If you know anything about podcast advertising, you probably know what the pre-roll, the interstitial or mid-roll, and the post-roll ads are.


Pre-Roll ad:

An ad that occurs near the beginning of the episode.


Interstitial or Mid-Roll ad:

An ad that occurs as a break from the content of the episode.


Post-Roll ad:

An ad that occurs at the end of the episode.


Actual lengths and formats vary per podcaster, but in general, pre- and post-rolls tend to be 15 to 30 seconds, whereas mid-rolls can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length.


There’s debate and varying preference over the effectiveness of the pre-roll and post-roll ad placements on their own, but the consensus is that interstitial or mid-roll advertising is the most desirable.


My personal experience is that having multiple placements within the same episode works best. Many networks require either a combination of pre-roll and mid-roll ads, and I think that’s smart for two reasons:


First, it gives the audience an initial exposure to your brand’s support of the show, followed by lengthier messaging that reinforces who you are, what you’re offering, and your call to action.


Second, it keeps podcasters from selling each ad position separately, creating a scenario where you have too many advertisers placing ads on a single episode for any single advertiser’s message to be effective.


One thing to consider: the post-roll ad is frequently dismissed with the assumption that since it’s at the end of the episode, it gets tuned out or skipped over.


I disagree. The post-roll is an undervalued add-on, and I think it presents an excellent opportunity for an additional connection with the audience.


When combined with placements earlier in the episode, a post-roll ad is a great complement to an earlier ad, as it’s an opportunity to have the host remind the audience to answer your call to action once they finish the episode.