
I showered after the gym then sat on the couch. I’d been there for less than five minutes when my phone vibrated with a text message.

I’m coming over.

I smiled as I read her text. Presumptuous.

Got a problem with it?

No, baby.

I went into the kitchen and cooked dinner, grilled chicken with sautéed veggies. I’d just finished when a quiet knock sounded on the door. “Come in.” I turned off the stove and scooped the food onto two plates.

She came into the kitchen, wearing a loose sweater and skinny jeans. As time passed, it was getting cooler and cooler, the summer humidity mostly a thing of the past. She sauntered toward me, her eyes glancing at the sizzling dinner I’d just made. “I hope one of those is for me.”

“They can both be for you if you want.”

She snatched a stalk of asparagus and took a bite. There wasn’t a sound, but it seemed like an audible crunch filled the room. “Neil Crimson cooks.”

“Sometimes.” I pulled the piece out of her fingers and took a bite myself. “And I cook pretty well.”

She pulled the veggie out of my hand then rose on her tiptoes to kiss me. “But you kiss better…”

My arm wrapped around her petite waistline, and I pulled her close to me, forgetting the food and getting lost in her warm embrace. I turned her back into the counter and cornered her into place. My hand gripped her thigh, and I pulled her leg over my hip. I pressed her farther into the cabinets, letting her feel my hard-on, feel how she turned me on so quickly.

She moaned into my mouth when I hit the right spot. Her arms circled my neck, and she ground against me, kissing me with those eager lips. Sometimes she gave me her small tongue, letting a hot breath escape in my mouth.

I was shirtless, so all she needed to do was pull down my bottoms to get me naked. She shoved my sweatpants and boxers over my hips until my cock was free. Then she pushed them farther down, getting me naked so she could wrap her fingers around my dick and jerk me off as she kissed me.


I wished it was summer so she could come over in just a short dress with no panties underneath. I could slide into that pussy quicker, feel that slickness without having to yank off her jeans.

She turned her head and brought my lips to her neck, telling me exactly what she wanted. She tilted her chin back and let me devour her.

I dragged my tongue up her silky-smooth skin then planted a big kiss on her neck, sucking the skin so hard that I felt like a vampire trying to suck her blood. My fingers unbuttoned the top of her jeans before I pushed them down, letting them sink to her knees. I pushed her panties down next, my fingers sliding over her slit so I could feel that perfect little pussy.

She moaned loudly when I touched her in the right spot.

I grabbed her hips and turned her around, bending her over the counter so I could fuck her from behind.

“What about the food?” she asked, her shirt just inches from the plate.

I leaned over her then pushed everything to the side. “I don’t give a shit about the food. I’m gonna eat you instead.”

She was folded underneath me, her tits perfect along with every other curve of her body. Her knees were close to her chest as I pounded her into the mattress. My cock could fuck this pussy forever, but it never went dry. She was always wet for me, whether it was three in the morning or three in the afternoon. Every time I thrust, I went balls deep, fucking this woman in a way I’d never fucked a woman before. Skin-to-skin, chest-to-chest, we were one person. I was about to come again. I could feel my balls tightening toward my body, feel my cock aching for release. Charlotte made up for that lonely three months, and these memories would have to be enough to satisfy me during my long voyage far into space.

She grabbed my ass and pulled me deep inside her, her nails cutting into me. “Come inside me, Neil.”

A woman had never said that to me, and it was the sexiest sentence I’d ever heard. Like she’d pressed a button on my cock, I pushed all the way inside her and released, moaning like it’d been years since I’d last fucked her. “Fuck…” I felt my load shoot far inside her pussy, mixing with all the other loads I’d given her that night.

Her fingers slid into my hair, and she pulled me close, kissing me as we both came down from our high.

I couldn’t stop fucking her.

I’d never wanted a woman so much in my life.

I rolled off her because my body couldn’t go any longer. It’d been hours since we started. I needed food, water, and rest. I lay beside her and closed my eyes for a second, ready to sleep hard that night.

She lay there for a few minutes, still because she probably needed the rest as much as I did. Then she sat up and fixed her messy hair with her fingers. I assumed she was going to the bathroom, but she started to put her clothes on.

“What are you doing?”

“I have to go home.”


“I have a baby, in case you forgot.”

“Why didn’t you bring him?”

“I didn’t think I was going to be here so long.”

“You should always assume you’re going to be here long.” I forced myself out of bed and pulled on a shirt.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed.”


I grabbed a bag and shoved a few things inside. “I’m coming with you.”

“I can just come back after I pick up Torpedo.”

“You’ll be too tired to come back, and we both know it. I’m coming with you.”

When I woke up the next morning, I was still tired from all the fucking.

I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone on the nightstand. It was six in the morning. I didn’t have to be up until seven, so I had no idea why my body hummed to life so early.

Once Torpedo knew I was awake, he walked up to the bed then lay right on me, hoping I’d take him outside so he could do his business on the grass.

I felt the air leave my lungs when he sat on me. “Geez, you’re heavy.”

All the movement must have woken up Charlotte because she propped herself on her elbow and opened her eyes. “You can’t give any sign that you’re awake. Otherwise, he’ll keep pestering you until you get up.”

“Then what do you do when you just want to lie in bed?”

“Pretend I’m asleep.”

“Well, I’m up, so I’ll let him out.” The second I got out of bed, Torpedo was on his feet, zooming out of the bedroom and heading to the back door. I opened the French doors and let him into the backyard. I put on a pot of coffee.

Looking sexier than ever, Charlotte walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but my t-shirt.

I brought the mug to my lips for a drink, but my eyes were glued to her.

Her long hair was in messy waves, and her tanned legs were hypnotic. Her calves were so toned they looked sculpted out of her legs, and her slender thighs led to cute knees. She opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of soy creamer before she helped herself to a mug. She was totally ignorant of the way I was staring at her…as usual.

She poured the coffee into the mug then added her creamer, her eyes downcast.

I could stare at her forever.

“We’re both up early. What should we do?” She brought the steaming cup of coffee to her lips and took a drink, looking at me through her thick eyelashes.

“You know what I always want to do.”

She chuckled before she took another drink. “I think I’m out of commission for a couple of hours…”

“I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Just a little sore.”

“Sorry…didn’t realize I hurt you.”

“Oh, you definitely didn’t hurt me. I liked every second of it. I just think we’re doing it a lot…and you’re big and I’m small. Simple physics. But we could talk.”

“Talking is good… Fucking is better.” I leaned against the counter and held the mug by the handle. “But you’re fun to talk to, so that works. What do you want to talk about?”

She shrugged. “Sex?”

I chuckled. “Would you want to go out to breakfast?”

She glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Don’t have enough time before work.”

“Hmm…got anything good here?”

“Frozen waffles…that are expired.”

I chucked. “I’m not a big breakfast-eater anyway.”

She ran her fingers through her hair as she opened and closed her sleepy eyes. When she brought the mug to her lips, her mouth opened in the sexiest way. With every passing second, she became more and more awake.

“I do have something to tell you. I’m going to DC for a couple of days.”

“Oh, vacation?”

“No,” I said with a chuckle. “That’s the last place I’d go for a vacation.”

“And where would be the first?”

I shrugged. “Hawaii? Seems nice.”

“It is nice. You see so many special things in space, but you don’t get to see how beautiful our world is… Kinda sad.”

I’d always been a workaholic. The day I graduated high school, all I cared about was the next thing on the list. I needed to do everything possible to make my dreams come true. There was no time for trips. “Yeah…it is.”

“So why are you going?”

“For work.”

“I assumed that. But why?”

It was the same hardship our relationship constantly faced, the secrecy I had to shroud my professional life in. “Another thing I can’t discuss…”

She sighed and took a drink of her coffee. “Got it. How long will you be gone?”

“Just a few days.”

“So…when are you going to tell everyone about this new mission?”

“When I’m allowed to.”

She continued to drink her coffee, looking out the window so she could see her dog in the yard. “Well, I should probably head to the gym since I’m up early. I haven’t been going lately because I’ve been busy.” She gave me a knowing look.

“But you still got a workout.”