

Charmed Circle Foreword

Chapter 1:
An Introduction to the Book (and the Author)

Chapter 2:
Getting Our Bearings, Knowing Our Terms

Chapter 3:
Embodiment as Magical Praxis

Chapter 4:
Gender in Theory and Practice

Chapter 5:
Queerness and the Charmed Circle

Chapter 6:
Safer Sex Magic for Beginners (and Experts)

Chapter 7:
Form Follows Function: Toward a Consent-Based Magical Praxis

Chapter 8:
Between the Mundane and the Divine: On Negotiating Consent with Gods

Chapter 9:
Queering Your Praxis: Developing and Adapting Magical Practices

Chapter 10:
Greater Than One: Thoughts on Politics, Power, and Community

Chapter 11:
An Ending and a Beginning: What Lies Beyond the Circle

Appendix A:
Recommended Reading and Listening

Appendix B:
Queer Magical Groups and Events
