About the Author
Misha Magdalene is a multidisciplinary, multi-classed, multi-geek, multi-queer witch with a slightly odd sense of humor who has practiced magic without a license (or a net) for more than thirty years. They’re a queer, nonbinary initiate of the Anderson Feri tradition of witchcraft, theurgic sorcery, and curmudgeonliness. They’re also an initiate of two lines of British Traditional Wicca, and have been known to dabble recklessly within the grimoire tradition. On a slightly more mundane level, they hold a bachelor’s degree (magna cum laude) in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington, which never fails to confuse people. They live on occupied Duwamish territory in the Pacific Northwest with their partner, their child, and a long-suffering bamboo plant named Smitty. They maintain an online presence at mishamagdalene.com and an ongoing blog, also titled Outside the Charmed Circle, at patheos.com/blogs/mishamagdalene.