Dear Reader, thank you for picking up my motorcycle club story. I couldn’t do this without your support. I appreciate every one of you.
There are a lot of people that helped me get here, most prominently my husband and best friend, who fed me and loved me while I locked myself away to create my stories. (You haven’t known true partnership until you’ve emerged from a three day writing sprint, disheveled, and disgusting, only to have your husband call you beautiful and say you “don’t stink that much.”)
To my life sisters, Sarah and Tori, thank you for being my tribe while we walk this twisted path together. I send a lot of love to my my alpha and beta readers, Leslie, Maggie, and Jen, thank you for your early input and support.
To Dr. C. You were the first person who ever made me cry over my work, but you were also the first person to encourage me to publish once it was ready. I suspect you’d cringe and roll your eyes if you knew what I’m writing now. Like I always said, the canon is bullshit.