Because I have devoted my life to bringing the integration of Chinese and Western medicine to the people of the Western world, I was honored to be asked to write the foreword to Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine. Historically, Chinese medicine has been the only medical care system in China. Western medicine was not introduced into China until the seventeenth century and it did not play a significant role in health care until the past one hundred years. During this period of time, China developed a fully integrated medical system that employs both Chinese and Western medicines. Through this “experiment,” we have learned that the tremendous conceptual gulf and differences between Chinese and Western medicines are not necessarily bad. In Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine you will see that, in fact, where Western medicine is weak, Chinese medicine is strong, and vice versa. The integration of Chinese and Western medicines is the marriage of the art and science of healing, a balance of Yin and Yang.
In this age of ever accelerating information exchange, the integration of Chinese medicine and modern science is not only necessary but inevitable. For integration to occur, people must first learn about Chinese medicine. As more and more Americans are interested in learning about and using Chinese medicine, a book on the subject that is easy to read and understand is urgently needed—both for the layperson and to help educate Western medical doctors. Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine fills this need.
When people are educated and are empowered to take care of themselves, and when doctors no longer fight over supremacy but instead come together in the spirit of cooperation to work for the benefit of all humankind, we will have a medical system that truly meets people's needs. This book is both an inspiration and a resource for those in the quest for this new health care system for our time, a medicine that brings together the best of both East and West, encourages personal transformation and facilitates the attainment of overall balance in people's lives. Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine exemplifies the future of medicine in the Western world and serves as an encouraging sign that the tide of integration is beginning on American shores.
Maoshing Ni, Lic. Ac., D.O.M., Ph.D.
Los Angeles, California