

  1. What do you think of the time periods the author chose to write about in The Blessing Stone? Were there any you liked more than others? Were there any you would have liked to see? Which came the most alive for you?
  2. In Tall One’s story, there is no actual dialogue. Did you notice this? Were the characters’ motivations and intentions still clearly delineated?
  3. What aspects of the ancient Middle Eastern section do you think still have resonance today?
  4. Have your ideas about fate and destiny changed after reading this book? If so, how? If not, why?
  5. What do you think the author is trying to say about superstitions and the power we give objects?
  6. Did any historical fact or idea in The Blessing Stone surprise you? If so, how?
  7. Which character in The Blessing Stone did you find the most heroic? The most villainous?
  8. The author compresses time in the “interludes.” How did the use of compressed time work for you in the story?
  9. How did the book make you think about the history of seemingly ordinary objects? For more reading group suggestions visit

For more reading group suggestions visit