


Caroline and David left the Shopping Bag more than a little inebriated, but they were not the only middle-aged couple weaving and stumbling.

It was Friday night after all. Everyone who was no one and had nothing else to do was at the Forest doing what so many did in St. Isidore. They wandered.

Caroline and David walked into the St. Izzy Sports Shop. David was surprised he was able to get there with none of the usual resistance from Caroline. He always liked to check out the golf clubs and fishing rods and reels, but it was something Caroline never wanted to do.

She always wanted to see a movie. That is where they usually went to grope and cuddle in the dark before leaving for a motel room. David didn't think they had seen the end of a single flick since they had discovered each other, again.

“Now that Ginger is dead, may she rest in peace, why do we have to act like we are afraid of being seen?” Caroline asked time and time again.

But she didn’t say any of that, this Friday night.

She’s probably good and buzzed, David thought, just the way I like her. She isn't young, but Caroline is available, David thought, and somebody's got to do her. Might as well be me.

He had just laid in a new box of the little blue pills that were his pecker’s salvation and a nice tube of warm KY for Caroline.

She’ll appreciate that, thought David when he bought both online. Any woman her age would, right?

David noticed Caroline was paying attention to the guns and knives and was even asking the clerk some questions.

It didn’t bother David. It couldn’t worry David. Megan and Tim wouldn’t let him think much about Caroline.

They made sure images of Megan consumed David. And she did totally overwhelm him. At the moment, while Caroline was checking out the knives, Megan was playing out another sex scene in his mind. It was one of his oldest fantasies, Megan had learned while searching David's soul.

Tim was in this one, so he liked it even more than the last scene where he was part of David, taking part in Megan.

No sloppy seconds this time. Through the magic of the Dead, Tim was sucking David’s cock while Megan was riding him with a strap-on from the rear.

Oh man, if only Caroline would play like this, David thought as he shot a huge wad in his mind.

Maybe she would have, Megan thought, if you dared to ask for what you want. Perhaps Ginger would have done it too.

"I would have. I totally would have. I wanted to do it just like this, David. Why didn’t you ever ask?" said Ginger.

That came close to spoiling the fantasy and turning it into a real train wreck. Ginger popping up in David’s mind was not something Megan or Tim counted on. They should have realized it could happen though. Ginger was as Dead as they were, and her possibilities were just as endless.

Megan didn’t miss a beat with the strap-on, but she did use part of her mind to let Ginger in on the secret.

“Stick around, and you’ll see David get everything that has been coming to him,” she told Ginger.

“A dream come true,” said Ginger.

“Want to join us for a bit in ours?” Tim asked.

And she did. The threesome became a foursome in David’s mind.

Caroline was not a part of it. But she could see David’s mind was elsewhere as she walked back to him carrying a St. Izzy Sports Shop bag on her arm.

David hardly noticed her until the moment Caroline pushed the double-sided serrated hunting knife through the plastic of the bag and into his stomach.

Caroline pushed and twisted hard, really hard, then got the blade vertical and pulled up before she drove it down. It was just the way Tim—an old homicidal maniac—told Caroline in her mind that she should gut David.

It really was tougher to do than Caroline thought it would be, but Ginger’s hand was on hers and the force of the Dead can be a mighty force indeed, as David found out that night in the Forest.

He fell to the floor, flopping and twitching with dark red blood spurting from his abdomen.

Shoppers screamed and ran away. Mall security guards moved toward David, slipping and sliding on his blood and intestines before losing their dinners.

“This is so fucking intense,” Megan told Tim.

“It always is,” he said. “When you kill like this you feel the intense pleasure of the one who is doing the killing for you, and you feel the incredible pain of the one being killed. Double whammy.”

“Let's find another,” Megan said. “Please, Tim, please. I need it again, right now.”

Talk about a double whammy, Tim thought. Not only does she love to kill, but she's also already hooked on it. And she is entirely mine, forever. Double whammy, hell. It is a triple whammy. And that’s a winner every time in my book.

Cops were everywhere by this time. Caroline had been taken away in handcuffs mumbling something about thanking Ginger for helping her kill David.

“She’s so old,” said one police officer to another. “She’s gotta be sixty-five if she’s a day.”

“Maybe eighty-five, who knows with these new drugs that are out now,” said the other. “Nobody dies now unless they want to.”

“And once they bulldozed down the Suicide Forest and built this monstrosity, there’s no place to do that.”

“At least no place cool.”

Tim overheard and was sad. The Suicide Forest had been his hunting ground and his disposal ground. It’s where he and Paul had hung up his first kill, Cheryl and then his second, Evelyn, who had stumbled on to the scene and become a witness.

He had killed so many in the Forest that it had become the death of Tim.

And now they had taken it away.

No matter. Back in Tim's day, the malls were cool too. And this one is called The Forest, Tim thought.

Looking at Megan who was flying and shimmering for all she was worth, he realized this could be the best weekend of his death.

Megan was flying, looping, doing figure-eights through the crowd, going into and out of men, women, boys, and girls, lighting their minds for a split second before they fell to the ground exhausted.

Now I have the perfect partner, Tim thought. Even better than, Paul. She loves to kill, and she’s a girl. Oops, double whammy!

“We are going to make these people so sorry they ever thought about tearing down the Suicide Forest,” he promised Megan.

And he was happy that Megan didn’t care about any of his ulterior motives. All she cared about was killing and doing it with as much pain as possible.

Tim had opened a new world to her, the world of Death. Megan was in lust with both, Tim and this new world where there were no rules.

Just Death, Tim, and me, Megan thought. And she was happy.