It Won’t Always Go to Plan

When you’re truly aligned to what you’re creating, you become unstoppable—even if bumps in the road feel like they’re slowing you down. Even if the path becomes twisted, your vision temporarily distorted, your mind temporarily distressed.

You find your flow again because you create it and make it and step into it; because you believe and receive, receive and believe. Because you know you are enough, you trust yourself and your intuition and you know that you’ve got this (or something even better).

It won’t always go to plan; but don’t let that stop you.

Keep going when things go pear-shaped

I was once asked by a huge, glossy magazine to do make-up on their editor as a trial. If I got the gig, I’d become one of the magazine’s main make-up artists, with consistent, easy work.

I was so nervous—and the editor so chatty—that I became distracted and basically forgot to finish doing her make-up. That sounds ridiculous, because I was experienced and really good at what I did. But when I got home, my stomach sank as I remembered I hadn’t put eyeliner on her; and had I even done mascara? Did I add highlighter? What had happened to my brain? I called my agent in a panic. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job.

Then there was the time I walked past a retail space for lease and had grand visions of opening my own naturopathic clinic, with Instagram-worthy storefront displays, a healing dispensary and clinic area, and a cool space to host workshops and events. I became obsessed with the idea. I called the real estate agent and set up meetings; I mapped it all out; I started to think through all the details and envision my life with this new space in it. However, the whole thing fell through within weeks. While I was initially very disappointed, I soon realised it would have been the absolutely wrong step for me to take.

A few months later, I moved my entire business to work from home, cutting costs instead of creating new ones. This opened up more availability for online healing and coaching sessions, boosting my flexibility and income. It all worked out in my favour, and for the complete betterment of my business. To this day, when I walk past that retail space I still feel a palpable, physical sense of relief that I didn’t sign the contract to take on that lease.

When things don’t go to plan, you’ll be asked to recommit to your dreams. The view might be a little different to what you hoped for or expected, but when you’re truly living in alignment with what you’re working towards, and with where you are right now, you’ll lean into this new version with even more gusto than before.


What examples come to mind of things that haven’t gone to plan in your life, but have worked out better than you could have anticipated?


I’m committed to my dreams, and I’m living in alignment with what I’m working towards, trusting that it’ll manifest in a way that’ll serve and support my highest good.