her tone. “My life revolves around Aiden, my father and running the deli. It’s been so long since I went out in a social situation, I’m not even sure how to act.”
“Don’t be silly,” I admonished. “You’re totally cool.”
She snorted and I could envision her rolling her eyes at me. “I have nothing in common with famous professional athletes or their wives and girlfriends. I’m going to be a complete dork.”
“Yeah, but you’ll be my complete dork,” I teased and then cajoled, “Come on, Lilly. Live a little. You deserve it.”
She didn’t need much to agree as she also admitted she wanted to take advantage of an evening away from the hospital with Aiden’s full permission. However, I expected her all day to send me a text backing out. Probably why my smile was so big when I located her in the lounge talking to Harlow and Tillie.
“How’s Aiden today?” I ask as I lead her toward the players’ garage. We’re close enough to walk over to Mario’s, but the temperature has dipped and it’s barely above forty. I notice Lilly’s only wearing a sweater, so I’ll park closer to the bar.
“He’s good. One of the kids on his hall had a birthday party this afternoon, so he went to that and got a tummy ache from eating too much cake.”
“That’s the type of thing you want to happen to him,” I say.
“Totally. And I FaceTimed him a few times from inside the arena. He got a kick out of that.”
“As soon as he’s able to come to a game, I’ll get both of y’all primo seats.”
Lilly glances up at me. “Where I was sitting wasn’t primo?”
I smirk back at her. “Not to see the game itself. I thought you’d appreciate seeing all the team action going on but if you want to see the game action better, you need to be up a little higher in club level or maybe from the owner’s box.”
“The owner’s box is far too extravagant for us,” Lilly exclaims with a laugh. I don’t reply but squeeze my biceps, which in turn squeezes her hand.
Weirdly, I think there’s nothing too extravagant for the likes of Lilly and her little brother. I barely know them but over the last week, I’ve found myself wanting to give them everything. Aiden, because he’s a good kid with a shit draw in life who’s quite the impressive fighter. And Lilly, because she’s a good woman working her ass off to take care of everyone else.
I give her the ten-cent tour as we walk around the bottom level, past the dressing room, the workout room and the coaches’ offices to the players’ garage. I don’t think twice about opening the passenger door for her but it makes me remember I was doing the same for her father just the night before.
Dropping him off at the rehab center for his medical detox was not easy. There were lots of tears on his part and he changed his mind a time or two before he signed the paperwork. I didn’t tell Lilly any of that and in fact, I lied to her. I told her it was easy and her dad was in a good place. He wasn’t, but she doesn’t need to know that and he’s not allowed to have external communication while he’s detoxing. The only exception is if there’s an emergency with Aiden, but otherwise he’s on his own getting through the withdrawal process with a team of capable medical professionals.
Lilly bombards me with questions about the game as we drive the short distance to Mario’s and I’m impressed by the leaps her brain takes, given she’s new to the sport. She asked if chemistry plays a part in how well a line plays together, can a penalty be a strategic psychological element to the game, and how we manage the line changes which look like utter chaos.
As we walk toward Mario’s, I realize I hadn’t thought to prepare Lilly about what to expect. She’s caught slightly off guard by the throng of fans waiting outside the doors, wanting pictures and autographs as the players walk in. Sometimes I oblige while other times I wait until I get inside so I can have a bit of a breather first.
With fans screaming and reaching out with their hands, without thought, I draw Lilly in close and put my arm around her shoulders as we enter the restaurant. I assure fans I’ll catch them later and as I glance down at Lilly, she looks a bit pale.
“Sorry,” I murmur low to her.
She shakes her head and laughs. “It’s fine. I think I just never realized you’re actually famous.”
Chuckling, I give her a squeeze and keep my arm around her shoulders as we wind to the back where a private area is blocked off for the team. I think nothing of keeping Lilly close to me and she appears comfortable with it, but I don’t miss the way a few of my teammates—Liam, Foster and Kirill, to be exact—pointedly stare at how she’s pulled into my side as we approach, most with looks of amusement.
My arm falls away and I wonder if I did something wrong. I’m a naturally affectionate guy and I feel protective of Lilly. I’ve become so immersed in deep issues with her, it didn’t feel wrong for me to put her hand in the crook of my elbow, or my arm around her shoulders or for me to grab her hand when she told me that Aiden’s transplant had taken.
“What’s up?” I say to the guys as we enter the roped-off area. I can’t help myself—my hand goes to Lilly’s back in case she’s nervous.
I introduce Lilly, and because my teammates are all good dudes, they immediately make her feel welcome. A waitress appears and we order beers. Foster pulls out a high-top stool for her to sit on and I move in next to her at the table.
“Was this your first game, Lilly?” Kirill asks as he steps to her other side.
“It was,” she says, turning toward him. “It was so much fun.”
“What did you like best?” he asks, leveling a charming smile and my hackles rise. Kirill’s the biggest player on our team and can charm ladies right out of their panties.
Not that Lilly would fall for that but still… I should watch over her.
Like a big brother-type thing.
“Hey,” I say, nudging her in the arm when I see Tillie and Coen walk in. They make a beeline over to a table with Hendrix, Bain and Camden sitting with their girlfriends, Stevie, Kiera and Danica. “Let me introduce you to more of the Titans women.”
Kirill looks slightly disappointed but Lilly gives me a bright smile. “Okay.”
“Let the waitress know we’re over there.” I nod toward the other table.
Foster gives me a chin lift in acknowledgment and sticks his hand out to Lilly. “It was nice meeting you.”
“You too,” Lilly chirps, and my hand again goes to her back as I lead her over to the other group.
As expected, the women immediately pull Lilly into conversation after I make introductions. They stand together chatting away while we guys sip on beers and talk about the game. I engage in the conversation with my dudes but I keep one eye on Lilly to make sure she’s enjoying herself. By all accounts, her smiles and laughs tell me she’s having a blast.
“Lilly seems nice,” Camden says, abruptly changing the subject from a questionable penalty call against Bain.
“She is,” I reply, my gaze cutting over to her.
“Really pretty too,” Hendrix points out.
“What the other two are driving at,” Bain drawls as he leans in a bit, “you should ask her out on an official date.”
“No way, dude.” My denial is steadfast. A date hasn’t even crossed my mind and there’s a reason why. “She’s got so much on her plate right now, the last thing she needs is me hitting her up for a date.”
“Or maybe that’s the best thing she needs,” Bain argues. “She clearly needed this night out.”
I turn to look at her again and can see how relaxed she is. It makes me realize that the times I’ve seen her before, she’s always somewhat stiff, a perpetual worry crease between her eyebrows. She always holds herself taut because she has the weight of the world on her shoulders and can’t afford to drop any of it.
Still, I can’t see asking her out on a date. Lilly is my friend and that’s what she needs the most. Besides, I can’t mess up my friendship with Aiden and I want Lilly to rely on me for help without any blurred lines.
“We’re good as just friends,” I say, and my buds all nod in understanding. Not one of them try to argue and that tells me that I’m right about it.
I keep an eye on the time because when I invited Lilly to hang with us, she accepted with the caveat she couldn’t stay out too late since she has to be at the deli at six a.m.
We say our goodbyes to my teammates shortly after midnight and I make the short drive across the Ohio River into the West End Village where Lilly lives and works. The streets are nearly empty as I pull into the back alley and park in the spot next to her car. There’s a porch light on at the top of the staircase but the rest of the alley is dark.
“I’ll walk you up,” I say as I turn off my Porsche and exit the car.
“You don’t have to,” Lilly says as she scrambles out and shuts the door. “You’ve done more than enough for me tonight.”
I grin at her over the hood as she walks my way since the driver’s door is near the staircase. “Although we haven’t known each other long, I feel like I know you well enough to say shut up.”
Lilly barks out a laugh. “That is true.”
We trudge up the stairs together, the worn wood treads groaning. I wonder how old this thing is and vow to take a closer look the next time I’m here in the daylight.
Which means I’ve already assumed I’m going to be a part of the Hoffmans’ lives to the extent I’ll be returning to their apartment.
Lilly pulls her keys from her purse when we reach the landing but turns to me before unlocking the door. “I really cannot thank you enough for tonight, Boone. It was such a special treat.”
My heart feels full. “I bet you forgot what it was like to just go out and have fun.”
Her smile slides a little as she ducks her head. “There was nothing to forget.”
I frown at her. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” Lilly looks around as if she’s trying to come up with the right words. When her gaze locks back with mine, she says, “Going out, having fun, having a group of friends where we just laughed… I never really had that.”
Lilly leans against the door and shakes her head. “Not having a mom, Aiden getting sick, having a dad who might or might not be awake to open the deli… there just wasn’t time for me to develop relationships. Not long-term ones anyway.”
I lean my elbow on the railing of the small landing and tuck my other hand in my pocket. “Not even like a best girlfriend who was by your side? An understanding boyfriend?”
“There were those who I thought were a best friend or an understanding boyfriend over the years. But you can only cancel plans so many times before people give up on you. I had nothing of value to give.”
My chest aches for Lilly. She gave so much to her family that she had nothing left to give anyone else. All relationships need nurturing and I understand what she’s saying. She couldn’t give more of herself to make it worthwhile for other people to stick with her.
It makes me curious enough to ask. “The deli… are you running that because you want to or because you have to?”
“I love that deli.” Her expression is apologetic. “I do. But it’s not my dream.”
“And what is your dream? What would you do if you didn’t have to take care of the deli?”
“College,” she replies without hesitation. “I’m not sure exactly what I want to do, but I want the opportunity to be exposed to things I can’t experience stuck on this block or in the hospital. I suppose that sounds selfish.”
I can’t help myself. My hand comes out of my pocket and takes hers. “Not selfish at all to want to fulfill a dream. And you’ll be able to. Aiden’s transplant is working, your dad is going to get sober… you’re about two seconds away from getting to reach for the stars.”
Lilly looks at me with hope in her eyes. “You make me almost believe that.”
“Let’s not hypothesize,” I say, moving down two steps and taking a seat on the landing. I pat the area next to me. “I know it’s late, but sit and let’s figure out something.”
Lilly plops beside me, laughing. “Figure out what?”
“The top five things you would do tomorrow if Aiden were cancer-free and your dad was sober.”
“Wow,” Lilly says, crossing her arms on her legs and tipping her head back to look at the sky. A plume of frosty air blows from her mouth—I forgot how chilly it is tonight. I shrug out of my wool pea coat and drape it over her shoulders. She glances at me and smiles shyly. “Thanks.”
“Okay… five things,” I say, getting her back on track. “Doesn’t have to be in order of importance. And… go.”
“Enroll in college,” she says.
“That’s one. What’s next?”
She smiles slyly. “Take Aiden to a hockey game.”
“I can assist with that,” I reply haughtily. “I told you… owner’s box tickets.”
“I’d like to own my own house one day. Doesn’t have to be big, but I want something with a yard because I want a dog. A small one that’s got long fur and will be happy to sit on my lap while I watch TV and who will yap at anything that makes a sound.”
The dream is so vivid and ridiculous, I can’t help but laugh. “That’s three.”
“I’d like to go on a vacation.” Lilly sighs with fatigue. “I’m tired and I’d like to take a week to relax and read books and eat junk food.”
“Where would you go?” I ask.
“I have no clue.” She laughs. “I’ve never been anywhere. I’d probably be happy with a hotel downtown that has room service and just have time for myself.”
That’s a sadly pathetic dream for a vacation, not because she can’t think of something more exciting, but because that’s good enough based on what she’s had in life so far.
“That’s four. One more to round out your dream list.”
Lilly’s head tips back again and her face screws up in concentration. Finally, she says, “I think I’d like to find my Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. Oh, and a Mr. Big too.”
“I have no clue what that is,” I say.
She turns her head to grin at me. “You’ve never seen Sex and the City I take it.”
“I’ve heard of it, but no… never seen it.”
“Well, it was about this group of girlfriends and they could talk to each other about anything, and they were all so beautiful and had amazing lives. I’d like to have a group of girls like that.”
She had a taste of that tonight with Kiera, Danica, Stevie and Tillie. I could see how much she loved talking to them.
“I’m a little afraid to ask what a Mr. Big is.”
Lilly snorts. “It’s not what it sounds like. He was like Carrie’s soul mate.”
And my curiosity is piqued once more. “Have you ever had a serious relationship?”
“I guess that’s kind of subjective, right?”
“Maybe serious wasn’t the correct word,” I admit.
“When Aiden was in remission, I tried dating. Managed a relationship that lasted an entire four months.”
“Wow,” I exclaim with exaggerated awe. “Four whole months.”
Lilly snickers. “He was awful, to be honest. And I didn’t know what the hell I wanted or what I deserved. I had no real-life experience when it came to that. Everything I knew about people and love and trust, I sort of had to figure out on my own. On top of that, my time was limited because I still had to help with the deli and my dad could be unstable at times. It was a disaster.”
“I can imagine,” I murmur.
“What about you?” Lilly asks.
“What about me?”
“Any Mrs. Bigs?”
I laugh and shake my head. “No. Not even close.”
Lilly leans over and bumps her shoulder against mine. “I bet you have all the girls tripping over themselves to get a crack at you.”
I bump her back. “What makes you think that?”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, let’s see. You’re hot, famous, rich. Shall I go on?”
She thinks I’m hot? I’m not sure why that surprises me, but it does. Normally, I can tell if a woman is interested in me that way, but Lilly has never so much as given me more than a friendly smile.
She stares at me earnestly, curious to learn more. “I’ve dated,” I admit. “But never anything serious.”
“Playing the field?” she guesses.
I chuckle. “You’d think so, right? Like you said… Hot, famous and rich.”
“And conceited.”
I glare at her. “It’s not me though. I’ve got some teammates who like racking up notches on the bedposts, but it’s not my jam.”
“You’re averse to meaningless hookups,” she concludes.
“Yeah… I guess I am. I like to have a connection.”
Lilly sighs. “That’s the way it should be.” She tips her head back one more time to look at the sky, then slaps her palms on her thighs. “Okay… it’s late. I need to get to sleep.”
We stand and she shrugs off my coat to return to me. To my surprise, she moves in and goes to her tiptoes, placing one hand on my chest to kiss my cheek. “Thank you, Boone. I won’t forget this night, from the awesomeness of my first hockey game to probably one of the best conversations I’ve ever had in my life just now.”
“You’re welcome,” I manage as Lilly turns her back on me to open the door. My fingertips touch the place where her lips just kissed my cheek.
It falls away when she glances over her shoulder. “Good night.”
“Good night,” I murmur as I watch her slip inside.