A word of heartfelt thanks goes to the many individuals who have helped me with this book, beginning with the numerous historians and biographers who have written previously on the protagonists. I have based my work on their research and writing and am grateful that so many have brought to light the fascinating lives of Queen Isabella, Catherine of Aragon, Empress Maria Theresa, Queen Marie Antoinette, Queen Victoria, and the Empress Frederick.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my editor, Tershia d’Elgin, who helped iron out the infelicities in the text. Many thanks go out to my literary agent, Julie Castiglia, of the Castiglia Literary Agency, and to Charles Spicer, executive editor at St. Martin’s Press, for all their help and support for the project. Thanks as well go to Michael Homler, Allison Caplin, and the staff at St. Martin’s Press for their help.
I am also grateful to all my friends for their support, and my family especially, who have been patient and understanding as I delved into researching and writing on another set of royal women. Special thanks also go to my husband, who made many useful critical suggestions, gave computer expertise, and provided invaluable advice and support.