Kate Parker grew up reading her mother’s collection of mystery books by Christie, Sayers, and others. Now she can’t write a story without someone being murdered, and everyday items are studied for their lethal potential. It’s taken her years to convince her husband that she hasn’t poisoned dinner; that funny taste is because she just can’t cook. Her children have grown up to be surprisingly normal, but two of them are developing their own love of literary mayhem, so the term “normal” may have to be revised.
Living in a nineteenth century town has inspired Kate’s love of history. Her Victorian Bookshop Mystery series features a single woman in Late Victorian London who, besides running a bookshop, is part of an informal detective agency known as the Archivist Society. This society solves the cases that have baffled Scotland Yard. This allows the victims and their families to find closure. The first two books in the series, The Vanishing Thief and The Counterfeit Lady, are available now at all major physical and online bookstores. The third book in the series, The Royal Assassin, will debut in July, 2015.
Follow Kate and her deadly examination of history at KateParkerbooks.com and Facebook.com/Author.Kate.Parker/.