Of Liberation

Dykes of the world are united

Faggots got their thing together

(Everyone is organized)

Black people these are facts

Where’s your power

Honkies rule the world

Where’s your power Black people

(There are those who say it’s found in the root of all evil)

You are money

You seek property

Own yourself

3/5 of a man

100% whore

Chattel property

All of us

The most vital commodity in america

Is Black people

Ask any circumcised honkie

There are relevant points to be considered, Black People

Honkies tell niggers don’t burn

“violence begets you nothing my fellow americans”

But they insist on straightened hair

They insist on bleaching creams

It is only natural that we would escalate

It has been pointed out:

“If we can’t out fight them, we can’t out vote them”

These are relevant points to consider

If 10% honkies can run south africa


10% Black people (which has nothing to do with negroes)

can run america

These are facts

Deal with them

It has been pointed out:

“The last bastion of white supremacy

is in the Black man’s mind”

(Note—this is not a criticism of brothers)

Everything comes in steps

Negative step one: get the white out of your hair

Negative step two: get the white out of your mind

Negative step three: get the white out of your parties

Negative step four: get the white out of your meetings


Get the feeling out (this may be painful—endure)


Outline and implement the program

All honkies and some negroes will have to die

This is unfortunate but necessary

Black law must be implemented

The Black Liberation Front must take responsibility

For Black people

If the choice is between the able and the faithful

The faithful must be chosen

Blackness is its own qualifier

Blackness is its own standard

There are no able negroes

White degrees do not qualify negroes to run

The Black Revolution

The Black Liberation Front must set the standards

These are international rules

Acquaint yourself with the Chinese, The Vietnamese,

The Cubans

And other Black Revolutions

We have tried far too long to ally with whites

Remember the rule of thumb:



The honkie is this category

Like any beast he can be trained with varying degrees

of excellence to

1) eat from a table

2) wash his hands

3) drive an automobile or bicycle

4) run a machine

5) And in some rare cases has been known to speak

This is training, Black people,

And while it is amusing

It is still a circus we are watching

Barnum and Bailey are the minds

behind president Johnson

You would not trust your life to a wolf or a tiger

no matter how many tricks they can learn

You would not turn your back on a cobra

Even if it can dance

Do not trust a honkie

They are all of the same family

The Black Liberation Front has free jobs to offer

for those concerned about the unemployed

The sisters need to make flags

(there are no nations without a flag)

The Red Black and Green must wave from all our

buildings as we build our nation

Even the winos have a part—they empty the bottles

which the children can collect

Teen-age girls can fill with flammable liquid

and stuff with a rag

Professor Neal says a tampax will do just fine

Ammunition for gun and mind must be smuggled in

Support your local bookstore

Dashikis hide a multitude of Revolution

Support your local dress shop

As all reports have indicated our young men are primary

On the job training is necessary

Support your local rebellion—

send a young man into the streets

Our churches must bless these efforts in the name

of our Black God

Far too long we have been like Jesus


It is time for The Resurrection of Blackness

“A little child shall lead them” for the Bible tells me so

And we shall follow our children into battle

Our choice a decade ago was war or dishonor

(another word for integration)

We chose dishonor

We got war

Mistakes are a fact of life

It is the response to error that counts

Erase our errors with the Black Flame

Purify our neighborhoods with the Black Flame

We are the artists of this decade

Draw a new picture with the Black Flame

Live a new life within the Black Flame

Our choice now is war or death

Our option is survival

Listen to your own Black hearts