There are many people to whom I owe many thanks for this book.
My husband, Rupert Wise, has supported me in every imaginable way. He has always believed in my writing and he knew that one day a big story would come along. Like a magician, he guides me to the stories and the stories to me. And he does so much more in helping me craft them. He is an insightful (and brave) critic. He is also an invaluable source of research information with his wide-ranging expertise.
Our children have my eternal thanks for giving it all meaning.
David Vigliano reached out through the ether, summoning my ideas and giving them the oxygen of his faith. The whole crew at Vigliano Associates—Matt Carlini, David Peak, Thomas Flannery, inter alios—have been wonderfully brilliant and supportive both on the business and on the creative side, giving me invaluable editorial input.
My brother Roy, via the website he set up many years ago for me before I even knew that such a thing existed, was the conduit that put David in touch with me. He also is a source of diverse information.
David took me to the fabulous Tor Books. Bob Gleason, editor and writer extraordinaire, you are a genius and I’m not saying that because you spotted me and my book! Tom Doherty, you have created a wonderful enterprise full of talent and energy and brightness. It is a pleasure to know you. Kelly Quinn, fellow Oxonian, you are always cheerful and upbeat, seamlessly professional and never wrong!
Huge thanks to the entire Tor team across sales and marketing and general administration. Without you guys I wouldn’t be out there.
I would also like to thank the lovely Hanca Leppink for all her support over the years. Thanks too to Marga de Boer and all the team at Luitingh-Sijthoff.
Yilin Press in China—thanks, guys! My first Chinese translation.
In the writing of this book, I have come across many brilliant and fascinating people who have helped me with research across a very wide range of subjects. I owe you all profound thanks.
Some of you I cannot publicly acknowledge here: the man with the murderous animals—glad you are on the side of the angels! The traveler and his son: I would not wish to bump into either of you on a dark night but your knowledge is impeccable. Mr. Electronica, love the live insights …
The scientists and their backers, thank you for sharing your brilliant creation.
Those whom I can thank publicly:
The U.S. Geological Survey, Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project—ARk Storm 1000 scenario, were extremely informative and helpful.
Professor Mark Saunders of University College London gave generously of his time and expertise many years ago when I first explored the idea of writing a novel around the weather.
The wonderful Rupert Allason is always forthcoming with his time and his extensive knowledge.
My brother Kenneth gave me detailed input on Singapore—clubs, restaurants, traffic, and other wonderful local detail.
Marcel Giacometti and Andrew Stuttaford were most helpful with all things financial. Marcel also gave freely of his considerable gastronomic and viticultural expertise.
Dirk Wray was a wonderful source of surfing stories. You big wave surfers are mad!
Doris, Jenie, Andrew, and Tony buy me time to write.
And I thank you, dear reader, for picking up this book.