Over the many years that this book came to life, I depended upon the critical insight and support of so many friends. I am grateful to them all. There are many more—and they know who they are—who have my unending gratitude.
Raj Bahadur, Corinna Barsan, Michelle Berne, Mike Brander, Peter Bricken, Christine Byers, Mike Cahill, Christine Cassidy, Edward Cohn, Nathan Currier, Heather Dadamo, Dennis Danziger, Ken Deifek, Samantha Dunn, Hope Edelman, Leslie Fiedler, Peter Frank, Amy Friedman, Seth Greenland, John Harlow, Hal Hinson, the late Dr. Al Hudder, Tony Jacobs, Mickey Kiernan, Michael Korie, the late Paul Kozlowski, David Martino, George Melrod, Heather Miles, Dr. Jeffrey Miller, Tom Martinelli, Dwayne Moser, Stephen O’Connor, the Oliva Family, Allen Peacock, Craig Pleasants, Sheila Pleasants, Marie-Pierre Poulain, Steve Rand, Dr. A.J. Rellim, Rachel Resnick, Steve Rockwell, Alison Rowe, Britt Salvesen, the late Imogene Sanders, David Schulps, Kathy Seale, Michael Small, Jon Wagner, Dr. Kathleen Walker, and Nancy Wender.
My agent, Jennifer Lyons, for her sanity-saving phone calls.
The 18th Street Arts Center, The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, The Durfee Foundation, and The Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (COLA division).
Everyone on the great staff at Other Press. Especially Judith Gurewich and Anjali Singh, for their ceaseless efforts to make this book better. And an extra special thanks to the remarkable Terrie Akers.
To all of my cousins, who often think I’ve descended from another planet, but who always support and love me.
Most importantly, my mom, who passed away this past spring, my dad and my wife, Suzan.