A Short Essay of Affirmation
Explaining Why

(With Apologies to the Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Honkies always talking ’bout

Black Folks

Walking down the streets

Talking to themselves (They say we’re high—

or crazy)

But recent events have shown

We know who we’re talking


That little microphone

In our teeth

Between our thighs

Or anyplace

That may have needed

Medical attention


My mail has been stopped

And every morning

When I awake

I speak to


Who bangs behind

My whole Rap

This is a crazy country

They use terms like

Psychosis and paranoid

With us

But we can’t be Black

And not be crazy

How the hell would anyone feel

With a mechanical dick

in his ass

lightening the way

for          whitey

And we’re supposed to jack off

behind it

Well I’m pissed


They ain’t getting


My bang


My brain

I’m into my Black Thing

And it’s filling all

My empty spots

Sorry ’bout that,

Miss Hoover