
The credit (or blame) for SIX-GUN IN CHEEK is not mine alone. A number of others helped in one way or another to bring it about, and so deserve recognition (or censure), too. My sincere thanks to:

Bruce Taylor and Steve Stilwell, whose mostly gentle nagging over a five-year-period finally produced the desired results;

Marcia Muller, my long-suffering wife (who doesn’t deserve it), for putting up with all the cackles, howls, and out-loud recitals produced during my research; and

Bob Adey, Robert E. Briney, Lawrence Davidson, William F. Deeck, Arthur Hackathom, Francis M. Nevins, Jr., James Pepper, Dale Walker, Jeff Wallmann, and Gene Zombolas, who provided nuggets, suggestions, books and magazines, and/or encouragement.