GRE® For Dummies®, Premier 7th Edition



About the Authors

Ron Woldoff completed his dual master’s degrees at Arizona State University and San Diego State University, where he studied the culmination of business and technology. After several years as a corporate consultant, Ron opened his own company, National Test Prep, where he helps students achieve their goals on the GMAT, GRE, and SAT. He created the programs and curricula for these tests from scratch, using his own observations of the tests and feedback from students. Ron also teaches his own GMAT and GRE programs as an adjunct instructor at both Northern Arizona University and the internationally acclaimed Thunderbird School of Global Management. Ron lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his lovely wife, Leisah, and their three amazing boys, Zachary, Jadon, and Adam. You can find Ron on the web at

Joe Kraynak is a freelancer who specializes in team writing with professionals in various fields. He holds a BA in creative writing and philosophy and an MA in English literature from Purdue University and has co-authored numerous For Dummies titles, including Bipolar Disorder For Dummies with Candida Fink, MD; Food Allergies For Dummies with Robert A. Wood, MD; and Flipping Houses For Dummies with real-estate mogul Ralph R. Roberts. Joe lives in Crawfordsville, Indiana, with his wonderful wife, Cecie, their two children, Nick and Ali, three cats, and numerous forest critters. You can find Joe on the web at


Ron Woldoff: This book is humbly dedicated to the hundreds of students who have passed through my test-prep programs on their way to achieving their goals. You have taught me as much as I have taught you.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

Ron Woldoff: I would like to thank my friend Elleyne Kase, who first connected me with the For Dummies folks and made this book happen. I would also like to thank my friends Ken Krueger, Lionel Hummel, Jaime Abromovitz, and Gary Steiner, who helped me get things off the ground when I had this wild notion of helping people prepare for standardized college-admissions tests. And more than anyone else, I would like to thank my wife, Leisah, for her continuing support and for always being there for me.

Both authors would like to thank agent Bill Gladstone of Waterside Productions in Cardiff, California, for giving us the opportunity to revise this book. Special thanks to the technical editors, Frederick Sexton, MPH, and Marti Maguire, MA, of PrepSuccess, for meticulously checking the manuscript, ferreting out errors, and generously offering their own GRE expertise and insight. Also, much thanks to Chad Sievers for his patience and persistence in shepherding all the manuscript, figures, and equations through editing and production. And thanks to copy editors Jennette ElNaggar and Danielle Voirol, who carefully edited the manuscript to ensure clarity and root out errors. Finally, a shout out to Lindsay Lefevere, our acquisitions editor, who was ultimately responsible for choosing us to revise this edition and for dealing with all the minor details to get it going and keep it on track.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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Senior Project Editor: Chad R. Sievers, Victoria M. Adang

Executive Editor: Lindsay Sandman Lefevere

Copy Editors: Jennette ElNaggar, Danielle Voirol

Assistant Editor: David Lutton

Technical Editors: Frederick Sexton, MPH, and Marti Maguire, MA, of PrepSuccess

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