Chinese Herbal Formulas You Can Take for Chronic or Recurrent Illnesses

Acne, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome

By the number of television commercials advertising relief for chronic illnesses, it is painfully evident that Americans are not feeling as well as they would like to. Most people have discovered that over-the-counter remedies offer temporary, marginal relief at best. Some, like Stephanie in the previous chapter, have failed to get relief from Western prescription drugs. Discussing every chronic illness would fill an entire book, so only a few common conditions are covered here.

Supporting Your Immune System

Medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Maitake, Zhu Ling, Yun Zhi, Shiitake, Enokitake, Himematsutake and Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps) have been shown both in studies and in use for thousands of years to be potent medicine to enhance and support immune function. Mushrooms produce several medicinal compounds, most notably polysaccharides, which are large, long-chained sugar molecules (carbohydrates). These polysaccharides appear to induce a pronounced immune response by increasing the number and activity of killer T and NK (natural killer) lymphocytes, which are normal, healthy immune surveillance cells that eliminate foreign cells (such as cancer). People with severe and chronic diseases have been shown to have abnormally low levels of NK cells. Low levels of NK cells are associated with many chronic viral infections such as AIDS, Epstein-Barr and hepatitis.

Immune modulators allow your immune system to be calmed if it is overactive and strengthened if it is underactive. If you are suffering from a health problem, or you simply want to stay healthy, you can take an immune modulating formula separately or in addition to your daily multivitamin/mineral supplement and the Chinese/Western formulas specific to your condition(s).

Super Green Food

You can also benefit from regularly drinking vegetable juice or super green food (sea algae). Green food will provide your body with phytonutrients (nutrients derived from plants), plant enzymes and probiotic cultures (live organisms that benefit the digestive tract and help in the absorption of nutrients) to nourish your cells as well as the electrolytes necessary to replace those lost through stress. Chlorella, spirulina and red, blue, green and brown algae infuse your body with nutrients and antioxidants. Sea algae contain bioflavonoids, which are crystalline compounds found in plants that are responsible for their deep colors. They possess antiviral, antibiotic, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antihistamine properties. You can make a protein drink in a blender using eight ounces of water, one-half cup crushed ice, one scoop protein powder, a small piece of fruit, one tablespoon of flaxseed oil and one scoop of super green food.

You can purchase immune-modulating formulas, Chinese patent herbal formulas to treat chronic and recurrent conditions, Western supplements and super green food online at ancientherbsmodernmedicine.com. While it is always optimal to consult a Chinese doctor and to prepare herbal decoctions of formulas created specifically for you, patent formulas may be used to fill in the gap between the times when you can consult a doctor, or if a doctor is not available in your area.

Your Individualized Program

Chronic and recurrent conditions, while not life-threatening, dampen the joy of existence. One of the primary philosophies of Chinese medicine—that every person is an individual—is never so true as when it comes to formatting a health program. Taking Chinese herbal formulas and nutritional supplements is not a substitute for making lifestyle changes. You will experience the best results on a health program that is well rounded and balanced. The best approach is to find a lifestyle that you personally can live with. Making compromises in some areas and being stronger in others allows you room to find a lifestyle that nurtures and supports your particular needs and desires.

The following is the foundation program upon which you can build an integrated Chinese and Western health program that is specific to your concerns. Before you start any program, consult your Western and Chinese doctors to make sure that you have a correct diagnosis of your condition. Discuss with your doctors which Western medical treatments are right for you. Ask your doctors to follow you through any lifestyle, dietary or herbal and nutritional supplement changes you make.

If you are suffering from a chronic or recurrent illness, find a health care professional who can test you for food allergies or dysbiosis, which is an imbalance of the healthy and unhealthy bacteria and yeast in the gut that may be exacerbating your chronic condition. See page 431 for a laboratory that can refer you to a health care provider in your area who does these types of tests. If you test positive for either of these factors, your health care professional can treat you on an individual basis.


Acne is a disorder that can take on various forms, such as blackheads, whiteheads, pustules and cysts. The face is almost always involved, but lesions can also often be found on the chest and back. Most cases of acne are caused by increased production of sebum, obstruction of the follicle and/or inflammation.

In Chinese medicine, acne is considered primarily a Heat and Damp excess in the skin. The Energetic systems involved are Lung and Liver.

Ways to treat acne

Modify Your Diet: Eating too much sugar results in high insulin levels, which stimulates testosterone and causes acne. Avoid sugar and reduce your carbohydrate consumption. Avoid spicy foods. Avoid processed, fried foods and hydrogenated oils, which contribute to Internal Toxins.

Drink water to flush toxins from your system. Maintain regularity of bowel movements. Further detoxify by following the vegetable juice detox program on pages 291–296.

Avoid Dehydrating Skin Products: Dehydrating face scrubs or products stimulate your body's natural reaction to produce more oil.Treat your skin gently.

Chinese Herbs and Western Supplements: You can use Chinese medicinal herbs in recipes to treat acne. See chapter 21 for recipes. You can also take Chinese herbal formulas and Western supplements specifically formulated to treat acne. Formulas can be found online at ancientherbsmodernmedicine.com.


Eczema (or dermatitis) is a pattern of skin inflammation with clinical features of redness, itching, scaling and vesicles in varying combinations. Most commonly, eczema presents as lesions, which can be dry or wet, flaky and often hyperpigmented. They are found in patches in the areas of the elbows, knees, wrists and ankles and around the eyes. Extreme temperatures, sweating, irritating clothing and harsh soaps are known to exacerbate the disease.

In Chinese medicine, Wind, Heat and Damp—or any combination of the three—are usually the cause of eczema. The Energetic systems involved are Lung, Stomach, Liver and Spleen.

Ways to treat eczema

Reduce or Quit Using Stimulants: Nicotine, alcohol, chocolate and herbal stimulants such as Ma Huang aggravate and contribute to eczema outbreaks.

Reduce Stress: Increase cardiovascular exercises such as walking or Qigong. Breathing exercises such as Qigong breathing (see page 242) are important to R stress reduction.

Modify Your Diet: Lower or eliminate intake of dairy, fried foods, sugar, processed foods (especially white sugar and white flour products), shellfish, caffeine and spicy foods. Eliminate gluten foods (anything made of wheat) for six weeks to see if there is any improvement, then slowly reintroduce these foods. Research has shown that virtually all skin disorders improve with the elimination of wheat and dairy.

Drink fresh vegetable juices (see pages 291–296) and use sea vegetables (super green food, see page 104) in blender drinks to nourish your skin (via the Blood and Liver), to provide essential iodine and to provide antioxidants to boost your immune system (via the Lung Meridian). Increase foods that nourish Blood and clear Damp and Heat (see chart on pages 310–326). Also, take essential fatty acid supplements such as cold pressed flaxseed oil.

Green tea is Energetically Cooling and therefore can be beneficial to drink in moderation.

Avoid Aggravating Detergents: Attempt to discern which laundry deter gents, bubble baths, soaps and shampoos have irritating effects and eliminate them. Replace with natural self-care products found in your health food store.

Maintain Regularity: Colon cleansing through detoxifications, along with increased fiber intake (fruit, whole grains and vegetables), helps your skin via the Large Intestine Meridian.

Bathe in Sea Salt, or Swim in the Ocean: Although it is best to keep eczema dry, wading or swimming briefly in nonpolluted ocean water—which is saline—can be beneficial. Or you can add sea salt to your bath. After bathing, gently and thoroughly pat skin dry. Expose your skin to one half hour of early morning sunshine.

Chinese Herbs and Western Supplements: Twice daily with breakfast and dinner, take 50 milligrams zinc picolinate; once a day with breakfast, take 100 milligrams B complex with 500 milligrams pantothenic acid and 400 IU of vitamin E.

You can use Chinese medicinal herbs in recipes to treat eczema. See chapter 21 for recipes. You can also take Chinese herbal formulas and Western supplements specifically formulated to treat eczema. Formulas can be found online at ancientherbsmodernmedicine.com.

Herpes A herpes outbreak results when your immune system becomes lax and cannot suppress the herpes virus. Itching, tingling, burning and painful skin lesions break out on the skin. Symptoms of tingling often occur a week or so prior to the lesions first being observed. The lesions usually evolve over a four-to ten-day period.

Herpes infection is classified in Chinese medicine as a combination of the External Causes Heat, Damp and Toxins. The frequency and intensity of symptoms depends upon the strength and balance of the Liver, Kidney and Spleen Energetic systems.

Ways to treat herpes

Follow the guidelines for eczema. In addition, try the following strategies.

Take Extra Steps to Manage Stress: Prolonged high levels of the stress hormone cortisol suppresses the immune system, which releases the herpes virus from the restraints of your immune system. Anything you can do to reduce stress will help stop herpes outbreaks. See chapter 16 for more on stress reduction.

Modify Your Diet: Avoid sugar, caffeine and excessive alcohol as well as chocolate, nuts and oats, which contain the amino acid arginine, known to aggravate herpes. Avoid shellfish, mushrooms and lamb during the acute phase.

Chinese Herbs and Western Supplements: If you are not having a herpes outbreak, take 500 milligrams lysine with breakfast for prevention.

If you are having a herpes outbreak, take 1,000 milligrams lysine with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

See chapter 21 for recipes. You can also take Chinese herbal formulas and Western supplements specifically formulated to treat herpes. Formulas can be found online at ancientherbsmodernmedicine.com.


Psoriasis is most commonly seen as a patch of well-defined skin lesions of white to silver scaling with a reddened base. These patches most often occur on the scalp, outside surface of the elbows, knees and pubic area. R 1L

In Chinese medicine, psoriasis is generally divided into two categories: excess and deficiency. Heat and Toxin in Blood during the early stage and Blood stagnation in later stages is usually seen in the excess type. Yin or Blood deficiency, leading to undernourishment of the affected area, is commonly seen in the deficient type.

Ways to treat psoriasis

Follow the guidelines for eczema and herpes. In addition, you can use Chinese medicinal herbs in recipes to treat psoriasis. See chapter 21 for recipes. You can take Chinese herbal formulas and Western supplements specifically formulated to treat psoriasis. Formulas can be found online at ancientherbs modernmedicine.com.

Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is in itself a sign of underlying pathology, and it is important for individuals who experience chronic diarrhea to pursue a clear diagnosis as to its cause.

The formula offered here for chronic diarrhea is primarily designed for nonspecific diarrhea (meaning that obvious causes have been ruled out). From a Chinese medicine perspective, this type is usually due to Qi or Yang deficiency of the Spleen or Kidney Energetic systems.

Ways to treat chronic diarrhea

Check Medications: Look at the labels of any drugs you are taking to make sure that diarrhea is not a side effect. Be cautious that you are not taking too much magnesium or vitamin C, both of which can cause loose bowels. Increase your fluid intake to compensate for the loss of fluids and to prevent dehydration.

Modify Your Diet: Following the BRAT diet—bananas, rice, applesauce and tea—can help stop diarrhea. Avoid foods that are cold in temperature and Energetically Cold. See pages 310–326 for the Energetic properties of foods.

Chinese Herbs and Western Supplements: If you notice mucus or undigested food in your stool, you can take the digestive formulas on page 102.

You can use Chinese medicinal herbs in recipes to treat diarrhea. See chapter 21 for recipes. You can also take Chinese herbal formulas and Western supplements specifically formulated to treat chronic diarrhea. Formulas can be found online at ancientherbsmodernmedicine.com.