Insight: Tikal – Jewel in the Maya Crown

Possibly the most visually impressive of all the Maya cities, Tikal stands majestically in the Petén jungle, occupied now only by monkeys, toucans, and other exotica.

As the first sunlight filtered through the early morning mist, the high priest, Iahca Na, emerged from the inner sanctum of Temple I. Yik’in Chan K’awiil, waiting to be crowned the 27th ruler of the great city, was clad in jaguar pelt and jade jewels, awaiting approval from the shaman who had consulted the gods for their blessing. A discreet nod from the priest confirmed Yik’in Chan’s accession and the expectant multitude gathered in the plaza below erupted in celebration, heralding a new era for Tikal.

Cosmopolitan City

As you walk through the ruins today, it is easy to forget that it was previously a thriving metropolis with a population of around 100,000. The Maya city was home to a multi-layered society: as well as the nobility there was a large middle class, comprising merchants, craftsmen, and bureaucrats, and a workers’ class, which included farmers, builders, and servants.

Tikal represents over 1,200 years of continuous construction. Wherever you stand, beneath your feet lie many layers of previous eras; more than 100 structures lie beneath the North Acropolis as we see it today.


Temple I: being closer to heaven, the small room at the top of the temples was used for sacred rituals and ceremonies.

Corrie Wingate