ARM Template Best Practices

This is the last chapter of the book, and we have been writing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates throughout this book. You've probably noticed that there are multiple ways to write resources, parameters, and variables in an ARM template. Writing an ARM template that provisions an environment is easy; however, writing an ARM template that is also maintainable, readable, and easy to change is not. In the last chapter, we took a look at the topic of design patterns and how they help with creating maintainable ARM templates. Apart from design patterns, we should also follow certain best practices while authoring ARM templates. These best practices will ensure that ARM templates can be maintained, reused, and evolve easily over a period of time.

Some of the important best practices that should be implemented in every ARM template include the following:

  • Best practices for security, such as using Azure Key vault
  • Best Practices for declaring parameters and variables
  • Deployment best practices
  • Refrain from hard-coding values 
  • Commenting ARM templates

So, let's understand the best practices related to ARM templates.