it’s so hard to love
who will die soon
the sixties have been one
long funeral day
the flag flew at half-mast
so frequently
seeing it up
i wondered what was wrong
it will go back
to half
on inauguration day
(though during the johnson love
in the pole
was cut
the mourning wasn’t
the Jews are seeking
cause there isn’t one Jew
(and few circumcised women)
in the cabinet
old mother no dick plans
to keep it
it’s impossible to love
a Jew
united quakers and crackers
for death, inc.
are back in the driver’s seat
it hertz
and i pledge allegiance
to the removal of all
it’s masochistic
(derived from colored
meaning sick to kiss massa)
to love honkies
riderless horses
backward boots
the eternal flame of the flammable
Black Man
who does not plan to screw
honkies to death
it’s so easy to love
Black Men
they must not die anymore
and we must not die
with america
their day of mourning
is our first international
it’s a question of power
which we must wield
if it is not
to be wielded