Correspondence between Gordon Welchman and the following:
Christopher Andrew |
David Kahn |
Dennis Babbage |
Bruce Lee |
Benjamin de Forest (Pat) Bayly |
Ronald Lewin |
Ralph Bennett |
Philip Lewis |
Joan Bright |
Tadeusz Lisicki |
William Bundy |
Mark Lynch |
Peter Calvocoressi |
Kenneth Maidment |
Malcolm Chamberlain |
Sir Peter Marychurch |
William Casey |
John McLaughlin |
Jim Cochrane |
John Monroe |
John Cushman |
Stuart Milner Barry |
Cipher Deavours |
Thomas Parrish |
Robin Denniston |
Brian Randell |
Barbara Eachus |
David Rees |
Ralph Erskine |
Neill Rosenfeld |
Harold Fletcher |
Frank Rowlett |
George Goodall |
Sir William Stephenson |
Michael Handel |
William Stevenson |
John Herivel |
Jean Stengers |
Andrew Hodges |
Sir Edward Travis |
Jean Howard |
Peter Twinn |
Leonard (Joe) Hooper |
Frederick Winterbotham |
R. V. Jones |
Houston Wallace |
Lord Asa Briggs, former MITRE colleagues, Andrew Hodges, Oliver Lawn, Diana Lucy, Patricia Macneal (née MacFarlan), Brian Oakley, Nick and Linda Welchman, Susanna Welchman, Rosamond Welchman, Ross and Bunny Westcott, Michael Wimer
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