Vegetarians who follow the Atkins diet should rely on other options, such as eggs, cheese, and soy. Throughout the Atkins diet, you will realize that protein is crucial. Find some suitable sources according to your dietary restrictions and focus on the variety of ways to include them in the diet to reach your protein goal.
Atkins considers eggs as "one of the most nutritious creations of nature", so if you are a vegetarian and include them, they will be the basis of your diet. Eggs can be a staple of daily breakfast and can be included in any form (boiled, fried, devilish, chopped, etc.) in meals and snacks throughout the day.
However, no one can live by eating only eggs and, above all, if you are a vegetarian who avoids them, you should turn your attention to other things, such as cheese and other dairy products such as cottage cheese and soy yogurt in particular.
From edamame, tofu, and even meat substitutes, soy is an incredibly versatile source of protein for vegetarians. Soy is a complete vegetable protein and only adds 3 to 6 net carbohydrates per serving when consumed as edamame, tofu or tempeh.
It is a diet plan focused on a rapid loss of weight and to achieve this goal of great importance is based on a drastic restriction of carbohydrates (potatoes, cereals, pasta, bread ... etc.), which physiologically, as we will see Further on, predisposes to the loss of body fat reserves.