“I’ll ship your work to you, Guy.” Ms. Lace glanced pointedly to the door.

“Fine!” Miroir yelled. “You all lack the talent and imagination to understand my work anyway!” He threw his scarf over his shoulder, ran out, and slammed the door behind him.

“Well. Now that that’s out of the way,” Ms. Lace said. She turned to the mayor. “I’m very sorry, Ms. Mayor. I’m sure we can find you a worthy replacement. One that’s authentic.”

“You know, Nina made the piece Guy reflected in Gleam amidst the Gloom. It’s on her website,” Ada said.

“It’s called Shine,” said Nina.

“Yes, I’ve seen it. When I was in here the other day, I admired that piece that your mother has over her desk.” She pointed to a school project that Nina had given to Ms. Lace. “So I asked about the artist, and then I found your portfolio. I adore Shine. So much fresher than Miroir’s copy. I’d love to see it up in my office every day,” the mayor said to Nina.

“Oh my gosh! Thank you! This is the best day of my life!” Nina squealed, and then quickly composed herself. “I mean, ahem, yes, Ms. Mayor. I think we can have that arranged.”
