Ferguson rested his head back on the vinyl cushion of the sofa in the doctor’s waiting room, narrowing his eyes to slits and trying to avoid looking at any of the three overweight women sitting across from him. The room had all the charm of a bus depot, though the doctors who ran the practice had taken a stab at adding a personal touch—the beige walls were divided about chest high by a strip of corkboard with patients’ photos attached. Most were trying to smile.
A television was mounted in a Formica-clad cabinet at his left, playing an endless loop that alternated segments devoted to cardiovascular distress and the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Ferg had sat here long enough to be convinced he had both.
The window at the receptionist station slid open.
“Mr. Ferguson?”
“Ah, the condemned man is called for his supper,” said Ferguson, unfolding himself from the sofa. He ignored the receptionist’s puzzled frown and ambled to the hallway, pushing open the heavily sprung door where a nurse waited to lead him to the examining room.
“You are Dr. Ziest’s patient,” she said, her voice a question.
The nurse gave him an odd look, then led the way to a small room dominated by an examining table and a large medical cabinet. A scale sat opposite the lone chair in the room.
“You reschedule a lot,” she said.
“Classic doctor avoidance syndrome,” said Ferguson, stepping on the scale and adjusting his weight. He’d lost two pounds since his last visit.
“Dr. Zeist is away,” said the nurse, writing down the weight.
“That’s what they said. Should we check my height? Maybe I’ve grown.”
“Please disrobe.”
Ferg said it so innocently that the nurse didn’t know how to react. He started to undo his belt.
“Dr. Yollum will be in shortly,” she said, retreating.
“I’ll wait.”
Ferguson took off his shirt but left his pants and shoes on; he knew from experience what the exam would entail. There was a large chart on the door about the different types of diabetes, and an article from Runner’s Magazine plastered to the wall beneath a piece of plastic. The article—which Ferguson had read on his last visit—hailed the possibilities of running as a therapy for insulin-independent diabetes. It was long on feel-good pabulum and short on actual medical science, but had exactly the sort of cheerful tone that most doctors, including Zeist, liked to greet their patients with.
Yollum—Zeist’s junior partner—was either too far behind schedule or too inexperienced to offer it. He rapped at the door, then whipped it open, reading Ferg’s chart and swirling inside with the ferocity of one of the SF team members on a hostage rescue. He opened the folder and slapped it down on the cabinet, smoothing it over and tapping the top page before even looking for his patient.
“They gave you a hell of a dose of radiation,” said Yollum, still looking at the chart. He stood about five-three, and his face was out of proportion to his body—large and square
and red, as if he’d washed it with a mild acid before coming to work.
“Yeah. I still don’t need a light to read a book,” said Ferguson.
“Dr. Zeist is away.”
“All I really need is the prescription updated. I’m almost out of the sheets I stole.”
“You really shouldn’t joke about things like that,” said Yollum.
“How do you know it’s a joke?”
“It says in your chart. Double funny bones.”
“I do my best.” Yollum took his stethoscope and began doing an exam. Ferg flinched as the metal touched his chest—his recent adventures had left him with several large bruises. He was better off than Guns, though—despite his protests, the Marine had been shunted to a Navy hospital ten minutes after a corpsman took a look at him at Guantanamo.
“You have a number of contusions,” said Yollum diplomatically. “Scratches on your face.”
“Bar fights are my hobby,” said Ferguson.
“Cough please.”
Ferg choked, proving he didn’t have a hernia. Yollum went back to his chart. “You’ve lost weight.”
“Mmmm.” Yollum started hunting through the papers. “Your lab work doesn’t seem to be here.”
Ferg stood and reached into his back pocket. “This is a copy,” he said. “They sometimes get lost.”
Yollum, embarrassed, took the sheet.
“Don’t sweat it, Doc. I’m used to the routine. That’s why I had a copy sent to me.”
Yollum took the lab report, pushing the papers back to see the details of his temporary patient’s history. Ferg watched him stop at the pathology report, his nose twitching slightly as he read the size of the tumor removed from his thyroid—4.2 centimeters—and the fact that it had spread beyond the thyroid capsule. He moved on, pushing through the reports
from the radiologist on the full body scans he’d already referred to, hunting for the stack of lab results, which tracked the levels of thyroid replacement hormone in Ferguson’s bloodstream.
“You’re a little low,” said Yollum.
“Yeah. Sometimes I forget to take the second pill.”
“How often?”
Ferguson shrugged. If he knew how often, he wouldn’t miss it. He thought it worked out to about once a week on average, but there were probably times he missed it more often. Once in a while he missed his morning dose as well, which was much higher; there was always hell to pay for that.
“Dr. Zeist has you on an unusual protocol,” said Yollum. “T-3 and T-4. We usually just do T-4.”
Replacement hormone therapy—necessary for someone like Ferguson who had had his thyroid removed—had the aura of an exact science. It had been done for many, many years; in fact, the replacement hormone drugs were so old they predated key FDA requirements. But the truth was that the exact process of how the different hormones worked in the body was still shrouded in mystery. Though the body converted T-4 into T-3, many patients—including Ferguson—reported that they felt considerably better on a combination. Only a few doctors believed them and were willing to experiment with different dosages; Zeist was one.
“Thing is, Doc, I have a meeting I have to catch. I’d appreciate it if you could write me the prescription. If you want to up the T-3 slightly, I can try it.”
“You interpreted the lab numbers.”
“Dr. Zeist showed me how,” said Ferg. It was a lie—Ferguson had done his own research, and in any event it wasn’t rocket science—but Ferguson knew the fib would make Yollum feel better.
“I’m not saying the protocol is bad. But if you’re having trouble remembering to take the second pill, it’s going to do more harm than good. The replacement drugs are also a kind of chemotherapy for you, and considering the size of the tumor and the scans—”
“I know what the statistics are,” said Ferg. He tried smiling, but he was starting to run low on patience.
Yollum clearly had a lecture on the tip of his tongue about how slow-moving his type of thyroid cancer was, how even someone diagnosed with Stage IV had a chance of surviving five years after surgery and even beyond—but he stowed it at the obvious tone of impatience.
“I’ll write the prescription.”
“I need the lab report back,” said Ferguson. “I found it useful to hold on to copies of my stuff.”
“Of course. I’ll have the office staff make a copy. Bob, you’re due for another scan.”
“Did you want to set that up now?”
Did he want to? No. The scan itself was a major hassle—you drank a bunch of radioactive iodine and lay in a claustrophobic machine while a special camera climbed over your body and hunted for stray thyroid cells, which by definition would be cancerous. Then you tried not to get close to anyone for the next few days, since you were radioactive. But that was the easy part—in order to do the scan with a high degree of accuracy, you had to go off the thyroid medicine for several weeks. It was like signing up for clinical depression.
“How about the shots?” said Ferguson, suggesting an easier protocol.
“You really have to have a clean scan first, usually two. Maybe next time.”
“Uh-huh,” said Ferg. He wasn’t sure whether to bother with the scan or not; according to all the studies, further treatment didn’t affect survival rates, which pretty much meant they were useless.
“You probably want to discuss it with Dr. Zeist. Come into my office, and I’ll write the prescriptions for you. Government worker, huh?”
“Oh yeah,” said Ferg, pulling on his shirt. “Pay sucks, but you can’t beat the health plan.”