Thank you to the amazing team at Pan Macmillan who take care of me and guide me, particularly my editor, Louise Buckley. If it wasn’t for Louise I would still be self-publishing, which, though I loved and achieved great success doing so, only fulfilled half of my dream. Louise gave me the chance to complete my dream. Her support when I have wavered in my confidence has been steadfast and when I wasn’t sure of the way, she has guided me. But above all, her belief in me helps me to know that I can do whatever she asks of me. So thank you, Louise, and thank you too for the structural editing of my work that brings clarity and depth to it, and makes it sing off the page. Thanks also to Emma Bravo, my publicist, and Andy from the sales team – together you have worked tirelessly to promote me and my books and have been there for me every step of the way on my book tours, picking me up when I faltered and taking care of me. Thanks to Ali Blackburn and Laura Carr, and the team of proof-readers who find the errors, correct the punctuation and question anything that isn’t clear. Your sensitive handling of my work brings clarity where I have muddied the waters.
A huge thank you should also go to my agent, Judith Murdoch. You are extraordinary in your field, you are in my corner and always there if I need you. Your guidance and advice keeps me focused when I would otherwise slip into my old ways. Together you and Louise will get me fully into the ways of the traditional publishing world.
And last but by no means least, my thanks as always to my darling husband Roy, my daughters Christine, Julie and Rachel, and my son James, as well as their partners. And also to my grandchildren and my sisters and brothers from the Olley and the Wood family – all have encouraged me, helped me and clothed me in love. Without you I could not have begun to realize my dream. Thank you all.